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your weekly Facebook recap! ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

if you don’t follow the scruffy dog facebook page (and why wouldn’t you?), you’ll have missed some of these sneak peeks of scruffy clients …

first up, the lounging Daisy at the beginning of her session last week …

and her brother Duke … a.k.a. Ears McGee …

and fun in the park …

then i offered up a photo of little Baxter, in an attempt to share my feelings about Rogers and their service …

Scout showed off her catching abilities … eye on the ball, eye on the ball!

and i shared some more before-and-afters in regards to the post-production work that goes into scruffy dog images … these are some of Lolli’s images from a shot a few weeks ago.

then there was Jack and Fergus …

and Fergus showed off his newly discovered post-balancing skills …

then there’s big boy James during his second scruffy dog session … showing off the floatmount from his first session …

and last, but not least … sweet, sweet Macy, who i so easily could have taken home … always mindful of the camera as she quickly overcame her camera-phobia …

… especially once she let loose in the autumn leaves and along the beach.

and that’s what you missed last week on facebook!

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  • KarenThat’s a lovely shot of Daisy running in the park Illona. She looks so happy. I love the limited colour palette of her coat and the branches in the background.ReplyCancel

  • PennyGreat shots! How many dogs do you have? Lolli is so cute!ReplyCancel

    • illonathanks, Penny. i have two rescue dogs … most of the dogs you see here belong to clients of scruffy dog photography. thanks for stopping by.ReplyCancel

  • DLuker#347 Fergus on the post: all that great detail in that delicious light! Big fav!ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomWow, those are beautiful. I love seeing the pre and post processing.ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawFace Book was fun last week!!!!
    Macy is pretty sweet…lolReplyCancel

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