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truly unique dog bling ~ things we love ~ {Ontario pet photography}

recently the scruffies received some new bling for their collars, and i just had to share!

these tags are made by Emily from Ador-a-bull Dog Rescue, whose incredible creativity can be viewed in her Etsy shop Smork & Beans.

these custom-made, one-of-a-kind tags can be ordered round or square, and are completely customizable.  from Pirate Emm’s Smork & Beans Etsy site:

so for Matea, my super retrieving girl who helps around the house by fetching things and carrying whatever needs to be carried when our hands are full ..

and for Merrick, well, his tag was all about his favorite thing in the world (besides me, of course) …

thanks for the fab tags, Emily!  and please give a big hug to Quinn for me!

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  • Susan RobsonThis is from the oh, so proud mom of “pirate emm”. Your talents and skills amaze but do not surprise me!ReplyCancel

  • Jackieohhhh these are ahhh-mazing! Sonny is so jealous an wants one….only his would say “food food food” instead of “ball ball ball” 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Susan RobsonThis is from the oh, so proud mom of “Pirate Emm”! Your creativity and artistic skills in so many different media never cease to amaze! Love the photos! Will share with dog owner friends for sure!ReplyCancel

  • Julia LongpreSo sweet! If only we had a dog. Do you make hamster sized ones?

    I’ll pass it along to my dog owner friends :).


  • Lisa B.Those look great! I’ve added those tags to my “wish list”!ReplyCancel

  • EmilyThey look great on your kids!!! Thanks so much for posting this – made my day! Quinn has been hugged, and sends snorts and smooches back! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Sandy & RykerVery cute and stylish!ReplyCancel

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