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this is Orville ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

this tall, dark, and handsome man is Orville …

dashing, isn’t he?

this boy was adopted from the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society.  as you can tell from the backdrop, this shoot was done in the graffiti tunnel right after Memphis’ dad, Don, painted it specially for Memphis’ custom shoot.  i didn’t want the painting to go to waste after Memphis’ shoot so we booked Orville for a quickie …

you’ll be seeing more of Orville later this year as he is scheduled for a proper big shoot in the fall …

… when he can run and fetch and be a goofball on some real doggy turf, not some grotty train tunnel.

still, Orville was a good sport about his little graffiti shoot … even though i know it was tough for this high-powered athlete to sit still for this kind of shooting …

thanks, Orville.  and i’m looking forward to seeing you really let loose in a more species-appropriate setting this fall!

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  • Joanna ReichertOh my goodness – Orville has a ridiculously adorable smile!ReplyCancel

  • Julie weisbergWhat a great name. I love Orvilles humped nose. He looks so cute in the one where he looks like he’s talking to you with the legs splayed a little.ReplyCancel

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