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the incomparable mabel ~ {Hamilton, Ontario dog photographer}

well, she’s not completely “incomparable” since she looks a lot like my original scruffie Murph — the soul and impetus behind scruffy dog photography — but this s-wheaty cross is certainly one of a kind.  yes, this is Mabel …

you met her zany brother in our last blog entry, and since these two really were a couple of absolute super-stars at their shoot, they each deserved their own blog entry.  in fact, you’ll be seeing a yet third blog entry of photos of the two of them having a blast together, since there were simply too many fun ones!

because mom Kelly was after some red in her images, i confirmed that the red caboose was, indeed, in the station.  and we started off there, because we knew these two were going to get a little dirty.

dirty dirty girl!

i had such a blast with these two in the water, setting up shots …

and yeah, i got a little, a lot wet.

not as wet as the dogs, fortunately!

and is there anything happier than a wet dog?

from here, we headed to one of the wheat fields that i’ve been using since it’s been cut.

one thing you should  know about Mabel is that she loves to roll … she even tries to roll when she’s IN the water.  so it was no surprise that she enjoyed a good back scratch as soon as we hit the stubbly wheat field.

and a blow dry …

Mabel and her brother just loved being themselves no matter where we went.

but after three hours, unlike her brother, Mabel was finally starting to slow down a bit in the last rays of light.

but … where there’s a Cuz ball, there’s always a second wind!

thanks for being such a stellar model, Mabel.  i’m sure i’ll be talking to you soon …

this past weekend i just finished designing and laying out Mabel and Murdock’s 10″ scruffy dog Signature album as part of their package … yup, i’m that far behind in blogging clients.  stay tuned for some together-shots of these two awesome models to come … and lots more client shoots.

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  • Stephanie ThrasherYour scruffy dog looks just like my scruffy dog! Beautiful photos!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonWhat a great energetic scruffy! I bet you had a blast shooting Mabel!!
    Great work!ReplyCancel

  • Felicity, Anouk and Ziggy StardustA wheatable in a wheat field, how appropriate! How well you have captured Mabel’s joie de vivre. Don’t suppose you want to take an Australian working holiday and shoot my two? 😉ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawMabel is beautiful! Love, love love the shots in the wheat field!!!!ReplyCancel

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