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sneak peek Barkley ~ {Hamilton, Ontario pet photographer}

alas, i’m very behind on sneak peeks.  here’s a sneak of Barkley’s summer session from a couple of weeks ago.

for you devout scruffy dog blog followers, you’ll remember Barkley from his winter session.  now it was time for his summer session, and what a sweet boy he is to work with.

and he loves, loves, loves his teddy bear …

stay tuned for Barkley’s fuller blog entry soon.

happy September 1st, everyone!!

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  • DianeLewisPhotographAbsolutely LOVE that first shot in the creek! Hope you weren’t in the creek too, if you were be careful in the future as I broke my elbow in a creek that looked very similar ( low trickling water). I stepped on a rock to take a shot and it was like ice and I flew into the air and onto my elbow and shattered it( camera also flew into the creek as well, but fared much better than me even after landing in the water).ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonPretty boy!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawCan’t wait to see more…he sure is handsome!ReplyCancel

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