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shadow’s scruffy session ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photographer}

if you follow the scruffy dog facebook page, you’ll have already seen several sneak peeks of Shadow, the ever-smiling golden …

i know i’m not the only one thinking: “Squirrel?!”

we had a lot of fun at our session, driving around and finding different locations in which to shoot this lovely boy … from parks, and Unionville station …

mom, Betty, was after a photo of her boy in a very natural setting like a field.  alas, those can be hard to find in Toronto, but how about this?

as the sun was setting, i spotted these long grasses behind a restaurant in some plaza just off the highway …

and some fun in Shadow’s backyard …

and his favorite park.

my favorite images from the shoot were taken at the tracks in Unionville …

of course, it was all going great until a wedding photographer and her entrouage elbowed their way onto our location, with no regard for our shoot …

so, we moved on.

we even found a not-quite-ripe soybean field to romp in …

thanks so much for being such a happy boy, Shadow.

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  • AliceThat unconditional love of people and life is so endearing…..Shadow, if only I can be as pure and free as your spirit…. You are the best teacher and healer of humanity truly.ReplyCancel

  • EireenI love all the pictures. So beautifully taken ! Shadow is such a lovely boy !ReplyCancel

  • Grace VGreat to see a golden on the Scruffy Dog site! Such a beauty.ReplyCancel

  • IanFrom one photographer to another I love your work and would hire you to shoot my own dog. Too bad about the wedding photographer but it looks like you did get your shot.ReplyCancel

  • LaurenWhat a beautiful creature! and the expression in the first image is just priceless and made me smile. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawShadow is so beautiful. I love, love the shot at Union Station below the sign and the “track” shots, as well!! Gorgeous..they are all gorgeous.ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomWhat a beautiful boy!ReplyCancel

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