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saffurious! ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

you met this little razor-toothed sweetheart earlier in her sneak peek on the blog, and now i can share a few more photos from her super-fun shoot during one of our last sunny, late fall days in November.

this little girl is amazing.  i’ll admit, when Saffy’s mom first contacted me for a squeeze-in fall session and told me about her 12-week-old little bundle of joy i thought for sure i’d have a typical hyper, keyed-up, out-of-control, liver-coloured lunatic on my hands … after all, my girl Matea’s BFF for the past 8+ years is a girl just like this, so i figure i know a thing or two about these crazy GSP girls.  but although Sapphire — a.k.a. Saffy — has all the energy, wildness and  loony-toons one would expect from any respectable GSP puppy …

… there was also a real sense of calm about her as she took in her surroundings — me and the cameras included — with wonder.

given that this was Saffy’s first introduction to water, but we didn’t want her going in this particular time (since i’m not 100% confident of the reservoir’s water quality in regards to a young pup’s immune system), i was careful to keep Saffy’s experience positive, her interest in the water piqued, and using high-level distractions like the Cuz ball to call her away from the water’s edge instead of a ‘no’.

typical of the breed, and with the right motivation — my high-pitched ‘puppy! puppy! puppy!’, along with the Cuz ball and treat rewards — this little girl was easy for recalls.

but one thing is for sure, she’s pretty enamored with her boy Marty …

and i think, with the right guidance, these two will make a fantastic team …

i think one of the things that makes this little girl such a fabulously well-rounded little pup … so easy-going and calm, yet healthy and energized … is good, responsible breeding.  this girl comes from Big Country Kennels, breeding both German Shorthaired Pointers and Bernese Mountain Dogs — extremely responsible breeders who not only health-check their dogs, but have also seen first-hand the benefits of raw-feeding.  kudos to Big Country!  and by the way, if you’re looking for raw-food supplies, check out their raw food supply website: Big Country Raw.

although, for those who know this breed, it might seem a little crazy that this girl is the family’s first dog — GSPs can be more than a handful even for a seasoned dog-owner — i think mom Cindy has made a great choice for their active family and son Marty.  and with a breeder’s expertise and guidance to help them along the way, they should be in good stead to offer this girl a wonderful, fulfilled GSP life.

thanks, Cindy, Marty and Saffy, for a fabulous afternoon.  i hope you enjoy your fun-filled gallery.

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  • marty and saffyThanks for all these great comments, I am Marty the boy in the picture and saffy is now 3 turning 4ReplyCancel

  • TAMMY SPENCERHELLO…I really loved the pics of Saffy. We own Willow her sister.Willow is also a beautiful dog.She is tiny being the runt of the liter. I would love for Willow to meet her sissy Sassy soon if that would be possible for a pic together. Thank-you. TammyReplyCancel

  • AlisonI too have a GSP from Big Country, and seeing these pics of Saffy make me want another!!

    Great pics!ReplyCancel

  • BonitaBeautiful!!!ReplyCancel

  • TrinaHi, I stumbled across your blog and just wanted to tell you how fabulous every image is! I can read it for hours!ReplyCancel

  • ScottVery fun shoot!ReplyCancel

  • kellilook at the focus she has on marty already! i loved seeing this bond. my first dog was a small lab mix named sapphire, and i was about the same age as marty, so this brings back a lot of memories. boy i wish i had photos like this to help me remember those days!! i am actually sitting here with a tear in my eye, thinking back.

    the 6th from the top, with those ears and her far-reaching stride… priceless!! this is one of my favorite scruffy dog posts of all time.ReplyCancel

  • marlesghillieAbsolutely gorgeous dog – a wee beauty!ReplyCancel

  • Tatyanalove this set! When I was that boy’s age I’d have given *anything* for a pup friend like this 🙂 They look like they are already the best of friends.ReplyCancel

  • SlavicaLove the ones of Saffy & Marty ! What a special bond they will create together .
    Beautiful pictures !!!!ReplyCancel

  • SandraThese two are are just too darn cute together. Pure Love.ReplyCancel

  • sarahgorgeous! and ohmygod those EARS!ReplyCancel

  • JackieIve been dying to see this blog post ever since i saw the sneak peak, you did an amazing job capturing the personality of this puppy!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawSaffy is beautiful!!! Illona, again nothing short of fantastic!! I’m sure; as all your clients experience, Saffy’s family will have a hard time picking from her gallery!!!!! Oh, how fun!

  • Lori E.Beautiful set! I’m smitten with the photos of Sapphire and her boy. Those photos will truly be cherished for generations.ReplyCancel

  • MarlaThese shots are just fantastic, Illona, and Saffy is adorable. The shots with her and Marty are heart-warming and just gorgeous. These are definitely some of my favourites from your entire ‘catalogue’!ReplyCancel

  • LoriBeautiful shots as always! I love that first boy-and-his-dog photo, very sweet 🙂ReplyCancel

  • SydneyJust the thing I needed before work, a puppy fix! Saffy is absolutley adorable and defintly seems very happy. My favorite shot of her has the be the one of her running straight on at you with those big ears flapping (I love long ears!). Great as always Illona.ReplyCancel

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