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Roy ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

on this long summer weekend here in Ontario, while a lot of you are enjoying the cottage, i thought it was appropriate to share some beach photos with you all.   so, this is Roy …

and that’s his big sister, Chili, behind him, but you’ll meet her later.  this blog entry is for little Roy …

although Roy and Chili reside in Waterloo, i met them for their shoot out at their cottage along Lake Huron, and thank doG, since it was during our hottest week in July.  as i drove west to the cottage the temperature gauge on the scruffy dog mobile dropped slowly but steadily, and we were afforded a 5-degree drop in the heat and some welcome breezes down on the beach.

enough breezes to give Roy a little lift …

this little 7-year-old Havanese boy was quite at home on the lake.

taking little dips in the water when he needed to cool down …

mostly he was happy to follow the water-line, dabbling his toes, as we made our way down the shore

and then catching the afternoon rays whenever we stopped.

Roy could be a bit of a poser …

… and other times a little shy.

but with his beach-camouflage intact, Roy took the shores by storm …

we shot until sunset … and who doesn’t like walks on the beach at sunset?

you’ll get to meet big sister, Chili, next.  stay tuned.

thanks for showing me your slice of beach, Roy!  hope you enjoyed the rest of your vacation!

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  • useakmeNice pics – what camera/lense do you normally work with?ReplyCancel

  • Sarah KimmelNice dog and nice picture……….i luv it.ReplyCancel

  • Janice CraigWhat a great location. Can’t think of a better place to spend a summer afternoon. Beautiful pictures!ReplyCancel

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