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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

and here’s Chili ~ {Ontario pet-exclusive photographer}

as promised, here is Chili Pepper, Roy’s big (but younger) sister …

even though she has a little more wind resistance than wee Roy, she’s got way more leg … so it’s work for the little guy to keep up … a combination i’m more than familiar with.

Chili is two years old, and sporting a lion cut.  although spectacular to shoot in profile …

it can be downright impossible for portraits.  in her booking information, mom, Patti, was clear about wanting shots that showed off  Chili’s beautiful brown eyes.  but how to achieve that when this big girl resembles a black version of the easygoing, lunch-taking sheepdog in Roadrunner and Wile E Coyote?

sure, you can wait for the right breeze, and i captured a few of those photos … but those can be few and far between when your subject starts mimicking a bobble-head on the dash of a pickup along a back road of washboard as she tosses her curls into the breeze with the hopes of catching site of something, anything down the shoreline.  so, lucky for me, i had an extra hair elastic!

and when she lost that, i had a rubber band.

Patti assured me that she often does this with Chili’s bangs, so i knew the look wouldn’t appear unnatural.

for a Porty, she didn’t venture into the water too much … not a retriever, she’d go in just long enough to cool her butt ….

obviously, the best way to capture Chili’s eyes was to shoot her at a full run …

but then she’d loose her hair elastic, and … well … it was back to that timeclock-punching sheepdog look.

even moreso than her brother Roy, Chili loves her beach …

although rarely sitting still for long …

thanks, Chili and Roy, for showing me your beach …

and Patti, i hope you’re enjoying your double-wide gallery.  i’ll see you soon at your studio consult!  enjoy the rest of your vacation!

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  • leesiayour action shots never cease to amaze. what a gorgeous session – and those eyes in the seventh one down!! you’ve done it again. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • sherry bolesCongratulations on the great job of capturing those beautiful eyes! You got a wonderful mix of action and still shots with this beauty!ReplyCancel

  • Don StrausMornin’ Ralph………Mornin’ Sam.
    Great shots!ReplyCancel

Roy ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

on this long summer weekend here in Ontario, while a lot of you are enjoying the cottage, i thought it was appropriate to share some beach photos with you all.   so, this is Roy …

and that’s his big sister, Chili, behind him, but you’ll meet her later.  this blog entry is for little Roy …

although Roy and Chili reside in Waterloo, i met them for their shoot out at their cottage along Lake Huron, and thank doG, since it was during our hottest week in July.  as i drove west to the cottage the temperature gauge on the scruffy dog mobile dropped slowly but steadily, and we were afforded a 5-degree drop in the heat and some welcome breezes down on the beach.

enough breezes to give Roy a little lift …

this little 7-year-old Havanese boy was quite at home on the lake.

taking little dips in the water when he needed to cool down …

mostly he was happy to follow the water-line, dabbling his toes, as we made our way down the shore

and then catching the afternoon rays whenever we stopped.

Roy could be a bit of a poser …

… and other times a little shy.

but with his beach-camouflage intact, Roy took the shores by storm …

we shot until sunset … and who doesn’t like walks on the beach at sunset?

you’ll get to meet big sister, Chili, next.  stay tuned.

thanks for showing me your slice of beach, Roy!  hope you enjoyed the rest of your vacation!

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  • useakmeNice pics – what camera/lense do you normally work with?ReplyCancel

  • Sarah KimmelNice dog and nice picture……….i luv it.ReplyCancel

  • Janice CraigWhat a great location. Can’t think of a better place to spend a summer afternoon. Beautiful pictures!ReplyCancel

nominations for the KW Record’s Readers Select Awards ~ {Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

to all of our most awesome clients and followers … The Kitchener-Waterloo Record has launched their annual Readers Select Awards as of yesterday.  these online nominations are taking place right now, and only until next Wednesday, August 3.  after the tally, the top five businesses in each category are then open to voting as of August 31, so each nomination counts!

as most of you know, i don’t generally ask for this kind of thing … but i also realize that a lot of you may not even be aware of these awards.  so i humbly encourage you to visit the nomination link at the bottom of this post (click on the Readers’ Select Awards image) and — only if you feel confident in doing so — cast your nomination for scruffy dog photography as favorite Kitchener-Waterloo “Photography Studio”.

of course, being pet-exclusive means we don’t see the kind of high volume of clients that bigger studios experience with multiple photographers working under the same brand, shooting kids, weddings, couples, portraits, etc., but hey, i figured the nomination process was worth mentioning.

the form is easy and fast to fill out … i’ve done it myself to nominate some of my favorite businesses including favorite pet shop, favorite animal vet clinic and a few more.  and no, i didn’t nominate scruffy dog … that’s up to you — our loyal scruffy clients and followers in K-W and beyond!

there appears to be nothing in the Rules and Regulations that prevents non-Kitchener-Waterloo residents from nominating their favorite businesses … so for all of our wonderful scruffy dog clients in surrounding areas, please feel free to visit the link and quickly fill in the easy nomination form.

NOTE: the “Photography Studio” category is on the first of several pages of categories … once you have filled in your favorite K-W Photography Studio, you still have to click the “Next” button to go through the few other pages in order to complete the form. And hey, if you have another favorite K-W Photography Studio, I totally understand!  It’s all about choosing your favorite.

also, please note: only one online ballot per email address will be accepted.

thank you to all who continue to show your support of scruffy dog photography!

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  • SusanI would but I’m in Quebec…sorry! Best of luck though!ReplyCancel

  • elfiles chiens, le mieux photographiés du monde! superbe!ReplyCancel

  • becky g. (from AZ)Done. Good luck!ReplyCancel

  • illonathanks, Lisa.

    Melissa, well that is pooey. that excludes some of the scruffy dog clients as we do have out-of-province and across-border clients. 🙁
    thanks for taking the time though.ReplyCancel

  • MelissaI started to fill one out until I read the rules. Only Ontario residents are eligible… pooey.ReplyCancel

  • Lisa BrencisDone!ReplyCancel

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