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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

interview with Black’s Photography ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

when Ryan Visima — social media guru and blogger for Blacks — contacted me regarding an interview for Black’s website about pet photography i could hardly say ‘no’, even though — like a lot of photographers — i prefer to remain on the safe-side of any camera.

hope you enjoy it.

and a special thank you / shout-out to Heather Windsor for recommending scruffy dog to Ryan for the series. if you’re not already familiar with Heather’s stunning wedding and portrait work, do check out her website. when a recommendation comes from someone you’ve never met, it’s an even greater honour. so, thank you, Heather!

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  • PeterGreat interview, I love the shot of the brown whippet. Some great captures in the video. I love the scruffy dog that’s hanging out on the couch. Great life.. haha

    Studio Coordinator at PTSMstudios– Toronto Photography StudioReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawAwesome interview illona…and I agree sweet Merrick and Matea were awesome in their supporting roles!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Photography ForumGreat Interview and nice work. We’d be honored to have folks like you sharing in our forum if you’re interested…check it out.



  • JackieYAY! great interview Illona! Merrick and Matea did a great job in their supporting roles 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonGreat interview illona!
    Hard to believe you get down and dirty rolling on the ground to get a lot of your shots! LOL! You clean up well! ;-P
    You never cease to amaze me with your work, and of course your co-stars have taught you everything you know!ReplyCancel

  • Susan HumphreysHi Illona, Great to see you in front of the camera. Of course your two
    ‘co-stars’ were wonderful too.!

    Susan Humphreys

  • RachelLoved seeing this interview, thank you so much for posting it! Your pet photography is truly inspiring and any little tips and tidbits you share are pearls of wisdom, in my eyes.

    Also loved how doting your two dogs are two each other! Snuggling each other, snuggling you! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • MarlaExcellent interview, Illona. loved your two lazy hams too 😉ReplyCancel

  • Cliff (parker) Willithat was nice..perfect in every way.ReplyCancel

  • Joni SolisGreat interview! Nice to get to see what you look and sound like. Love the way your two dogs are just chilling out with you. Also enjoyed see some of your pet photos displayed during the interview.ReplyCancel

  • Marci LiroffSO great to see you IN FRONT of the camera and with such ease and grace!
    LOVED how the dogs are draped over each other and you!ReplyCancel

  • LyndaWonderful interview – you looked and sounded great! I love how they showed some of your photos during the interview, some really nice ones.

    But I have to say, Merrick stole the show – starting when he laid his chin on Matea’s neck, and from then on I had a hard time taking my eyes of the little cutie!ReplyCancel

  • JenniferGreat job! Love that my favorite photo of Matea is right behind you…and by the way did you sedate your dogs for this interview? 🙂 LOL! Sleepy pups!ReplyCancel

  • sarahawesome illona! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Liz UribeI loved to watch the interview! You are amazing! Loved to see your beautiful girl and boy. You have such an hability to express yourself. Your house is very nice too. I am very proud of you 🙂ReplyCancel

Oakland turns 10 ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

this is Oakland …

or as his family lovingly refers to him as Oakie, Oz and puppers.

and he loves his family … always keeping an eye out for them as i took him down the boardwalk …

fellow photographer, Hilary Camilleri of One for the Wall wanted to get Oakland’s photos done for his tenth birthday …

so we headed out to the conservation area with Oakie and his girls …

how adorable is this little elf?

… coming or going.

this was just a short session for Oakland since what Hilary is after most is a couple of big wall pieces of their scruffnut.

i think it’s going to be tough choosing though … this boy is such a character …

so many expressions.

and this is Oakie showing off his luxurious beard …

thanks, Hilary, for trusting me with Oakland’s birthday images and for introducing me to your fabulous little man and your wonderful girls.  hopefully we can both make time in our busy fall schedules for a quick studio consult … and maybe even a coffee!  fancy that!

and here’s hoping the girls had a stellar first-day-of-school!  i’m going to imagine Oakland waiting on the front step for his favorite girls when they come home today!

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  • Holly Garner-JacksonLove the one where his fur is flying! What a sweet looking boy!ReplyCancel

  • DLukerI don’t comment on every scruffkins you show us, but I fall in love with every one of them, without exception.ReplyCancel

  • Charlotte ReevesWhat a cool little dog! Such a character! Your photos are amazing as always Illona.ReplyCancel

this old puppy ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photographer}

some of you will recognize this little girl from her earlier sneak peek … this is Brianna.

she’s ten years young …

… and loaded with character.

this little girl lived with her first mom, Nancy, for almost nine years.  when health issues made caring for Brianna too much, Nancy had to give her little charge over to her nephew and his wife, Meghan.  it appeared to me that this little dollface has made the transition brilliantly, adoring both of the women in her life …

by Meghan’s own words, Nancy did some awesome training with this little girl: “sit, stay, come, dance, speak, shake, down, rollover and wave goodbye.”  Meghan’s contribution to Brianna’s training, apparently, is: “high five and the moonwalk.”  i so would have loved to see that moonwalk!

Meghan brought Brianna here for her shoot since Nancy lives locally, and since Meghan loves the tunnel of trees, we headed off to one of my favorite spots.

this little girl was a dream to work with …

she even came whenever i called her …

and when Meghan called her, of course.

Brianna had lots to say herself …

even at the beach …

… Brianna had things to say …

on the way back to the studio, i just knew we had to stop by a cut wheat field i’d used for an earlier shoot.

how cute is this girl?

and can you believe she’s 10?

something was scurrying around in the bristly wheat stalks and Brianna was definitely on alert.

thanks for a fun shoot, Brianna … and thanks for introducing me to your wonderful girl, Nancy and Meghan.  i hope you’re enjoying Bri’s gallery!

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  • MarlaLovely, Illona. She’s just a doll!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonAnother great shoot! How come you never post the bad shots? LOL!
    I know!!!! Scruffy dog never has bad shots!! ;-PReplyCancel

  • Charlotte ReevesWow! SO many amazing images from this session!ReplyCancel

  • DLukerWhat a sweet, happy little lady! Must say that the light in the last image is superb!ReplyCancel

  • RachelI think you really liked photographing this girl! You’ve got a lot of pictures of her and they seem to be taken with extra love, you must have had a great afternoon together 🙂ReplyCancel

  • DebiWow….Brianna made me smile today. What blessed pet parents she has! Her personality just shines in each portrait. I would definitely call this a successful shoot!ReplyCancel

  • Alfie | Alfie's BlogJust came across your site and wanted to say how much I love the photos of Brianna. Bright eyes and boundless energy – I hope I’ll still be that bouncy at 10! 🙂

    My human keeps taking photos of me too, but as she only brings her iphone they never turn out this good.ReplyCancel

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