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Oakland turns 10 ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

this is Oakland …

or as his family lovingly refers to him as Oakie, Oz and puppers.

and he loves his family … always keeping an eye out for them as i took him down the boardwalk …

fellow photographer, Hilary Camilleri of One for the Wall wanted to get Oakland’s photos done for his tenth birthday …

so we headed out to the conservation area with Oakie and his girls …

how adorable is this little elf?

… coming or going.

this was just a short session for Oakland since what Hilary is after most is a couple of big wall pieces of their scruffnut.

i think it’s going to be tough choosing though … this boy is such a character …

so many expressions.

and this is Oakie showing off his luxurious beard …

thanks, Hilary, for trusting me with Oakland’s birthday images and for introducing me to your fabulous little man and your wonderful girls.  hopefully we can both make time in our busy fall schedules for a quick studio consult … and maybe even a coffee!  fancy that!

and here’s hoping the girls had a stellar first-day-of-school!  i’m going to imagine Oakland waiting on the front step for his favorite girls when they come home today!

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  • Holly Garner-JacksonLove the one where his fur is flying! What a sweet looking boy!ReplyCancel

  • DLukerI don’t comment on every scruffkins you show us, but I fall in love with every one of them, without exception.ReplyCancel

  • Charlotte ReevesWhat a cool little dog! Such a character! Your photos are amazing as always Illona.ReplyCancel

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