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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

gilmour and murphy very autumny shoot ~ {Muskoka, Ontario pet photographer}

you’ve seen these two in their sneak peek earlier on the blog, and i know we’re behind in blogging due to the heavy fall shooting schedule, but here — at last — is their fuller blog entry.  these two sorta kinda loved the beaches.

Gilmour owns the strip of beach at his cottage …

and like just about any golden retriever, he loves the water …

add a stick, and this boy is in his element.

then there’s rescue-boy Murphy…

Murphy is almost completely blind but still manages to get around very well …

did i mention how much Gilmour loves his beach?

after some shooting at the cottage, we headed to a different beach … and the colours were glorious …

with lots of running …

and just because his vision is failing, don’t count Murphy out of some running games on the beach!

of course, sticks are always an integral component to any fun afternoon on the beach with a wet dog …

from the beach, we headed to the woods.  just check out the brotherly love …

grrrr ….

and that Gilmour sure knows how to have fun with mud …

thanks, Gilmour and Murphy for a memorable shoot.

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  • michelle bradshawBeautiful shoot. Gilmour and Murphy melt my heart!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomWhat beautiful dogs … love the settings as well, and the water shots!ReplyCancel

  • Janice CraigThese shots made my day – smiling ear to ear! Makes me think of my own golden – water loving, muck rolling, stick chewing!! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Karenhow’s it possible to not love dogs!ReplyCancel

  • CrystalNice to see someone else takes those low-down shots of a dog’s legs. I really love how some of those can turn out.ReplyCancel

  • A Knox-DostaleAnd again, your photos amaze me & make me smile ! Capturing the best of dogs being dogs ! The way you use the light & environment is brilliant. Bravo !!!ReplyCancel

another weekly facebook recap ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

if you’re not following the scruffy dog facebook page, well, i’ve said it before: you’re just not running with the pack!  … and you’re missing a lot of sneak peeks.  but just in case you’re not very keen on facebook, i always make sure to share a few of them here on the scruffy dog blog.

first we have Indy, owned by Tami Packham of  Waterloo Dog.  you’ll be seeing a lot more of Indy … one of my favorite models of the year.

i also shared a couple of before-and-afters on facebook, as a lot of people enjoy seeing the work that is done on scruffy dog images.

we shared a couple of sneak peeks of handsome boy Kaiser from his Standard session …

… and crazy Baxter … expert leaf exterminator …

and little Gus, whose session was a squeeze-in a couple of weeks ago …

then there was wildman Sprocket and his flurry of attempts to catch a ball in spite if his dwindling eyesight due to PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) …

i also shared a photo of our two resident scruffies — Matea and Merrick — wanting in from the cold and our first snowfall …

and Indy again … she just cracks me up with her myriad of expressions …

and we closed out the week with a dramatic shot of resident scruffy Matea … my girl.  this photo was taken in answer to a challenge of “black” within the 52 Weeks for Dogs project on flickr (a photo a week of your dog) …

hope you have a great week!

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  • jenniferI love the leaf shots….all great though, as usual. I am happy to see your post processing work, because mine are sometimes just as dramatic and it is good to know your photos don’t come out perfect straight from the camera! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • KarenYep, Indy really is funny and sweet. Love seeing dogs with personality.ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonYou know I love all of these, but your two scruffies are the best. The one of Matea is my favorite of her of all time!!!ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomAll great shots – Indy is a hoot!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawEven though I “run with the pack” on face book there’s nothing better than a Scruffy Dog blog entry! Have I mentioned how much I adore sweet Matea all dramatic in black? That shot is marvelous illona.ReplyCancel

  • Katy BrunkardIllona, your post processing is just fabulous! The before and after screen shots are a real treat 🙂 I also LOVE the photo of Matea – I’ve been following your photos on Flickr and I hope she is feeling better than she was a while ago! (and you too!) ~Katy BrunkardReplyCancel

the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society 2012 calendar is now available! ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

do you have your KWHS 2012 calendar yet?

as part of our ‘giving back’ initiative here at scruffy dog, for the past several years, scruffy dog has photographed and designed the KWHS charity calendar which raises thousands for the Centre to help the orphaned animals.  and this year’s calendar is filled with dogs and cats who have been adopted from the KWHS Centre!  this is extra special for me since the ultimate ‘giving back’ is not only raising significant funds, but — of equal importance — raising awareness of the plight of abandoned cats and dogs, and the overpopulation of shelters just like the KWHS.

part of raising awareness is to show people the amazing dogs and cats available … contrary to popular belief, most shelter pets don’t come with a laundry list of problems or behavioral issues.  almost always it’s their former humans who had the issues — buying a puppy of a breed that is not suited to their lifestyle or abilities, or a change in living situation which forces people to give up their pet, or just plain laziness.  for almost as many pets as are in shelters, there are as many reasons as to why they have wound up in their desperate situation … but in most cases, the issue is not with the pet, it’s with their former human.

i hope that the extremely happy, well-loved dogs and cats in the pages of this year’s KWHS calendar this year — some of which are purebreds — will not only demonstrate the amazing companions that can be found in any shelter, but perhaps — even in a small way — alter at least a few people’s thinking and beliefs on adopting from a shelter instead of buying that cute, cuddly puppy from a store, a backyard breeder, a farm (which is almost always a front for a puppymill situation), or from listings on Kijiji or Craig’s List.

these are just a few of the amazing pets i met this year during the calendar’s shooting …

… big boy Figaro, one of several extremely loved cats in the home …

and awesome doodle Dixie …

then there’s fun-loving Static …

and ball-crazy Orville, whose guardians opted for a full scruffy dog session.  you might remember Orville from his graffiti shoot back in the summer … or from the sneak peek of his big session in the early fall.

and little, smiley Milo …

these are just a few of the happy faces of rescued pets you’ll find in the KWHS 2012 calendar.

and with scruffy dog’s clean design, it is our hope that this calendar will appeal to just about anyone, as all the profits go to the animals of the KWHS.

these 2012 calendars can be purchased directly through the KWHS website or picked up in person at the shelter for only $15.  get yours today!

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  • Helena ThompsonThanks for supporting us last year at Dog Guides. I have purchased calendars again in support of your cause. Wonderful Christmas Gifts. Beautiful work! Thanks for giving back! HelenaReplyCancel

  • Susan HumphreysThese are wonderful as usual Illona! A worthy cause too.I wish we could
    buy these calendars here in England.

    Susan Humphreys

  • Holly Garner-JacksonAnother great job, illona! Well done!!!ReplyCancel

  • JoniLOVE it! LOVE it! LOVE it! Thank you for giving back in such a delightfully beautiful way!ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomWhat beautiful animals! Thank you for sharing them with us!ReplyCancel

  • bublynskiI want one – they are beautiful! A great price, too – my rescue group has got to find a better printer!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawBeautifully said…..the calendar is gorgeous!ReplyCancel

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