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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

another facebook recap ~ {Ontario pet-exclusive photographer}

if you don’t follow the scruffy dog facebook page, you’ll have missed the following photos of client sneak peek and the resident scruffies!

first up is an image of little Indy from her shoot earlier in the fall …

it was a heavy-duty week when it came to processing orders last week, with five albums to design.  this is one page from the big Best in Show scruffy dog album of Rose, Ebony and Chase …

then there was wee little Nahla, one of my California clients, here for her second shoot … in snow!

i also shared a little before-and-after of the post-production on Duke and Daisy’s session …

this boy looks handsome whether processed in color or black-and-white …

i also had a little fun with the images of these guys …

then there was Toby …

i had a lot of fun with merrick in our new sink …

i should have known it wasn’t a good idea to torture him with a bath …

… because later that afternoon, merrick got his payback.  this photo was snapped with my new BlackBerry Curve …

and during a drive a few days later, i had to pull over and take this.  this was shot with the little Nikon V1 mirrorless camera … a fraction of the size of the regular scruffy dog cameras, which means i can actually take it along for our own walks, and not have to rely on the so-so quality of the Blackberry camera.

and finally, last week, my girl had to have surgery to remove a button-tumor off her back leg due to its growth-rate and the fact that she was always scraping it open when on walks or even in the back yard.  she also had one of her many fatty tumors removed from the bottom of her chest.  the lycra vests i made years ago for visibility on the trails have come in handy; snugly covering the stitches, great breathability and comfort.  today — five days post-surgery — all of her stitches look awesome …

thank you to everyone for your well-wishes on facebook and via emails.  i’m sure your positive energy is partly responsible for her quick recovery.

have a great week, all!

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  • David G.Hey great doggie shot’s! Thanks for sharing!ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomOMG – Merrick in the sink made my day! And glad “your girl” is recovering well post-op.ReplyCancel

  • JoniDelightful photos as always!

    “mirrorless camera … a fraction of the size of the regular scruffy dog cameras, which means i can actually take it along for our own walks”

    I take most of my dogs photos (personal dogs and foster dogs) while on walks and am considering one of these smaller cameras too. Are you happy with yours? Right now I have a point and shoot, but would like to move up to something a little better, but worried about not wanting to carry around a large camera.ReplyCancel

    • illonait’s a great carry-around camera … but it doesn’t replace your DSLR. basically, you’re looking at a much narrow “sweet spot” with these mirrorless cameras. if the conditions are great, you can get just as great a shot from a mirrorless as your DSLR, but as soon as you’re getting into a more challenging shooting situation, you’re going to be a little disappointed. but i do think that that “sweet spot” is bigger on a mirrorless than any point and shoot. mirrorless cameras — from my very limited experience so far — falls comfortably b/w DSLRs and p&s’s.ReplyCancel

thor & indy ~ {Toronto pet photographer}

here at scruffy dog we’re still working on the post production of a number of our fall sessions due to the extremely heavy shooting schedule last season.  and even while some clients’ galleries are up, and orders are already being processed, we’re woefully behind in blogging the amazing sessions we’ve had … with dozens of sessions, unfortunately, never making it to the blog.

wherever i can, i’m trying to make room to do up a blog entry here and there, but right now it’s only a dream that i’ll get even a fraction of last fall’s sessions onto the blog.

some of you who follow the scruffy dog facebook page will already have seen a few of these images of Thor and his little sister Indy … and they would have made an appearance in the facebook recaps posted intermittently here on the blog … but since they’re among my favorites from the session, you’re getting a couple of repeats.

Thor is a repeat client from several years ago.  it was so amazing to see this big guy again as he was one of my most memorable sessions early on in scruffy dog history …

and wee little Indy … well, need i say more?  “hey, lady, down here!”

how adorable is this little sweetie?

and those wee, undersized legs work just fine when it comes to keeping up with her big brother …

and how utterly handsome is this big guy?

and this boy can move!

although it’s been my experience that long-haired doxies can be a little on the shy side, i think this little girl actually believes she’s a great dane as well …

we had a lot of fun at one of our favorite locations, and then made our way to the red caboose …

thanks for a lovely session with your two, Jennifer, and sharing them with me.

these two are certainly a couple of my most favorite scruffies …

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  • Lisa BrencisYou must have really enjoyed playing up the difference in their sizes. Dane to doxie… doesn’t get much more than that! Great shots and I adore little Indy!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawWow…great shots…those two are adorable!ReplyCancel

our client consults ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

one of the included features of any scruffy dog session and package is the client consult … some one-on-one time here at the studio to go over your images, see them full size on a properly calibrated monitor, and review the various fine-art products and high-end Signature scruffy dog albums.  clients also have the benefit of our experience and guidance as to which products are best suited to their home decor and which images would work best for the big, framed canvases which have become synonymous with SDP.

of course, it’s also your opportunity to meet the scruffy dog sales team … er … the resident scruffies …

… and while here, clients enjoy a specialty coffee from our new SunCafe single pod brewer.  trust me, when we decided to purchase a coffee machine for our studio guests, we did our homework, and are proud to say that SunCafe is 100% Canadian, like everything else about scruffy dog products … and these Kienna pods are earth-friendly and biodegradable vs. all those plastic and foil “cups” that other single-serve machines throw into the environment (recycled or otherwise).

of course, we have cold drinks as well … we’re stocked.

yup, here at SDP we aim to please …

NOTE: we do not allow the sales team to serve hot beverages.

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  • michelle bradshawStill laughing looking at Matea with that huge bottle of water….love it!ReplyCancel

  • Randi HeimertNot only are you an incredible photographer, your hilarious too!ReplyCancel

  • Jackie Phahaha…that last one is awesome! love your images, studio, and personality! Thanks for sharing!ReplyCancel

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