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marvelous macy ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

here at scruffy dog — with a fall shooting schedule that made all previous fall seasons seem like a cake-walk — we’re still behind in processing our fall shoots.  what this means, unfortunately, is less time for blogging.  so if you’re wanting daily photos and fun, let me suggest that you join the scruffy dog facebook page.  seriously, there’s a lot going on over there, including a win-your-own-scruffy-dog-session contest going on right now!  if that’s not enough to convince, i don’t know what is.  🙂

but let me introduce you to just one of the lovely models from our past fall … this is Macy.

she’s got the most expressive eyes, as you’ll see in some of her photos, and i loved working this aspect during her session.  we started our session indoors, knowing that she might be getting a little wet and muddy during our session … and i think Macy was already imagining her wild, outdoor session.

one word, and this girl was ready to go.

and the high-in-demand scruffy location was the destination …

besides the tunnel of trees, we also hit the beach.  how gorgeous is this girl against a bright blue sky?

lots of fun at the beach …

and i can never resist the long grasses of late fall, especially with such a gorgeous girl like this.

i think it’s safe to say that this girl had a blast up at our location …

and all this running around builds up a bit of a thirst …

thanks, Tracey and Chris, for sharing your lovely girl with me, and trusting scruffy dog with her photographic memories.

i look forward to seeing you again at your studio consult!

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  • Kris JacksonWheatens have the most beautiful eyes! Great shots, as always, Illona!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawWith a name like Macy, of course she’s marvelous!!!!! Beautiful shots illona…and those eyes; especially her expression in the last shot, melt my heart.ReplyCancel

  • Julia ThompsoonMacy is the essence of our beautiful SCWT’s. You have captured the beauty and versatility of our loves. You go Macy and reveal why you all are so loved–Thx for beautiful photos and sharing them as well!ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomWhat great shots!ReplyCancel

  • Sherry in MTAhhh I miss my swheatie! Thank you for fond memories and they are lucky to have such a great photographer to capture those imagees. Macy rocks!ReplyCancel

  • Caroline TwohillI LOVE THIS UPDATE. Seriously … these are all 100% gold! I adore your talent. Your updates always make me smile!ReplyCancel

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