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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

golden girls and a little golden scruffnut ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

yes, we’re very behind in updating the blog with all the crazy scruffy faces we’ve met this summer … so, as our busy fall season is upon us, i will attempt to bring you up to date on the blog with all the goings on over at the scruffy dog facebook page where all the latest news and sessions can be found … on an almost daily basis!

so, if you’ve missed something on facebook … or you’re just not that into facebook, hey, i get it.  that’s what the SDP blog is for!

first up, one of the cutest little scruffnuts you’ll ever meet … little Brody …

Brody was adopted from the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society.   and what a find!   mom Krishenka had to keep an eye on him during our session … turn her back for too long and this little scruffnut was going to end up in my camera bag!

being well versed with your typical scruffnut energy, i had this boy figured out pretty quickly …

and working with him to bring out his multiple personalities didn’t take very long at all.

yup, i pretty much fell in love with Brody.

and then there were the golden girls, Paige and daughter Jazz …

these two girls seemed to have their most fun down at the water …

yeah, they look all sweet, calm and composed, don’t they?

at a short add-on session later, we visited a local wheat field the evening they were cutting to grab a few shots since mom and dad were keen on some wheat field shots for their portfolio…

of course, when you’re down to the very last day of standing wheat, sometimes you can’t get everything you want, and we didn’t have the spectacular skies  Dan and Karen had seen in other wheat session photos … so … that’s when a little editing has to come into play.  here’s a little before-and-after of Paige and Jazz in the wheat field.

thanks Paige and Jazz, and thanks Brody scruffnut, for being part of our awesome scruffy summer!


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  • ValerieSpectacular!! These pics are just AWESOME!! I can feel the energy of each of these guys as they enjoyed themselves and you captured the moments. You have preserved outstanding memories for their pet parents Illona and have given them years of smiles I know!!ReplyCancel

  • Lizzie BuxtonSome really cute pictures of these dogs are they yours? a few messy ones that i guess would have taken you a while to wash them after if they are yours i love looking at peoples Dog Pictures always make me smile they are such beautiful creatures.ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawAwesome shots!! “Loved all of them!!ReplyCancel

another scruffy dog catchup ~ {Ontario dog photography}

yup, we’re behind in blogging … again.  i think we need to hire a blogger.  i threatened to withhold the goober’s food until he gets the next blog post up, but his utter lack of opposable thumbs makes the task rather arduous, and his last entry — well, to be quite honest — really made no sense at all.

so, the task continues to fall on me, your humble photographer, editor, blogger, scruffy mastermind, mentor and one-woman-show…

of course, if you actually want to see sneak peeks of the crazy busy times we’re having here at scruffy dog you need only drop by the scruffy dog photography facebook page for a quick gander at the many photos shared there.  yeah, we’ve been b-u-s-y!  …and we haven’t even gotten into our crazy fall shooting schedule yet!  once September hits, it’s nothing but shooting, downloading and backing-up in time for the next session … yes, we basically shoot the crap out of fall.  everyone loves the fall season, SDP included.

this fall season booked solid already back in March, but don’t fear, we’re taking bookings for Fall 2013 … and already have several sessions on the books.  next spring is already booked up as well, and we are now booking into June 2013.  of course, there are always exemptions when it comes to aging pets and pets in failing health — what we call our Honor Session™.  these are still our Starter or Standard sessions, but the Honor Session™ designation means we fit them into the already full schedule no matter what, and that we go above and beyond to make sure we have ample images and variety of your beloved 4-legger.  contact us today if you are requiring an Honor Session™.

in the meantime, here are just a few of the scruffy faces that have made us smile in the past weeks.

the dynamic duo of Tanner and Rascal …

how handsome are they?

mom Nancy was after some running shots of her boys, but there was little cooperation on the day of their session.  Rascal, pictured above, was content with more of a sedate trot through the gorgeous field i provided them.  and Tanner, well, Tanner developed a sudden phobia of the long grass and after a good 20 minutes of coaxing had to finally be carried into the field!  once there, he seemed to have a good time … even if he appeared to be in a mild state of denial.  😉

i had fun working with these two red dogs in and out of the woods …

thanks, Nancy, for introducing me to your two lovely boys.

next up we have young Kaja.

this little firecracker was a blast to work with.  in spite of her youth, this little girl was calm and so obliging … so unlike most crazy puppies her age.

how cute is this little monkey?  i can’t wait to photograph her as she grows up.

grrrr … Kaja hated the deer flies … and i didn’t blame her one bit!

and this blog entry has a few more photos of my own girl matea, as i took her out twice for some location scouting.  first to some resident wheat fields … where, yes, i did ask permission. i love this first shot of matea as i can almost never get her to look directly into the camera … she is a hunting dog, and as such, she is always ‘working’, whether that is working the bushes and ground, or working the air for a scent.

and here we have the evolution of a sneeze, matea-style …

as i had a client making the long drive from Chicago and one of their location requests was the graffitied train tunnel, i decided to make a quick stop down there while doing my scouting to check on the state of the graffiti.

…and yes, i was pleased to see that Memphis’ dad’s own dog-skull graffiti is still standing the test of time!  next up was the red caboose…

and then, just around …

of course, no blog entry would be complete without some images of the goober — merrick goobernuts mcscruffy — in all of his goobery adorableness.  just hangin’…

always keeping his eyes on me…

of course, it should be known that the goober isn’t without his issues.  as a former puppymill stud dog, used for breeding for 6 years, he’s something of a hoarder.  it’s just a good thing we don’t actually use his crate as a ‘crate’ anymore … now it’s his stash-house.  he’ll never ever ever admit he has a problem though.

and i leave with you a final photo of the goober at his happiest — wet.

hope you’re all having a fabulous August … and staying a little dryer than the goober.

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  • pets in portraitsHi, I just love the light and depth of colour you manage to capture in your photos. The sharpness of the eyes brings every one of your photos to life, bringing the character of each of the dogs to the fore!ReplyCancel

  • Photo MasterWow, Just awesome pet photography. Being a photographer I know very well capturing dog’s photo is a challenging task but you did it. Nice photography work, timing is great.ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawAwesome blog illona. That last shot of Merrick made my day!!ReplyCancel

  • Sandra McArthurI think I love the McScruffy wet shot the best!ReplyCancel

  • SolteraBest shots ever of mcscruffy! EVER!!!ReplyCancel

  • MarylinI so love to see your photographs but more so, I love your comments about your own dogs; so loving and so natural. They are true beauties!!!ReplyCancel

  • BethIts always a treat to see that you’ve blogged! Your photos are perfect and your commentary is as well. I hope Kaja got the deerfly!ReplyCancel

  • santa monica puttingoh my word, I am loving these pictures! not only are you VERY talented but these dogs are too cute to handle! keep the pictures coming!!!ReplyCancel

One-on-One scruffy mentoring ~ Ontario premier pet photographer

after two years of being badgered by new and established pet photographers, two years of careful consideration and planning, scruffy dog is pleased to announce its One-on-One (and Two-on-One) mentoring sessions!  well, okay, it’s not exactly news to many as it was announced on the scruffy dog facebook page not too long ago, and our 2012 mentorship slots are already fully booked. still, i figured it was high time that i make mention of it here on the blog.

so what is the scruffy One-on-One?

well, basically, it’s your workshop, your way.  spread over 2+ jam-packed days and a total of 24+ hours of intensive, hands-on, real-life learning, the scruffy One-on-One covers everything you want it to! …from technical aspects of shooting to dog behavior, setting dogs and clients up for success at sessions, location scouting, working available light, workflow and post-production, business discussion ranging from sales and business materials, dealing with clients, ordering sessions, products, packaging, branding and marketing, social media, commercial sales, and anything else you can think of!  no subject is off limits.  because this is your session, it is focused solely on your needs as a photographer, where your business is at, where your shooting level is at, and what your goals are.  for over two days you have exclusive access to the scruffy dog studio and me, to my years of shooting experience, years of teaching knowledge, and the experience of working with hundreds of clients over the nearly five years that scruffy dog has been a full-time, extremely busy and trend-setting business.


how is it different?

working One-on-One is different from a group workshop environment.  there is no sharing the focus with a half dozen to two dozen others, no jockeying for the instructor’s attention, it’s all about you.  and mostly, the only one dictating the pace of the session is you — your needs, your goals, the level of your business and shooting skills … you.  each One-on-One is shaped to answer the needs of the individual visiting photographer, whether that means shifting the focus more on shooting and dog behavior, working with clients, or workflow and processing, marketing or other business aspects.  of course, all aspects of the business are covered, but your own key areas will be focused on more intensely.


do you offer Two-on-Ones?

why, yes!  if you know someone who is at a similar point in their pet photography career, and you’d like to share the experience, a Two-on-One is a blast!  it still maintains all the intimacy and high-power learning of the One-on-One, but now you’ve got someone to share and bond with through the experience.  and no, scruffy dog doesn’t offer a “three-on-one”, since — at this point — it is my feeling that this then becomes more of a workshop environment.  the scruffy mentoring sessions are intensely personal and focused, and as a result can catapult your career like no other learning environment.  the One-on-One creates for you real-life scenarios with real dogs, not trained models in carefully selected locations, but rather real sessions with the kinds of real issues and challenges you will encounter in your own pet photography business.  it’s all about hands-on learning, real know-how, and pushing you to think outside the box.


availability, location, and cost

only a very limited number of One-on-One/Two-on-Ones can be fit into the scruffy dog schedule each year, with sessions generally being booked in March and April, and June to August.  Due to SDP’s heavy fall shooting schedule, no mentoring is conducted from September to December, and the winter months, well, they’re just a bit gucky, not to mention too unpredictable in regards to weather.

scruffy dog photography — in case you didn’t already know — is located in the twin cities of Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario … one hour west of Toronto, two hours west of Buffalo, three hours east of Detroit … the land of Oktoberfest, maple-syrup and Mennonites.  but no, i won’t hook you up for a horse-and-buggy ride.  and yes, we even have our own airport!

the 2013 fee for this 24+ hour, intensive, real-life, hands-on learning experience is $1850 for the Two-on-One and $2850 for your One-on-One.  at the writing of this blog entry, there are only about a half dozen mentoring slots left for 2013. (2014 sessions will not be available for booking until announced, at which point a new fee structure will be implemented.)

how do i find out more?

for more information about the One-on-One/Two-on-One scruffy mentoring sessions, contact [email protected]be sure to include your photography business’ website along with your inquiry.  these sessions are for working, professional photographers only.

and for a peek at our most recent mentoring session with Holly Montgomery of BrindleBerry Pet Photography, you can check out her blog entry about her adventures in Scruffyland!

if you are serious about investing in your pet photography career, then i am serious about working with you, about giving you all i’ve got, and supporting you in your business and your passion. i look forward to hearing from you.



  • – fees to not include travel or accommodations, although they do include light lunch and infinite kisses from the resident scruffies.
  • – for the Two-on-One session, visiting photographers arrange their “partner photographers”. scruffy dog does not pair up Two-on-One photographers.


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  • Trish ScelfoHi there!

    I am very interested in booking a one-on-one workshop with you. Do you have any more spaces available for this year?

    All the best,

    Trish ScelfoReplyCancel

    • illonahi Trish, all spots for 2013 are filled, but I am taking bookings for 2014 sessions if you are interested. March and April are the busiest mentoring months. feel free to email me privately for more detailed information about the mentoring sessions!ReplyCancel

  • Deanne FountaineThis is a great idea! I hope that you get as much out of it as your mentees will.ReplyCancel

  • Rachel PotterSuch an exciting opportunity for us!ReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth UribeJust great! congratulations on expanding your work areas and horizons!ReplyCancel

  • Kim TIt is wonderful that you are willing to share what you know with other photographers. All I can say is that you take awesome photos, every one is worthy of being framed and put on the wall. That is what makes choosing from the Gallery so difficult!! I would hazard a guess though, that you can’t teach the bond you build with our pets – that’s what makes the photos magic!!ReplyCancel

  • DarleneIllona, that is awesome of you to do this for people. If I was well to do I would definitely come to you to learn! Keep up the great work you do for yourself and others.


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