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more scruffy faces from our most excellent scruffy summer ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

with this blog entry we’re bringing you a real mixed bag of 4-leggers … just a few of the scruffy faces that kept us hopping at scruffy dog headquarters this summer!

if you follow scruffy dog’s facebook page you will have already met some of these endearing faces …

first, there’s the gorgeous Willow, standing proud in the wheat field … you’d have no idea from this photo how swarmed we were by deer flies to get this shot and the others in Willow’s gallery.

i enjoyed working with Thai who was a challenge behaviorally … i love a challenge … and just look at how gorgeous this boy is!

senior Thai is an original shar-pei …

then there’s Dexter … who has lots to say …

and Diva … when mom Steph pulled out Diva’s Doggles that she wears on the motorcycle, i simply had to find someplace for her to perch …

repeat client Harlow is growing up quickly … and seems to have tapped into her zen-self …

what an awesome girl to work with.

then we spent some time with young, exuberant Sadie …

and shy, happy maggie with her ski-slope tongue …

little Maggie was a darling to work with during her scruffy session.  we spent some time in the woods close to the studio …

and then in the fields …

then we met Kelsey for some scruffy camera time …

i also shared a photo of repeat client Miles as well, from his train tunnel/graffiti shoot … being very brave in the face of the very scary skull!

and of course, no blog entry is really complete without at least a couple of photos of resident scruffy, merrick goobernuts mcscruffy …

… catching a shower in the backyard …

and catching a few waves …  his most favorite place ever.

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  • ron drakehi
    i have been following you for a long time and just simply love your work. I agree in your blog that too many place emphasis on lens and what others are using. I have a go to lens that i love and then i have the 70-200 and 50mm When i first started i too was so curious on what lens to use, how do you get that shot and just learned to take the pics that i like and hope for the best. I am hoping this summer to increase my portfolio as well as i work towards my ppoc accredidation.ReplyCancel

  • Halat SophieI want to be a scruffy in my next life.ReplyCancel

  • Fraida GutovichYou’re joy and passion is so evidently transmitted through your pictures of all things…furry, slimy and everything in between. You are an inspiration to me…..thanks for all the smiles you given me with your amazing pictures!! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • NikilIt’s a beautiful website with amazing pictures!! Great work Illona!ReplyCancel

  • John Morrisyou take some amazing dog shots!ReplyCancel

  • marylinI always,always find I have a smile on my face when I look at your photos.
    Your love for the four legged is so evident!
    It’s sort of a blessing (for lack of a better word)if you can relate to dogs as you do. Very beautiful to look at.
    Thank you!ReplyCancel

  • JoniSuper fantastic collection of great looking dogs! Love your talent in getting so many great photos of them.ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawDiva and the Doggles gets me every time!!! Awesomoe blog illona, thank you!ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomI need Miles to come and live with me! He is absolutely adorable! And I love the one of Merrick “showering” in the hose! That is bliss, for sure! I can’t believe how much he loves the water!ReplyCancel

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