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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

Bo & Dallas giving up some pug love ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photographer}

as we head into winter — our first storm brewing outside right now — my hope is to start bringing you some fuller blog entries on just a few of the many fabulous scruffies i had the pleasure of working with this year.  with less sessions during the snowy months, winter is a time for some badly -needed catching up on so many other aspects of the business, and in between all of that, it’s my opportunity to share with you a few more photos from the past year.

Bo & Dallas came from Toronto to scruffy dog territory for their session this fall.

loving some of the locations we have here at our disposal, and looking for a big canvas to go along with their album and prints, parents Pam and Nelson had the tunnel of trees in mind ……as well as our favorite train tunnel where Bo & Dallas posed like little thugs … er … pugs.Dallas is a pug-beagle cross who Pam and Nelson have had for ten months.  he was a rescue from a puppymill and adopted as a puppy through Speaking of Dogs canine rescue. and Bo is a pug-boston terrier cross, adopted from someone who didn’t have the capacity to take care of his of Dallas’s most endearing features, of course, is his extremely expressive eyes … i’ll admit, i had a lot of fun with both of these boys, but especially Dallas’s expressions.and when it came to using the old, spikey post for a few photos, it was a no-brainer to use Dallas, and let his personality shine through…

of course, Bo wasn’t without a few expressions himself…of course, we always let loose on our scruffy dog sessions, including playing with the scruffy dog balls … and it didn’t matter that i provided two balls … Dallas always wants Bo’s.we also spent some time on the beach, where the true drama of the weather could really be seen …in fact, in discussing the weather earlier in the day, we weren’t completely certain we would even be having a session.  but Nelson was determined to brave the elements … and it paid off.  big dramatic sky, then sun, then clouds, and sure, a few rain drops in between.thanks for a memorable session, Pam and Nelson … and thanks Dallas and Bo for showing me your pugalicious attitude.

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  • Marissa ShepherdDo you just hang out with the dogs and the owner all day and take a million pictures of them? Because I don’t see how it would be possible to stage any of those pictures. They are all so cute, and so NATURAL! I love how you do these.ReplyCancel

  • Cindy SebestyenI know that you like Dallas’ faces that he makes and so do I but I really do think that Bo is one of the most photogenic dogs I have ever seen- having said all of this, your pictures are breathtaking – Pam and Nelson showed me the album and I actually got a little teary eyed, they are amazing pictures.ReplyCancel

  • Meghan GraceAwesome Puggie photos, Ilona! What expressions they have on their faces!ReplyCancel

  • Joni SolisPug mixes have fabulous looks on their faces! All of these are great!ReplyCancel

  • Christine UptonCan’t beat a Pug! Fun and games.ReplyCancel

  • Robyn ElizabethDallas going after Bo’s ball is classic- we have that going on in my house all the time 🙂 What an adorable photo shoot. Love the photos!ReplyCancel

  • Judy Gadsby BellevilleBeautiful pictures…dogs faces say so much!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonHa! Those are great shots, illona! I especially like the ones where the red ball is stuffed in the pug’s mouth! So hilarious!ReplyCancel

  • JudyI love your work, it is awesome really, love the look on the dogs faces…they really say alot. Very , very nice. Thanks for sharingReplyCancel

scruffy dog’s first Holiday Tribute Gift ~ {Ontario pet photographer, giving back}

welcome to the first annual scruffy dog Holiday Tribute gift.  if you missed the original post describing what this new giving-back feature of scruffy dog‘s is, you can read all the details here.  i shouldn’t have been surprised that we received over 50 nominations for our first offering of this gift of a session with SDP, and it was not an easy decision!  many times i teared up while reading through the submissions, and to be completely honest, i would love to offer everyone nominated a session.

but sadly, the SDP schedule won’t allow this.  still, instead of one recipient of the SDP Holiday Tribute Gift, i ended up having to choose two! … AND please be sure to read through to the bottom of this blog entry, because there are another five whom i would like to offer something to.  again, please understand that this was not an easy decision.

i highly encourage those whom i can’t offer a session to to send the amazing words from your submission to the person you so graciously and passionately nominated this holiday season.  i know they will cherish it.

the first recipient of the Holiday Tribute Gift is Terry Creighton and his dog Mickey.  This duo was nominated by Terry’s daughter, Nancy, and here is their story…

after being diagnosed with necrotizing pancreatitis, Terry was given a 25% chance of survival from the rare and severe form of the disease. for 6 months Terry lived in the ICU on life support after receiving multiple abdominal surgeries, and the full extent of his hospital stay was over 2 years.  i don’t know about you, but i can’t be away from my scruffnuts for more than a day, much less 6 months or 2 years!  and i’ll admit, in the back of mind, i’m grateful that my Merrick is certified as a therapy dog; i’ve always told my partner that if i’m ever in the hospital, Merrick has to be brought to me.

well, it was the same for the Creighton’s Mickey. with somewhat unofficial permission, they were able to sneak Mickey in to see Terry who, at that point, was out of his coma but still on life-support and understandably despondent.

in Nancy’s words:

“My previously, understandably depressed dad, immediately came to life again upon the sight of his best friend. He was unable to talk because of the breathing tube, but weakly cuddled Mickey as he calmly lay beside him in bed. Mickey was able to illuminate a dark situation just from his presence. From then on, Mickey was a regular, not-so-secret, visitor to my dad’s room. When my dad transferred from our local hospital to a large teaching hospital, as his disease progressed, we received special permission to bring him in for visits from the hospital administration. Mickey became well known to the patients and staff at the hospital. Not only was he able to cheer up my dad, he was also available for other patients to pet should they ask. Mickey took everything in stride throughout and provided a lot of comfort to many people. If it were not for my dog, my dad’s stay in the hospital would have been a lot more difficult, maybe unbearable. Modern medicine is an amazing thing, but there’s nothing like the healing power of having your beloved pet at your side as you fight for your life.”


Terry’s medical ordeal has left its scars, but according to his daughter, he is finally on the mend and reclaiming his life.  Mickey is nearing 18 years of age. and since Terry’s family has been on his disability pay since he entered the hospital, any kind of photo session to celebrate the amazing dog who brought Terry through the worst, is not something the family could possibly entertain.  as such, it would be my absolute pleasure and complete honor to capture photographic memories of the little dog that clearly means so much to this family.



for our second SDP Holiday Tribute Gift, i would like to share the story of Trevor Strassburger and his big boy Kevin.  Trevor is the owner of Pet Planet in Williamsburg and he received two nominations.  his first nomination comes from Sabine Stapells:

“Not too long ago Trevor opened up a pet food/service store called Pet Planet on Williamsburg. As a small business owner he is struggling and putting everything he has into making his store succeed. He’s super knowledgeable and the nicest guy you could ever meet. He recently fostered a rottweiler with behavioural issues and has managed to turn him into a wonderful pet. He couldn’t part with him and decided to adopt Beta himself. His other dog is a monsterous great dane named Kevin. Now I get to the reason why he might be considered for your session. Kevin is a big, beautiful creature that is only about 3 years old and just recently he had been diagnosed with stomach cancer. It has cost Trevor thousands of dollars already in vet bills and hundreds monthly for food/supplements/pain meds. What he has for Kevin is the truest and most incredible love. He’ll do anything to keep him around. In the event that Kevin is unable to fight any longer I believe having a memory of him on his wall of your creation would be wonderful. I know you would be able to capture the essence of Kevin. Please consider Trevor. Thanks!!!

Trevor and Kevin’s second nominator is Becky Carr.  in her words:

“This man is well known in the dog community. He owns a pet planet store. He will offer information and advice to anyone who needs it. He offers to trim nails and help customers in many ways when they go to his store. He has his two dogs at the store as well. A dane and a rottie. When I was in desperate need to find a forever home for my foster dog, Kevin posted a poster in his store for me. He was also very supportive of finding the pup a home. A few people found the foster by seeing the poster in the store as well! Other people have told me Kevin is a warmhearted person who gave them much useful advice on helping their dog with a problem. He also gives to rescues and other dog loving causes when he can. At this time he is hurting as his dane Kevin is very sick with a mass that is growing in him. Kevin was given up by is first owner and Trevor agreed to give him a loving home. He is only three years old and Trevor is afraid for his life. He is spending a large sum of money trying to help keep Kevin comfortable and try to solve the problem. He has started a chip in as it is so expensive. It would be lovely if he could get some great photos of his beloved dog while he is still here. This man of course knows of SDP and could never afford it if he wanted too. He is the kind of guy who walks outside and will lay on the ground with his sick dane. A very special kind of guy.”

i should also mention that a SDP client also mentioned Trevor as a possible candidate for receiving the SDP Holiday Tribute Gift … so really, that’s three nominations.  i don’t know Trevor, but i know his heart is breaking over Kevin’s health … as someone who lost their own scruffy at only 4 yrs of age to lymphoma, this story, along with Trevor’s obvious dedication to the companion animal community hit home, and it was a no-brainer for me.  i would love to capture the kinds of images of Kevin that i never had of my Murph before i lost him.  that’s what scruffy dog is all about … and i look forward to meeting both Kevin and his incredible human.  thank you Sabine and Becky, for sharing Trevor and Kevin’s story.



but there are others!  these five nomination stories also touched my heart (well, they all did, but i simply had to narrow the field).  to these following five nominees and their nominated dog, i would like to offer a 20% discount off of a scruffy dog session, purchased by you, by your nominator, or anyone else.

first up, we have Kathy and Jonathan Pearl and their dog Molly, nominated by Beth Adams.  Beth wrote to me about how Kathy and Jonathan, both teachers, have not just helped raise others’ children, but have also adopted several Native Canadian children themselves. and last year they adopted Molly, a senior cairn terrier Beth was fostering through Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network.

in Beth’s words:

“Kathy and Jonathan didn’t care that she was 11 yrs old, not the classic-looking cairn (yes, she’s scruffy, but she’s kind of funny looking), and truth be told, who knows what is in there.  But love Molly they do.  They worked out how she could live with their resident cat (also a rescue of course), and now they’re best buds. They worked past her quirks and slow pace…

 When one of their children (now all adult) commented about Molly not being a pure cairn, Kathy replied that no one in their family has a purebred lineage and that they are all loved despite that.  

 I know Kathy and Jonathan would spent the money for a portrait session on the needs of others rather than spend it on themselves… and that is the simple reason I have to nominate them. The beauty of their hearts and the love of funny (and very scruffy) little Molly is evident to anyone who meets them.”

next up, there is Ann-Marie Patkus-Cook and her senior girl Pepper.  Ann-Marie is nominated by Theresa Swain, a wonderful pet photographer in Calgary whom i am looking forward to meeting this summer during her mentoring with SDP.  in Theresa’s words:

Ann-Marie has been involved in animal rescue for many years.  I met her when she moved to Calgary and started volunteering at the same organization as me.  It wasn’t long before I realized she was a force to be reckoned with.  She wound up on the board, she took in countless rescue dogs, puppies, moms with litters and even a few cats and kittens in the few years she was here.  Her garage never housed a car, the heater went on, and pups would be brought in until fosters could be arranged.   She never worried about getting her hands dirty or giving up rooms in her home to house special cases.  We went together on a few excursions to rescue dogs, and her tenacity always impressed me.  The more I got to know her, the more I learned about her love of animals… she’s even fostered racoons!   Now that she’s moved back to Ontario, she’s right back into volunteering and doing amazing work with ARF Ontario.  She recently converted her living room to house a feral mom and pups.

All through it, she’s had a lovely dog by her side, Pepper who was adopted from the SPCA.  Pepper is a senior girl, getting along in years and it would mean so much to have new photos of her.  Pepper has travelled from Ontario, to Calgary, to LA and back to Ontario.  She is such a wonderful part of Ann-Marie’s family and shares space with Tiger the cat and Bacon the rabbit.

then we have Jan Hannah and her pack nominated by Deb McMillan.  Jan is the manager of the Northern Dogs Project for IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) traveling several times a year to Northern Quebec to bring humane population control and animal care education to remote First Nations Communities.

in Deb’s words:

“By every other waking moment in her life Jan is Dog Rescuer Extraordinaire! She works tirelessly to find forever, loving homes for many of the animals she’s been able to rescue from terrible situations in these remote communities. There have also been rescues from difficult circumstances wherever else the opportunity arose, in locations both near and far, including China and Bosnia!. Jan gives so much of herself (and her money… even dogs pay airfare) to help these dogs it’s truly inspiring! I honestly can’t remember the last time she didn’t have a rescue (or several) at her house waiting for a place in foster or for their forever home. As I write this there are 4 itty bitty bottle-feeding puppies at her house. 

 Jan herself has an awesome pack of dogs (4): Toby is a handsome big galoot (mastiff x) who was orphaned as a very young pup during hurricane Katrina. Bosum was abandoned as a puppy in a remote northern community alongside his sister. He was too cute to be rehomed and his little sister stayed in the family too with Jan’s sister and brother-in-law! Next came PeaPoddy, a husky x corgi (really!). Cute as a button and ears so big you could camp in them! PeaPoddy was actually taken to a group for foster but only for a day as Jan realized they belonged together. Rounding out the pack is Gracie. Gracie loves everybody – every dog and every person in the whole wide world. Quite something for a dog found half starved and with a broken leg. To me she always looks as if her head doesn’t belong to her body. They look like two different breeds.

 You can imagine the sometimes bedlam in the house with her own pack of 4 and at times another 3 or 4 or more rescues. Jan’s energy, committment, patience and passion for all dogs NEVER ceases to amaze me and I have to add that all of this is done with greatest sense of humor!  I could go on and on and on but I know you’re a busy woman. So just to recap … Jan is the best! And if she wasn’t spending so much of her own money saving dogs she may well have booked her own Scruffy Dog shoot by now. And if it matters, she would qualify equally if there were a Scruffy Cat shoot.”


all i can say is, i would love to meet this amazing individual and work with her pack.

next up we have Linda Collier and her wieners!  i know of Linda through her tireless work with Tiny Paws Rescue and Helping Homeless Pets as well as being the founder and coordinator of Wienerfest.  Linda is nominated by Tina Coutts who adopted her little wiener-man four years ago and, through him, got to know about Linda and the amazing work she does.

Tina writes:

“Linda is the founder and coordinator of Wienerfest.  She volunteers her time to this marvelous event that supports the work of Tiny Paws Rescue and Helping Lost Pets, both organizations Linda works with.  Linda is also a “Lion” working with her local Lion’s club, and includes seeing eye dog demonstrations at Wienerfest; once again working to educate folks.  Subscribing to all of these organizations, as well as Linda on Facebook, I suddenly found myself flooded with all the doxie information I could possibly want, and really began to learn about this marvelous little man of mine.  Every day there’s something new about doxies, health information, rescue information, Wienerfest information.  Linda is a constant feed, is reliable and will bend over backwards if you ask for her help.  She has contacts across North America and does not hesitate to reach out to help out anyone who asks.  And, in her “spare time” she is working on the committee to organize a dog park in Thamesford.

 In the fall of this year Linda lost her Mom, and a very few weeks afterwards, unexpectedly, she lost her beloved Gizmo; the dachshund dog who led her to rescue work.  In her grief Linda wondered aloud on Facebook if it was time to give up rescue work and that is when the extent of her work really came to light.  With so many people coming forward to remind her of the joy she had brought into their lives by connecting them with their rescue dog and the voices in the rescue community coming to support her, her dedication and commitment clearly evident.  It is what Linda doesn’t know about that speaks volumes about her.  It is the work she doesn’t see, the support she gives to people like me who just wanted to rescue and love a beautiful little dog without really knowing what they are getting into.  Linda is right there.  Whether its questions about food, or health issues, behavioral concerns, or just doggy quirks, Linda answers the questions as best she can.  Her Facebook page(s) are filled with rescue information as she connects with as many as she can.  All the while building Wienerfest into a better event each year, next year dedicated to Gizmo’s memory.  Linda has nine doxies of her own (yes I did say nine) so clearly loving the eccentricities of this marvelous breed.  Personally I feel it speaks volumes to the dedication of this lady that when I saw your contest I knew immediately that I wanted to nominate Linda, even though I haven’t had the pleasure of a face to face meeting.  She truly has helped me help my Dylan so very much.  I am sure that someone who knows her better could tell you a thousand more things about what Linda does to help so very many dogs; but here it is my gratitude that must do.”

 here is a photo snagged off of facebook which, i suspect, captures only part of Linda’s pack.

and finally we have Hannah Pepin from Kentucky and her little boy Simon . Hannah has gone from volunteering at her local humane society to working for the shelter, assisting with some large scale disaster relief efforts, and several large puppymill busts and hoarding situations. always figuring herself as a big dog person, her rescue of Simon — the 3.5 lb matted, toothless poodle from a puppymill raid — was a surprise … a life-changing one.  Simon has lost most of his lower jaw due to infection; he has seizures and is blind in one eye.  i guess this SDP gift is as much about Simon as it is Hannah.

here’s the boy:



i hope these stories have touched you as much as they did me.   i am very much looking forward to meeting Trevor and Kevin, and Terry, his family, and Mickey.  and for the others, my hope is that you’re able to arrange an SDP session so that i can meet you all as well.

again, this was no easy decision.  happy holidays to all those who took the time to write their incredible and passionate nominations … and to those where nominated, giving selflessly to their companion animals, the pet community, rescue, and every other aspect.  thank you, ALL!

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  • Michelle BradshawWow, such beautiful stories that have warmed my heart. Thank you to everyone for caring…..ReplyCancel

  • Jackie PThank you for sharing additional stories of such amazing people. You and them make me want to be more loving, more giving. It’s nice to read about the good that IS happening out in the world. I look forward to seeing the photos!ReplyCancel

  • Melissa KlingermanI lost my mother in Jan 2011 to necrotic pancreatitis. Having seen that illness at work first hand I have to say Terry and Mickey definitely deserve it, every time you turn around, another set back… The fact that he’s made it is amazing, and the fact that his furiend helped him through… can’t wait to see the session.ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonWow! Such amazing stories. You must have had a lot of tearful moments while going through submissions. I can’t imagine having to make he final choice and I admire you for choosing two recipients of your tribute award! Well done! You rock!ReplyCancel

  • Teresa NicollWonderful submissions. I looked like a fool crying in the middle of my lunch as I am reading these heart breaking, heartfelt submissions and hug my furry babies that much harder for the happiness they provide me on a daily basis. I really look forward to seeing those pictures!ReplyCancel

  • JudyI think you made some wonderful choices…and I can see how difficult it was for you…fantastic. Congratulations to the winners…you are truly deservingReplyCancel

  • Tina CouttsI will cry my way through these submissions tonight. There is no doubt you had one heck of a hard choice, and in this case, the nod in Linda’s direction is appreciated! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Sabine StapellsThis must have been one of the hardest decisions for you to make. I thank you for having such a big heart and willingness to share of your amazing talent with others. I guarantee you there will be many tears from recipients, nominators and anyone reading the stories. Have a Merry Christmas!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah PhelpsI always look forward to your fabulous photos of beautiful dogs.ReplyCancel

the end of a tradition ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

it’s with great sadness and regret that i write this blog entry … and it is not my intent to wane negative, but rather to turn this around and find a new and exciting outlet for the big chunk of ‘giving back’ that has been the backbone of scruffy dog photography since its creation five years ago.  unfortunately, first i must lay down the facts and reasons as to why i am currently looking for a new outlet.

most pet photographers i know do something to give back to rescue.  the majority of them selflessly photograph dogs in shelters and for rescue organizations to better their chances of adoption.  this is a time-consuming and heartfelt endeavor.  it is so much more than clicking a shutter and handing over some photos.  homeless pets aren’t always the easiest to work with — many are lost and disconnected as their lives hang in limbo.  some have been abandoned, others have never known a true home.  working with these souls is hard on an emotional level, but it also takes a chunk out of a photographer’s schedule.  it is traveling, setting up, working with the individual animals, and then sorting and editing, presentation, not to mention the wear and tear on costly equipment.  and this is where it should also be known that the majority of photographers do not make a ton of money … so any time taken away from paying clients is precious time.

i hear stories of some rescue organizations not really appreciating these selfless, hardworking photographers, taking advantage, undermining, breaking promises … and sure, i’ve been burned myself … but not until this year have i felt truly used and unappreciated by an organization i have given so much to.

for the past four years i have given three weeks of every year to a local shelter … three full weeks.  in these three weeks i photograph formerly adopted pets — each having won their place in the annual fundraising calendar through a contest — so that their images can grace the pages of the artistic calendar.  sure, twelve short sessions shouldn’t take three weeks, but along with the shooting, editing, and prepping for print, there is the organizing of these sessions, driving around, dealing with rain dates, contact time with the participants as well as with the shelter, and then the laying out and designing of the calendar … although this year i roped my fabulous web-designer Sarah of The Design Truth to handle the layout and design since the busy fall season conflicts with the period of time the organization is finally ready to provide calendar information for the layout.

by giving these three weeks of every year, donating my photography and design services, i am foregoing thousands of dollars of client work … but please know that i’m not complaining!  it is a sacrifice that i, and many other pet photographers, gladly make for the animals!  i do it because i’ve always had rescue pets and rescue is very close to my heart … in fact, it IS my heart.  besides the myriad of other things scruffy dog does throughout the year — photographing fosters, offering donations and silent auction gifts to different charities, pro bono sessions, etc. — my ultimate goal with scruffy dog’s giving back is, always, to do something that can make the greatest impact.  what this means is: raise money and raise awareness.

for me, the shelter calendar seemed a good fit for that, especially once i was finally able to convince shelter administration that we should focus the calendar on adopted pets specifically.

however, sadly, this year, with a change in the shelter’s administration, that ‘fit’ is no longer there.

where once the calendar was treated as a ‘partnership’ between SDP and the shelter and there was clear respect and appreciation for the weeks of work donated each year, today there is none … and i am left feeling like some employee (an unpaid one, of course).  promises made over the years by those who formerly handled the calendar were squashed, in spite of the fact that i’d already organized and shot the entire 2013 calendar under the assumption that this year would be handled like every other.  the process was fraught with tension, insults, and one-sided authority instead of anything that remotely resembled a partnership or recognition of the great efforts my business has made for the good of their organization for the past four years.

throughout the final process of this year’s calendar, scruffy dog has been kept entirely out of the loop. in fact, i wasn’t even informed when the calendars were finally ready for purchase in spite of the fact that in past years, SDP has sold our fair share of calendars to followers and fans.

and through this all,  i have waited for even the smallest sign of appreciation.  but … nothing.

instead, scruffy dog’s involvement has been completely stripped from any kind of press release and social media regarding the calendar, in spite of my request that scruffy dog — as well as Sarah from The Design Truth — be mentioned as it has in past years.  we’re not talking fanfare and billboards!  just the simple one line mention, with a nod of appreciation, that has formerly been attached to all PR and announcements surrounding the calendar, a little support to a small one-person business for their dedication through the years.

of course, some might suggest that this mention of appreciation shouldn’t matter … that i should be happy i’m helping the pets at the shelter (or helping to pay the wages of those who have shown no appreciation).  scruffy dog shouldn’t have to be credited, right?

well, folks, there’s selflessness and then there’s survival … and trying to make a living as a pet-exclusive photographer (or any kind of photographer) is not an easy road, nor an enormously prosperous one.  please understand this: in order for any working photographer to actually give the time each year to take on a project of this size in the midst of a busy schedule and trying to make a living at photography, they need to have a project of this proportion at least build a little brand recognition on the off-chance that it could garner a few bookings to help offset the financial loss in taking on the project.  i’ll admit, in the four years of shooting the calendar, three calendar winners did book proper sessions, and i have gotten one or two bookings from clients who said that one of the sources from which they learned about scruffy dog was through the calendar.  but this doesn’t come anywhere close to covering the losses, and anyone with an iota of business sense can tell you right off that this is not a good venture from the business’s perspective, no matter how you cut it. BUT …

… that’s okay!  i continued to do the calendar every year because it paid me in a different way.  still, without some kind of benefit to the business, however small, it doesn’t make business sense … and if a business fails how can it possibly do more charity work to help the animals? and honestly now, the only thing most of us photographers are after is a nod of appreciation, a credit given, and maybe feeling like we’re actually a partner in this venture, not some unpaid ’employee’ that can be bossed around or have their integrity questioned at every turn.

this decision has been an immensely difficult one.  but i simply cannot continue what i had seen as a tradition, as a partnership, as a wonderful and community-oriented part of my small business.  this will be the last year scruffy dog will organize, shoot and layout this organization’s calendar.  my efforts need to be directed to a more cooperative, respectful organization, where the hours, days and weeks of my commitment are recognized and appreciated, and where they can do the most good for everyone involved.

i want to hear from you … i want to hear your ideas and am open to any way that you think scruffy dog can help out.  of course, the goal is to find or create a project that will raise the most funds and awareness possible, whether that is locally or globally.  although i am already in preliminary talks with an amazing rescue organization with whom i’ve had a connection for years, i look forward to hearing from individuals and organizations on other ideas.  scruffy dog is here to do whatever it takes to make the greatest impact, to raise the most money and awareness, for the individual homeless pet and the collective whole.


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  • Dawn K. Thompson-RealtorWhen one door closes, another one opens. The one that opens will be far greater than you can hope or ask for. The BEST is yet to come! I have loved your work and never cease to be blessed & inspired by your amazing talent.ReplyCancel

  • Joi WilliamsLady Bird Animal Sanctuary might be a good organization to continue making calendars or bio pics of adoptable pets, they are musicians and understand what it is like out there for artists trying to make a business. They are based in Hamilton, On, and have a fb page.ReplyCancel

  • Sandra SpencerIt makes me sick how one new person or persons in an organization can ruin a wonderful relationship that you once had with this rescue group. It would be an honour if you would consider our rescue group Loyal Rescue. I have thought that if we only could find an incredible photographer like yourself to photograph our angels it would be a dream come true. We have so many deserving dogs that need to find a forever home and an awesome picture of them would certainly help to highlight them. Almost every weekend we are involved with rescuing dogs from some deplorable conditions and it never ceases to amaze me how trusting and calm these precious souls are and I can only hope that they find a wonderful home to love and cherish them like I do with my two rescues and one foster. You deserve to be treated so much better and it is their loss. Please , please check us out. I met you at Woofstock this summer and admire your work so much.ReplyCancel

  • Wendy WebbI to photograph for a living… Your right the volunteer hours do have reward, but people have little idea of the time, effort, and expense that goes into quality.
    Committees are fluid, sometimes all is good and then BAM a new committee with new direction and it simply sucks. Been there, take the high road, go bigger and better, change happens – so let it spur you on to new heights of excellence.ReplyCancel

  • YvonneIt’s not just their loss… it’s everybody’s loss.
    How about dogs with jobs?ReplyCancel

  • DJ LoverockKnow that all things happen for a reason. Maybe its time to make your own calendar or even a book and sell them to dog organizations and give them a percentage of the sales. They can help their own organizations at the same time help support your incredible talent. Best wishes to a gifted photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Kim Hopkins BenderI am so sorry you had this negative experience. Your photos are stunning! I suggest you put this negative in your rearview mirror and find another animal charity that WILL appreciate you and all you are doing for the animals. Those 2 little words of “thank you” mean soooo much and why is it too often you hear: nothing said; “Have a nice day”; or “There ya go!” When did all of this become a replacement for thank you? Best of luck to you!ReplyCancel

  • Evelyn CowartAll of us in the rescue world understand all too well. I’m sure the actual fosters and adopters appreciate all you did to help save precious lives. We can only hope that a year or two with the new people running the organization will make people aware of the difference outlook and goals can make. Thanks for your care and dedication over the years.ReplyCancel

  • Jen BrownHi Ilona,

    I apologize if this has already been posted but I quicklt scanned the blog and did not see. What about service dogs. Pick an organization that uses/trains service dogs and proceeds from the calendar can be donated to a charity that would be applicable to one of the users. Thsi will also help raise awareness for all the different things these dogs do too. Some people think service dogs are just for the vision impared. Keep up the GREAT work!! Whatever you choose they will be lucky to have you.ReplyCancel

  • Holly MontgomeryI know how much this affected you emotionally Illona, and I am sorry it worked out the way it did. I know you will find another project to work on, and you know if you need me at all just say the word! 😉 All we ask for in these ventures is just respect and a thank you. I don’t think that’s too much to ask!ReplyCancel

  • Katy HendersonThese photographs are truly stunning. I dearly love each one of them. I can’t explain why a shelter would handle business this way, and I wish you weren’t on opposite ends of the planet from me because there are hundreds of rescuers here who would love to work with you. I love your work.ReplyCancel

  • Liz uribeI feel bad, not only because they dont appreciate your dedication, but also for those souls who are now in hands of an uncaring individual.ReplyCancel

  • Crystal BeasleyGood for you! This was a good read & I totally get it! And agree with you. Your pics are awesome & any other shelter or other animal rescue would be very lucky to have you become apart of them… sonetimes ppl don’t know wut they have got until its gone. But even if you have to go elsewhere plz remember no matter where you go… The animals need you, you help them get to where they need to be-with awareness… and so much more… And wherever you go there will be animals waiting for your help… Maybe this is your path so you can help more of them from a place that doesn’t have the help you can provide. 🙂 Many Blessings to you on your path for your future. <3 ReplyCancel

  • Linda BakcsyIt is obvious from your beautiful photos as well as your wonderfully descriptive and often amusing postings how much you love the animals that you photograph. How sad for the homeless animals that the administration is so caught up in itself that they can’t give the people involved in giving their organization a calendar to sell any mention. It sounds like they have lost sight of the true purpose – finding loving homes for the animals so much in need. I’m sure there are so many rescues that would love to have someone of your caliber and artistic eye to help their animals in need. What a loss for that rescue.ReplyCancel

  • Liz BellI was going to say the same as some others!! Go for guide dogs….there are so many out there!! There are many organizations that would love your services I’m sure!! Sorry your heart felt work was unappreciated!! ReplyCancel

  • JenniferI’ve been there, it’s disappointing, and very hard to understand….and it made me angry. But it’s their loss and I am sure in your area there are other organizations who would be thrilled to have you help. Next year they will be sorely disappointed and maybe they will realize how easy a few thank you’s would have been.ReplyCancel

  • Susan HummelYou made the right choice.ReplyCancel

  • Kim FinckHow about a calendar of unsung heros…dog and soldiers from Iraq, or the rescue people that help rescue the stray dogs of Mexico…ReplyCancel

    • illonathanks, Kim. i’m going to think about the Mexico thing … i’d love to shoot down there … although i’d prefer to help those here. lots of ideas rattling around in my brain, for sure!ReplyCancel

  • Dee JonesI’m sad to hear new management has decided to treat you so disrespectfully… It seems they’re brushing off quite a few people recently and in the end it will really bite them in the butt. you might wan to contact Shane Bateman down the road at Guelph Humane. I feel they would be unbelievably receptive to you donating your services to them. I’ve dealt with many shelters in the area and their staff is few but always very helpful and happy, and all the volunteers LOVE being there.

    So sorry you had to experience this, but it is totally understandable and one should only be where they are loved and appreciated (just like shelter pets).ReplyCancel

  • Sam Linville FranklinI don’t know you and I’ve never seen your work until today, but thank you for all that you’ve done. It is because people like you give back, the world is a much better place. Thank you.ReplyCancel

  • SarahGo with your gut and do whatever makes you happy 🙂 You have such a big heart and amazing talent. Who ever you decide to work with will be more than happy to have such a wonderful photographer like you.ReplyCancel

  • aliJust glanced through the other comments, and yes, doing your own calendar would be amazing! So many more people would be able to buy it and so much more publicity for you and more money for the organizations of your choice. Especially if you did it in a way that you didn’t have to deal with printing and shipping.ReplyCancel

    • illonathanks, Ali. i’ve definitely put a lot of thought into doing my own fund-raising calendar … a LOT of thought, even down to the mechanics of how to organize it, etc. the benefit of having a partnership with the organization that will reap the funds raised is that you can more than double your sales, and THAT raises more money, along with more awareness. but, yes, if a good, solid, on-board organization can’t be found, i may end up doing a scruffy dog fundraising calendar.ReplyCancel

  • AliI’m sorry it turned out this way. These images are absolutely breathtaking and I am sure you will find an organization much more worthy of your time and attention and deserving of images such as these. As a working photographer myself I very much understand the amount of work that goes into those twelve sessions.ReplyCancel

  • KarenAs a fellow pet photographer, I wholeheartedly agree with your decision. I, too, volunteer each week at a shelter organization providing photography services pro bono because it is part of “giving back” to the community in which I live. If I did not feel appreciated, I simply could not do it.

    I hope you find an organization to partner with that will appreciate your enormous talent as well as the time and effort it takes to organize a project of this magnitude. I write only to say that organizations like this do exist and one day you will find each other…ReplyCancel

    • illonathanks for the comment, Karen. it’s good to know there are appreciative organizations out there. thank you for all that you do for the shelter cats and dogs!ReplyCancel

  • deniseYou’re at a crossroads. Understandable, yet, so regretful. I must urge you to follow the advice to consider therapy animals. The impact they have is far reaching, whether it’s a child with autism, an elder with Alzheimer’s, or even a university ‘paws’ room for stressed out students. This type of photography is certainly outside the realm of what you do, but would broaden some horizons in the future. PROMISE! Keep on with the love that shines through your photos. You are amazing at what you do… and the opportunity for new business will flow through that.ReplyCancel

    • illonathank you for your comment, Denise. i am completely on board with the need for therapy dogs. in fact, i had Merrick Goobernuts certified last spring through Therapeutic Paws. we haven’t been assigned a placement yet, but i was just thinking earlier this week — after seeing the news story on CTV — that i’d love to visit the universities here. as i mentioned in my FB comment to you, i remember my university days and SO missing my dog and any kind of animal contact. i think it would be awesome to give these stressed students some dog-time, AND to keep reminding them how vital pets are in our lives … something which is often forgotten as they leave home and get caught up in their own lives. plus, merrick is such an advocate for rescue and rehabilitation.ReplyCancel

  • JudyI’m sorry to hear this. In a time when no one can afford to take any gift for granted, especially shelters that need all the help they can get. It’s almost shocking. Please consider doing the calendar yourself anyway as so many have suggested. I know I would love one as I find your work beautiful. I’m sure you are developing a large following and a solution will come along that suits both you and whatever organization that is lucky enough to have your help.ReplyCancel

  • Susan LeclercYou should be recognized for your contributions and absolutely beautiful and unique photography. What a loss for this org.,. ReplyCancel

  • Amanda JuddIt’s horrible that you were used in such a way, but I’m glad that it opens you up to helping other organizations who may benefit from your amazing work. Since I’m not sure anyone has spoken for my favourite organization yet, I’d like to ask that you potentially look into working with The Dog Rescuers Inc. They are a dedicated group of people in the Oakville area who rescue, foster, and rehabilitate abandoned dogs from all over Canada.ReplyCancel

    • illonathanks for your comment, Amanda. i’ve actually contacted Dog Rescuers Inc several times over the past year and once spoken with one of their reps in person at an event … asking, begging them to do photos of their foster dogs in order to help out. alas, they haven’t taken me up on it. I have to assume they have another photographer working with them.ReplyCancel

  • Leanne BrischettoYour post has made me really sad. You should not have had to write this post or defend yourself – the credit and respect should have been given without thought, I believe. Any well run organization should have the manners and intelligence to recognize this from the outset. I know your talent and efforts will be appreciated and respected elsewhere.ReplyCancel

  • Tina MacKinnonWhat. The. Freck. Were they thinking? I want a calendar and I’m not even local. Gorgeous photography, and all they had to do was hand you the reins and say “go to it.” Geez louise. I’d email a larger national group with sample photos, and get yourself a written agreement. Then photograph with joy, the way youwant to. You could even ask paying clients for permission to use existing photos for charity-betcha they’d say yes.ReplyCancel

    • illonathanks so much, Tina, for your kind words. i actually DID contact the Ontario SPCA several months ago via an email with impassioned words and links to past calendar images. i never received a reply. 🙁

      i can’t chase these kinds of potential ‘partners’ … they have GOT to want scruffy dog, you know?ReplyCancel

  • Rita VasquezI am so sorry to read this. Your work is beautiful and I’m sure the winners on these pages have appreciated the wonderful images of their pets over the years. It seems that so many organizations as well as individuals are jumping on the “give me something for nothing” bandwagon. They are cutting off their nose to spite their face, as the saying goes. I completely understand your view point. I am also glad that you are planning on finding another organization to partner with where your time and efforts will not be taken for granted. Whoever they are, they will be lucky dogs, indeed.ReplyCancel

  • Diana SulladaI agree with Selma. Don’t stop. Your talents are recognized by your fans (like me). Simply search for a new shelter. It is sadly true that many shelters shouldn’t be called shelter. My husband and I tried to adopt a dog but weren’t returned with a call from any of the shelters we contacted. It’s unacceptable. I think you should find a place that gives you the credit you deserve. Good luck.ReplyCancel

  • Selma MulveyStunning photography. Find another shelter would be my advice because not everyone is tone deaf.ReplyCancel

  • Tamara KenneallyI really do understand this. I’ve completely been there. I think it’s the best decision for you and definitely their loss.ReplyCancel

  • Joanna ReichertI am so sorry to read this. I know this is heart-breaking – you keep giving the benefit of doubt, over and over, and nope, that ship is sinking regardless.

    I say, good riddance to bad rubbish and let the chips fall where they may. Will they have less adoptions or exposure because they spit in your face? Maybe. Is it your responsibility to rescue them from their stupidity? Not at all. And you realize that.

    I know you’ll be able to concentrate on people who DO respect your value and I wish you the very best this Christmas! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Andy MathisYour photos are beautiful and it is obvious that you spend a lot of time and thought into choosing locations, props, etc.

    Is the shelter no longer doing a calendar? Nothing worse than feeling unappreciated and used, but don’t despair for long. I see a few problems with this arrangement- I assume that contest winners won because of donations to the shelter. Or was in just votes on the photos?

    If it were me, I would shoot my own calendar. It could be adopted pets, it could be client’s pets, it could be pets needing to be adopted. The connection for the person purchasing the calendar is with your photos and your vision. If you don’t want to deal with orders and shipping- then use sites like Lulu, MagCloud, Zazzle, and Cafepress to fill the orders. Or use all of them as not everyone shops at the same place or site. Whatever royalties are created can be donated to shelters, rescue groups, or charities of your choosing.

    Have you considered submitting your photos to companies that produce calendars for retail? You get the name recognition and credit for the photos, and royalites on a national or international scale, could produce more money for charity than a local shelter calendar.

    If you are wanting to “give back” in a more direct way, then consider photographing rescue pets that are waiting to be adopted. These wouldn’t require such a huge chunk of time to be blocked off your schedule as it sound like this calendar project has been. Have an hour or two, photograph a few pets in the shelter parking lot, etc.

    That’s just my thoughts off the top of my head. If you need help identifying which companies produce calendars here in the States, I can help with those.ReplyCancel

  • Liz ColemanAbsolutely shameful treatment of one of the finest pet photographers in the world. Thousands of dollars worth of work donated to them as a gift, and they treat you like this?! There are plenty more animal charities who would bite your hand off for a gift like that. Brush yourself down and find a charity which appreciates your contribution.ReplyCancel

  • Steve BarkerTheir loss. ReplyCancel

  • Michelle SchertzerWell put. It’s unfortunate when things need to come down to this, but as a business owner myself, I can completely understand why you had to make this difficult decision.
    I’m sorry to hear that you were unappreciated in your tremendous effort to raise awareness for the organization. They were lucky to have such a highly skilled photographer working alongside them. The next organization you work with will be incredibly lucky. (And hopefully MUCH more appreciative!)
    Best of luck! Keep up the amazing work you do, and have a great Christmas!ReplyCancel

  • Fraida GutovichI am heartbroken for both you and the animals! Your love for what you do is so evident through your pictures. I am confident your magic will be thoroughly appreciated and recognized by more worthy institutions in the future! Wishing you and your Scruffies a happy and healthy holiday!ReplyCancel

  • Jean CoteWow. That’s is totally understandable! Time is much more valuable than money in my opinion, and they should at least give you credit for taking the photographs, that’s the least that they should do. In fact, I think they should have it inside the calendar unless they paid for the images/work. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Tina SenecalI have been there. It’s such a difficult place to be, too, because you love and believe in the cause, but people don’t understand the commitment and effort you put into it. A simple “thanks” goes a long way. I don’t understand how people continue to treat others – especially those who are helping them – with such disregard and disrespect. Your images are beautiful…I hope you find a way to continue to share them. Best of luck.ReplyCancel

  • Colleen Elizabeth BeanFirst of all, your work is absolutely beautiful. You capture the individual personalities of the animals you photograph with each snap. It is very unfortunate that some do not respect and appreciate the dedication that you show for photographing the beauty of these once abandoned animals. Sometimes we do have to move on when others do not demonstrate appreciation for volunteer work. I agree with the post below, go with your heart. Best of luck finding another organization to support. I am out of Ontario, so I do not have a suggestion for you. Perhaps, therapeutic dog groups? Just a thought. Merry Christmas and all the best in starting a fresh new venture in 2013.ReplyCancel

  • Patricia Lynn Brooks PasqualleYour spot on! There is nothing worse than being a giving artist and not being recognized, even when it is for a good cause. The bad taste that results is impossible to ignore, as is financial loss. The biggest problem in business today is when there is change in management, they always come in and want to change everything to their specs without seeing what is working for the place already and changing what isn’t. There are tons of animal charities out there who would be honored and accepting of the incredible “work” you do…and it is WORK. As for me, I am with you on this one 100%. Its not just a feel good thing to help with a charity,. It has to be a positive environment, when the people who run it make it a negative one, its time to move on. I wish our local shelters had someone with your talent offering up their time to help fundraise! Your work speaks volumes….don’t be discouraged by the bad apple….find a new outlet for your love, and you charity will be rewarded and you will be appreciated once again. Please keep the post up…I cannot tell you how many days have been made better by taking a break and enjoying your work through my computer. Thanks for everything…Merry Christmas.ReplyCancel

  • Mary Timmons-BabcockI am tremendously sorry that the shelter’s new managers are so ignorant, but I’m sure they will feel the loss next year. Your work is awesome. You catch the spirit and personality of the animals, not just an image. There are so many worthy and deserving rescues, I would not even be able to begin to pick on to suggest. I do favor the Beagle Rescue Project……..but they are not anywhere close to you. Go with your heart. <3 <3 <3.ReplyCancel

  • EricIllona, I am disappointed to hear about the administrative shift, it’s unfortunately something that we too have experienced and it’s always hard to fathom someones agenda when they make these sorts of decisions. The good news, you will always be a brilliant photographer and there will be a group out there that will side with you thru thick and thin for the long haul. I promise you first hand that those groups exist and they are worth the search. What might be interesting is to combine your skills with another service organization that maintains some animal facet to their offerings. Are their relief workers that rescue animals where you could combine the before and afters, travelling to help out extreme cases. These organizations can afford to pay some expenses as well as they understand the long term benefits will outweigh initial costs, the returns are there. Just a thought? Talk with your favourite canine supply mfg and propose something that suits you. Everybody can win. Your shots are the best I have seen, maybe you do them based on a theme that you choose each year and then sell them online to promote the theme/charity, all proceeds back in… let your mind wander, and free yourself from the stink of this small minded incident. Their loss, yours and your next organizations gains.ReplyCancel

    • illonathank you so much, Eric, for the kind words and encouragement. the mind is definitely wandering. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • TraceyI agree with the comments. It’s unfortunate that you put forth your efforts and your hard work went unnoticed by new management. Your pictures are truly beautiful and you have a knack of capturing the unique personality of your furry subjects. But with that said, and I’m sorry to play the devil’s advocate, when we give ourselves to charity or to help a worthy cause, we do so selflessly because we love and admire that cause. If you want to “use” that cause to benefit you in some way, then you should organize something yourself through your business and that way you have the best of both worlds. I know you would do a fabulous job!!! Don’t get discouraged, there are plenty of charities and worth while causes you can focus your talents on.ReplyCancel

  • Lisa CollinsIllona, I don’t blame you. You are doing the right thing!

    You need a break sometimes also. You work way too hard!

    Have you tried the human society?

    Good luck! Don’t worry!

    Merry Christmas

  • michelle bradshawillona, how sad…..I still look at the 2011 calendar to this day. In fact it’s pinned to my wall here at work so I can see my sweet Macy’s face as soon as I arrive at my desk. The 2012 calendar sits below it waiting to be replaced by the 2013 calendar. I’m ashamed at how you have been treated because you are one of the hardest working, devoted, kindest people I know. Thank you for all of your hard work in the past to help the animals at the shelter. I know you will find a new outlet for your talent that will appreciate all of your hard work!ReplyCancel

  • tovahHaving been a (paid) non-profit employee in the past who received little to no appreciated for the job done, I know how disheartening it can be to not even get a ‘good job’ or ‘thanks’ from the powers that be, especially if that encouragement had been offered in the past. I will say, it’s their loss, but I doubt they’ll ever realize that. I also know how painful a split with an organization you really care about can be, especially when it’s the bosses that cause the split rather than any change at the front lines that make you feel differently about the work being done.

    There’s nothing wrong with focusing your talents towards an organization who appreciates them. There’s a group out there that will be a great fit for you again, and it’ll be as good if not better than it was before.ReplyCancel

  • Ron AdkinI am always amazed at the amount of politics, self-serving one-upmanship , and general callousness that is shown by these organizations that are supposedly there to help and serve unwanted and abused animals. It’s such a shame that you have to end a relationship that, apparently, served both parties. Good luck !ReplyCancel

  • MonaI cannot imagine anyone not appreciating your beautiful work. I hope you find a good organization to work with soon. You are a great inspiration to me and I hope to meet you someday. I did want to let you know I found a group that raises money and distributes it to all the local rescue organizations. For me that was where I could do the most to help with animal rescue. I hope you can find a group like that or better yet, start your own.ReplyCancel

  • Sheila McGregorThank you, thank you, thank you ~ Thank you for what you do, who you are and putting all of that ‘out there’ for us to share in, enjoy, be inspired by and increase our level of compassion. I have only recently found SCP and am so very glad I did (maybe it was thorugh FB?). Your honesty and clear explanation brings insight and appreciation for you and so many others that give of themselves, their time, etc. for what they love. We all know that such endeavors ‘cost’ something, but it is too easy to forget. I know you will find a new fit as a way to ‘give back’ because it is evident that is what is in your heart. My thoughts keep going toward some type of gallery showing and auction of your amazing photographs – they are works of art. Here in Seattle we love animals – dogs especially! and art, so I could see an event like that easily happening (or NYC too!). Please receive this Thank You, and the many others in the comments and let them soak in deep to your soul – to refresh and restore, comfort and heal.ReplyCancel

  • Joni SolisThis should be a wake up call to the whole community that this shelter needs a new leader because if they can treat someone that is working so hard for the animals like this they are not doing what is best to help the most shelter animals.

    Your photos are some of the best pet photos I have ever seen. Your talent and heart are magnificent.ReplyCancel

  • FredI agree with the other commenters that it’s their loss and your work is one if the finest in the pet photography world. You inspire me every day.
    I want to give you some more critical feedback though in an attempt to help.
    You’ve done such a great job building your business to be the best in your area. It sounds like part if the issue is you didn’t treat the shelter like any other client. You were doing them a favor and helping support the life of the animals they support which is great but it sounds like you didn’t get them to sign any kind of contract with you like you would with any other client. Maybe you are but they need to see the hard numbers of what the cost for your services are. They need to sign the contract and keep to their end of the work. It is totally within your rights to require recognition with in all the work you do and that you still own the rights to all the work you do. You’re not just a employee; you’re an outside consultant that allows them to bring in valuable resources into the shelter.
    Making assumptions and expecting people to do right by you will always lead to where you are now. You do amazing work and they are loosing a major resource. They think they can get someone with a camera to just take new photos and not need you. Since the decision makers have changes, maybe they just don’t appreciate the value of photography. Not everyone does. Moving on isn’t bad. Change is good even. I would just suggest that you avoid the assumptions you made with the next lucky group.
    Best of luck.ReplyCancel

    • illonathanks, Fred, I appreciate the feedback. and yes, it was suggested by the new admin that we put things on paper from now on … that *I* put something together for them … and quite honestly, i didn’t feel up to wasting the time to come up with an agreed-upon arrangement when i was left with nothing but the distinct feeling that that “writing” would simply be tossed out anyway. and then the story progressed to the point where it just seemed like a lose-lose situation. they DID have great potential in having scruffy dog as a ‘partner’, not just with the photos but the incredible marketing power i have at my disposal. yet, they clearly didn’t care, and this year any sense of ‘partnership’ was gone anyway. but you’re right, from now, with any future organization, i will be sure to get things in writing in case there is some administrative change again.ReplyCancel

  • kelva KitsonIt sounds to me you have thought long and hard about this decision and the outcome is tough but fair as far as I can see .i totally appreciate the time and effort you put into your work and stand beside any decision you make for you personally and for your business .good luck in the year to come ,stand tall in your decision and your fans are behind u ….ReplyCancel

  • JennThe end of one tradition welcomes the beginning of something bigger and better. It sounds like you have served in love, grown in character and made a change for the better while maintaining your high standards.
    Good for you in setting such a noble example! 🙂
    These life lessons are never fair or easy, but then again, we are talking about LIFE with less than perfect people. I appreciate your willingness to explain with honesty and remain open to the next view on the horizon. The sky is the limit and you can photograph that while your enjoying the views!ReplyCancel

  • WendyYou deserve the recognition for your work and not to have your integrity questioned, what a loss for the animals whose lives were enhanced from your work. Follow your heart and continue your work with another agency. Thanks for the smiles and your doggy lovin heart!!ReplyCancel

  • MarniYour beautiful work speaks for itself – however at some point we must all take a stand, and speak up – I commend you for your exemplary efforts and will continue to recommend you to all that I meet. When we deal with organizations whose management have been promoted into positions they are not qualified for, they prove to be detrimental to those organizations, who ultimately will pay the price for their lack of forethought. We wish you the greatest success, and as always, your work SHINES! .. be proud of yourself, your fans already are 🙂ReplyCancel

  • WendiI agree with your decision 100% You apparently have given so much and to get this in return is very disheartening. You can tell that you love what you do and people need to appreciate it…NOT expect it.
    I love your work…i would love to buy one of the calendars if you offer it for sale. Hoping that this is possible 😉 Hang in there…you have to do what is right for you and follow your heart ?ReplyCancel

  • Shiona CameronHow very sad! Your photos are absolutely stunning. I am with Staffordshire Rescue Scotland – we are a small organisation, did our first calendar this year by asking everyone on facebook to send pics of their staffies in. We used them for the calendar – and we are so proud of them – though they don’t come close to the work you have done. How could anyone NOT appreciate what you have done to help those gorgeous rescue dogs! You have done a wonderful job.ReplyCancel

  • Cindy@northofwiartonThis is so sad that what you have been giving back and contributing to the Community was brushed off so rudely. I find it terrible people do not recognize the kindness of others, choosing to ignore it or walk all over it. I have great respect for what you have done the past four years for the shelter, with total respect and understanding as to why you have decided to withdraw. Why would anyone subject themselves to such rejection to the point of it being emotional abuse with not one iota of gratitude sent your way. Way too many self-serving people in this World that I care to think about. I lived in the K-W areas for 25 yrs, and what a shame this has happened.ReplyCancel

  • Julie SaracenoI’m so sorry that this happened to you! I’m a photog and designer, and I also volunteer for a local rescue group. I know how much time and love goes into all these shoots! I’ve heard of lots of photogs doing “mini sessions” for a weekend and the profits go to a local shelter.ReplyCancel

  • Karen GrahamI understand completely where you are coming from. Your work is beautiful and a work of art and the shelter should have realized that before it was too late. You deserve the recognition for your work that you are donating. I hope the shelter you choose to work with appreciates what a treasure they have.ReplyCancel

  • Corrine Batchelor🙁ReplyCancel

  • scruffy dog photographythanks for the input, Andy. i’ve been intending to research a bit more about Lulu, Cafepress, etc. … it’s hard for a perfectionist like me to work with these kinds of companies without seeing the finished product and quality first. so we’ll see.

    and yes, i’ve certainly but lots of thought into shooting a scruffy dog calendar and have already figured out a lot of the mechanics in order to raise the most money and awareness possible. i’ve got some great ideas. but of course, distribution is important as well, and when partnered with a larger rescue group, that larger distribution is more likely … and can raise more $s.

    oh, yes, i’ve been approached by many calendar publishers. they pay peanuts for images because they know the can get photos submitted from non-pros for free. even though i finally gave up a whole whack of images to Workman Publishing for 2014 at their request, (a) it’s not a good use of my stock, and (b) it doesn’t address my desire to make a difference.

    and yes, i photograph foster dogs for different organizations to help their chances of adoption and/or to help raise funds required for their vetting … but this is the small stuff compared to producing a calendar that raises thousands of dollars each year. we’ll see. thanks again for the input!ReplyCancel

  • scruffy dog photographythanks so much, Patricia, for your kind and supportive words.ReplyCancel

  • scruffy dog photographyhi Sandra, I would love to photograph Loyal’s foster dogs. please email me via the contact page and let’s talk!ReplyCancel

  • scruffy dog photographythanks for the lead, Dee.ReplyCancel

  • sandraspencer64scruffy dog photography Fantastic! You would make our Christmas! We have had such a stressful time right now trying to rescue some precious angels. I am speaking with Brenda Bunn later today who is the founder of Loyal Rescue and will email you later today. Thanks so much. You are an angel. ReplyCancel

  • Neil SarginsonGreat work, will add Guelph Humane Society really does need some positive press, this could be a good fit. Go online and search for their history over the last couple of yearsReplyCancel

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