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Bo & Dallas giving up some pug love ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photographer}

as we head into winter — our first storm brewing outside right now — my hope is to start bringing you some fuller blog entries on just a few of the many fabulous scruffies i had the pleasure of working with this year.  with less sessions during the snowy months, winter is a time for some badly -needed catching up on so many other aspects of the business, and in between all of that, it’s my opportunity to share with you a few more photos from the past year.

Bo & Dallas came from Toronto to scruffy dog territory for their session this fall.

loving some of the locations we have here at our disposal, and looking for a big canvas to go along with their album and prints, parents Pam and Nelson had the tunnel of trees in mind ……as well as our favorite train tunnel where Bo & Dallas posed like little thugs … er … pugs.Dallas is a pug-beagle cross who Pam and Nelson have had for ten months.  he was a rescue from a puppymill and adopted as a puppy through Speaking of Dogs canine rescue. and Bo is a pug-boston terrier cross, adopted from someone who didn’t have the capacity to take care of his of Dallas’s most endearing features, of course, is his extremely expressive eyes … i’ll admit, i had a lot of fun with both of these boys, but especially Dallas’s expressions.and when it came to using the old, spikey post for a few photos, it was a no-brainer to use Dallas, and let his personality shine through…

of course, Bo wasn’t without a few expressions himself…of course, we always let loose on our scruffy dog sessions, including playing with the scruffy dog balls … and it didn’t matter that i provided two balls … Dallas always wants Bo’s.we also spent some time on the beach, where the true drama of the weather could really be seen …in fact, in discussing the weather earlier in the day, we weren’t completely certain we would even be having a session.  but Nelson was determined to brave the elements … and it paid off.  big dramatic sky, then sun, then clouds, and sure, a few rain drops in between.thanks for a memorable session, Pam and Nelson … and thanks Dallas and Bo for showing me your pugalicious attitude.

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  • Marissa ShepherdDo you just hang out with the dogs and the owner all day and take a million pictures of them? Because I don’t see how it would be possible to stage any of those pictures. They are all so cute, and so NATURAL! I love how you do these.ReplyCancel

  • Cindy SebestyenI know that you like Dallas’ faces that he makes and so do I but I really do think that Bo is one of the most photogenic dogs I have ever seen- having said all of this, your pictures are breathtaking – Pam and Nelson showed me the album and I actually got a little teary eyed, they are amazing pictures.ReplyCancel

  • Meghan GraceAwesome Puggie photos, Ilona! What expressions they have on their faces!ReplyCancel

  • Joni SolisPug mixes have fabulous looks on their faces! All of these are great!ReplyCancel

  • Christine UptonCan’t beat a Pug! Fun and games.ReplyCancel

  • Robyn ElizabethDallas going after Bo’s ball is classic- we have that going on in my house all the time 🙂 What an adorable photo shoot. Love the photos!ReplyCancel

  • Judy Gadsby BellevilleBeautiful pictures…dogs faces say so much!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonHa! Those are great shots, illona! I especially like the ones where the red ball is stuffed in the pug’s mouth! So hilarious!ReplyCancel

  • JudyI love your work, it is awesome really, love the look on the dogs faces…they really say alot. Very , very nice. Thanks for sharingReplyCancel

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