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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

pet photographers descend on the Poconos ~ {Ontario pet photographer in Pennsylvania}

for those of you who diligently follow scruffy dog on facebook  you will already have read about my trip in June to the Poconos in Pennsylvania to meet up with a half dozen fellow pet photographers whom i’ve known for a number of years now.  after conversing for the past 5+ years with these women on-line, we decided it was high-time to have a little get-together, to finally meet face-to-face, to shoot together, and to, well, shoot-the-sh*t!

i could not imagine a better energy, flow, synergy, and level of sharing that we all had from that very first day …

pictured above (obviously not me, as i was taking the photo) … in the foreground is the amazing Charlotte Reeves, all the way from Australia … behind her is Sara Riddle, based in Northern VA … blondie there is Sarah McGraw from Charlotte, NC … and behind her is fellow Nikon-shooter (and her partner) Sarah Beth of Minneapolis … and then there is Holly Montgomery of Brindleberry Photography in Calgary.  Kaylee Greer of Dog Breath Photography in Boston joined us later on.

to the many photographers who have inquired privately and on facebook about future get-togethers or how they could join, please understand that this was not a sponsored event or an “open” invite.  we’ve known each other for years, and arranged this amongst ourselves, and  i definitely encourage others to do the same!  time shared with fellow pet photographers at your own shooting level is invaluable. the camaraderie is unparalleled, and the connections can be deep.

it took months of planning and months of searching for the right destination and right accommodations.  although i’m not sure we really found the perfect accommodations, we certainly found a most wonderful setting deep in the Poconos for some fabulous photos.  i definitely wanted the chosen destination to be within driving range for me so that i could bring Merrick along for some initial modeling … and model, he did!

in fact, i think he spoiled the girls a little with his abilities and willingness to please.there was certainly a lot of ball work-involved …and posing high up…and even balancing.  of course, it should be known that the goober was mastering the whole “on things” long before that long-legged diva Maddie ever hit the scene, but he loves that old coonhound anyway.of course, no photographers’ get-together would be complete without a few volunteer models!  i had put a call-out for models via the scruffy dog facebook page and then let the others vote on who they would like to work with.  first up, we had the lovely Roxie.and then we had the pleasure of working with the incomparable Finnegan.and here’s a rare shot of Sarah McGraw, showing me how a real Canon shooter does it.  thanks, Sarah!for those of you who follow more closely on the SDP facebook page, you’ll know that during this trip i was shooting solely with Canon gear.  Canon Canada graciously loaned me a bagful of gear to test as i have been flirting with the idea of switching from Nikon.  in spite of many extremely happy years of shooting Nikon, and honestly preferring Nikon’s usability over Canon, in spite of a number of recent issues which i will not get into here, the bottom line comes down to megapixels.  for most shooters — portrait, wedding, babies, etc. — 12 and 16MP is more than enough to answer your needs for print, albums, and so on.  but for scruffy dog clients — private clients wanting those huge canvases and commercial clients needing large-format images — Nikon just isn’t delivering what i need where i need it most and i can no longer wait. (and no, the D800/E is not the answer)

again, to my fellow pet photographers, i hope this blog entry inspires you to do something like this with your own photographer friends — to arrange a little get-together, do some shooting together, share your experience and your stories.  there is nothing more fun than connecting with other photographers, shooting at your level, and having a fun weekend!  enjoy!

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  • Delicate ImpressionsI love your work so much! I can’t wait until our session next week! I love the detail you capture and the love you put into EVERY photograph! Simply amazing! xoReplyCancel

  • Kaylee GreerThese photos are gorgeous, illona! Geez, you’d think you were a regular Canon girl. 😛 The experience of meeting and shooting with you all in the Poconos was absolutely surreal — to be surrounded my so much passion and talent was out of this world. I have a framed photo of all of us ladies on my desk right by my monitor, so when things get tough or I’m having a challenging day – I can glance over and remember the amazing support system that I have in wonderful friends and fellow pet photographers. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Jackie Petersenbeautiful images Illona! I’m glad you were able to get away and have a good time! minus the ticket 😛ReplyCancel

  • Charlotte ReevesGreat blog post Illona, thanks for creating it! I had a blast, it was such a great experience and so wonderful to meet you all finally. Hopefully the first of many!ReplyCancel

  • Donna RiggWow beautiful images and beautiful models.ReplyCancel

  • BelindaHi Illona nice post, I would love to have a crew to do this with one day! Just out of interest what lens did you use for the wide angle shots looking down, for example Roxie’s 6th image in this post? So sharp and I love this perspective but have never pulled it off myself. Thanks!ReplyCancel

the resident mcscruffies ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet exclusive photographer}

yes, i’ve been a bad blogger … so incredibly behind in updating the blog with the images shared over on the scruffy dog facebook page.  that’s the place you want to be if you want to see the latest and greatest coming out of SDP headquarters!  client sneak-peeks, updates, news, all the fun!

this blog entry is an accumulation of images of the resident mcscruffies themselves.  they’ve actually been the focus of a lot of shooting over the past few months as they have been my test models while i consider the very strong possibility of switching the SDP gear from Nikon to Canon.  at this point i’m not prepared to go into the many reasons behind my possible switch from the D3S/D4 to the 1DX, the numerous pros and cons for each system, my findings after shooting both systems, and my increasing frustration with Nikon and their latest pro bodies.  my amazing and wonderful contact at Canon Pro Services has offered a second loan period of the gear when i’m closer to making my decision … with a full shooting schedule for the remainder of the year, i’m not about to make such a big change mid-season.  i do plan on writing a blog entry comparing Nikon’s D3S and D4 with the Canon 1DX, the amazing benefits and pitfalls of each.  but for now … a few fun photos of the mcscruffies.

and for those who are determined to compare, please know that there is no way to actually evaluate a photo based on a web-sized image.  but for those who simply must know, this first series of images is from Canon’s 1DX …

merrick goobernuts posing it up in the Poconos …and my amazing girl matea…

this image is pretty much SOOC … ISO 5000.  with the 1DX, Canon has certainly made a major leap forward in the area of noise and ISOs, coming extremely close to the D4’s capabilities.merrick’s ball face…i hear a lot of Canon shooters (mostly 5DMIII) complain about Canon’s abilities to ‘shoot blind’ (from the hip).  with the right AF settings (and experienced aim, of course), the 1DX nails it.  the shot below, and a number of the images above were ‘shot blind’.  in in-depth discussions with Canon, i’m assured that any kind of AF issues (including CA issues) should not be experienced with the new L II series lenses which were designed to work more effectively with the new bodies (5DMIII and the 1DX).  i encourage 5DMIII users experiencing these AF and CA issues with their L-series lenses to rent some of these new L II series lenses and give them a good ride … see if it helps!although the gear i was loaned from CPS included the 5DMIII, i didn’t actually shoot it during the time i had the gear.  however, i had already done some shooting with the 5DMIII earlier in the year.  although i was impressed with the extra megapixels, and its responsiveness with tracking while shooting action, it’s still a little behind in the area of ISOs, metering and a few other areas, which makes the 1DX an absolute no brainer for me.

here are a few images from the 5DMIII.i am currently shooting client sessions with my tried and true D3Ss, but am still holding out (dwindling) hope that the D4’s autofocus issues  (which i have experienced on multiple copies) can be solved.  below are images shot with Nikon’s D4…that’s it from the mcscruffies.  i do intend to write a blog entry at some point in the near future on all of this.  for now, i hope you’ve enjoyed a few images of the mcscruffies.  enjoy your weekend!

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  • Cynthia KerrAmazing, Illona! I remember your Dad always had his trusty SLR in his hands back in the 70s when we were neighbours. So glad I found you online! Well done!ReplyCancel

  • LindaYour work never fails to make me smile. You are magic and you manage to bring out the magic in all the dogs you photograph. Keep spreading the joy!ReplyCancel

  • Katharina HilmerssonI have seen your photos now a couple of year and I sit with a smile every time I look on your photos. So beutyful everyone. I Think you should have hundreds of comments for your Lovely work. I love all your images. Thank you for sharing! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • AnonymousSure are a lot of blown out overexposed skies.ReplyCancel

  • Shelley CastleThese are so beautiful. I can’t wait to learn more on hip shooting from you. It so amazing to see all the dropped boughs in the tunnel of trees.ReplyCancel

the three scruffketeers ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photography}

i had the pleasure of meeting this ragtag threesome of scruffnuts last fall for their scruffy session … yes, you read that correctly: “last fall”.  i’m just that far behind in blogging.  but i think this is the last blog entry from last year and then we’re caught up for 2012 and can start with more facebook mashups!Bailey was adopted through Canadian Dachshund Rescue after his rescue from a puppy mill in South Carolina.  he was born deaf and partially blind in his one underdeveloped eye.  and how about that adorable underbite?then there’s Joy … another Canadian Dachshund Rescue alumni.  she hails from a hoarder situation in Ontario, and mom Denise was instrumental in her transport to a foster home in Ottawa, but fell in love with her enroute … a week later they were together.Joy is a consummate winker.then there’s Roxie … rescued through Loyal Rescue.  she was rescued from a dog auction in Ohio, where she was suspected to have been from a back-yard breeder or mill.these three came to scruffy dog territory for their sessions in order to utilize some of the locations that mom Denise fell in love with as seen on the scruffy locations page.of course, the most-requested  location is the tunnel of trees for those big, epic wall pieces …but i always love adding a little urban flavor, especially knowing that Denise had an album in mind for her three monkeys. i hope you enjoyed this small selection from Bailey, Roxie and Joy’s big scruffy fall session!

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  • LindaOh Bailey that makes me ashamed to be from SC. I know we have one of the worst records for ill treatment of dogs and cats. It’s horrible. But you and your friends are the most beautiful animals that I have ever seen and I am so glad that you have wonderful homes now. I will move out of state as soon as possible 🙂 I have always wanted to.ReplyCancel

  • jenniferLove the subjects (sister has a dachsie) and some of my favorite locations too! Great shoot, as always. What lucky pups.ReplyCancel

  • Joni A SolisSuper cute threesome! Loving them.ReplyCancel

  • MichelleSo much cuteness…..can barely take it…lolReplyCancel

  • Tracey LackaWhat an awesome trio. Love their cool collars.ReplyCancel

  • Tryp KealyThe wink and grin one just totally slays me….lol Love love love.ReplyCancel

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