this blog entry has been a while coming … i’ve been dying to share these two little darlings with you all for some time, but it was a big shoot and it’s been an extraordinarily busy summer here at scruffy dog.
you saw a sneak peek of Fritz and Greta earlier on the blog, but now i’m going to hit you with all of their glory. of course, i think this is going down as the biggest blog entry to date. these two are adorable and it was impossible for me to narrow down this selection any further … i mean, just look at these two!
Fritz and Greta belong to phenomenal, power-house photographer-couple Dave and Charlotte. if you aren’t already familiar with their fabulous wedding photography or Charlotte’s unbelievably creative and out-of-this-world baby photography, you’ve gotta check it out.
these two are not only highly skilled, uber-creative, and vastly experienced in their fields, they are easily the coolest, rockin’est, sweetest couple you’ll ever meet. without a doubt, our time spent along the Credit River and out on the Badlands was the highlight of my summer.
but, i know … you’re here for the dogs …

and they don’t come much cuter than little Greta … and i do mean little. however, don’t let her diminutive stature fool you … her voice is mighty.

Greta was born with arthritis, so although she’s still young, her comfort is a constant management.

but this little girl’s love for life is undeniable.

especially under the guardianship of big brother Frit …

so many times while working on these images for Dave and Charlotte, i found myself saying “aw” out loud at images of sweet Greta …

and then almost choking on my coffee as i laughed at Frit.
these two weren’t necessarily easy subjects … always on the go, and really, really, r-e-a-l-l-y low to the ground, but they’re just so darn sweet with each other.

and of course, easy to get started on a chorus or two. check out Greta … her bark is so fierce it lifts her right off the ground.

the Credit River was an awesome backdrop …

… even if Greta didn’t entirely agree.

and then it was off to the Badlands. when we’d originally decided on the Badlands for a location for these two little red guys, i had to admit, i dreamed about it.

and Frit and G-girl couldn’t wait to check out the clay ridges.

little Greta marching … i mean, seriously, how cute is she?

and what dog doesn’t go crazy with sand? dig, Greta, dig!

and how handsome is Fritz?

thanks, Fritz and Greta, for being so adorable. and Dave and Charlotte, you’re seriously the coolest. talk to you soon!

oh, and for those of you who still haven’t had enough of Fritz and Greta, you can see them in an awesome little home-movie Charlotte and Dave made recently of their trip to the beach. seriously, check it out. you won’t be disappointed.
leesiahehe! love the humor in this one.