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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

the trip thus far ~ {Canadian pet photographer}

well, it’s been a bit of a tough go.  yes, it’s spring time, and yes, this is Canada … with those two conditions combined, the constant rain, cold and sometimes even snow that has plagued us since our departure early Saturday morning should come as no real surprise.  i’ll admit, i’m no raving optimist, but rather, a bone-deep realist.  still, i’d hoped for something a little better than this.

Saturday morning found us packing the car and the roof-gear under a constant drizzle that felt more like a torrential, freezing downpour.  throughout Ontario and then Quebec, the rain did not let up except for the last ten minutes of driving before arriving at our first-leg destination of Drummondville.  the ten-minute break in the rain felt like someone had finally handed you a pair of badly needed glasses after 9+ hours of driving.

and for the record, Quebec roads suck.  at least a half dozen times we hydroplaned due to water accumulations that really shouldn’t have been there if the roads had been properly maintained, not to mention potholes and breaks along the highway.  and the hotel, well, i’ll refrain from bad-mouthing a major chain, but what kind of hotel holds a CD-release party on a Saturday night so that all of their guests have to listen to the loud celebration via huge speakers into the wee hours?

New Brunswick roadways are considerably better maintained, and the Riverside Resort and Conference Centre in Mactaquac was amazing in comparison to our stay in Quebec.  super quiet, awesome service, and a beautiful spot … although the walking trails were a bit of a wash-out this time of the year and with all the rain.  still, i was very glad to have found them.

and it was in Mactaquac, nestled in the Riverside, that we saw our first glimpse of the sun …

on day three of the drive, the skies cleared considerably, but unfortunately, we’ve had rain ever since.  so, no actual photos yet of Nova Scotia.  yesterday we scouted a few areas for photos, and we’ll do some more of that today since the weather isn’t cooperating … and with any luck we’ll be able to start some shooting tomorrow.

the scruffies have been traveling relatively well, although matea’s back has been acting up and she’s showing signs of pain.  Margaret at Ralph’s Cat & Dog Health Foods here in Lunenburg set us up with some Earth Animal’s “No More Pain” drops.  we’ll give those a try for the next few days before hitting the Metacam if we have to.

although starting out well and proving to be a consummate little traveler during our first three days and loving the hotels, merrick hasn’t been doing well at our current location.  i’m not sure why … whether it’s the traffic noise (although he does fine during the day) or if we’ve got ghosts.  he’s reverting back to his post-rescue state … going into panic at nights, totally skittish, and too afraid to do his business.  the boy’s got an iron bladder.

but here they were at the Riverside …

… the last place he was truly at ease.

i’ll keep you all posted as i can.  but if the weather doesn’t shape up so we can actually take some photos, and if i can’t shake the migraine that’s been plaguing me since we left Saturday morning, i’m afraid this trip might be a bust.

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  • Holly Garner-JacksonLove these shots. Ralph and I had such a wonderful time hiking with you and your scruffies at Mactaquac!. I’m glad we had the sunshine. Our weather here in Maine is much the same as you are getting. sun Tomorrow!!! Thanks for hanging out with us before the last leg of your journey to Nova Scotia!ReplyCancel

  • JackieI’m sorry you’ve been having a less than optimal trip so far 🙁 Hopefully everything will get better in the next few days…ReplyCancel

  • Miss KodeeWow I really love that window shot! Well I love your dogs too 🙂 Drive safe.ReplyCancel

  • Lisa BrencisThe weather is stupid here, too, you are not alone!
    For Merrick, you might want to hit a big health food store and see if they have the Canadian-made “Animal Rescue” drops(not “Rescue Remedy”, which everyone says doesn’t really work). I haven’t tried Animal Rescue but it’s been recommended to me by people in the know.ReplyCancel

  • samanthaTake care, feel better. If your baby boy is anything like mine he might be reading your stress/migraine, and Matea’s back pain and getting worried.

    I know it sounds strange and he might not like it, but I give my stressed out babies Chamomile tea instead of water when they get like that. Seems to help with panic, tummy troubles and all that nasty stuff. <3 take care.ReplyCancel

  • marylin arema scheffI do love reading your blog and looking at the beautiful photographs you take of the dogs. I wish I lived near you so that you could capture my lovely boy, Mick.
    The weather in Canada (and throughout most of the world as a matter of fact)has been unusual. I live in The Netherlands and we have been experiencing the opposite; 20+ degrees celcius in April!
    I do hope your weather challenges will get better soon on your Maritime adventure.ReplyCancel

Nova Scotia, here we come! ~ {Canadian pet photographer}

still trying to figure out how we’re going to fit everything in the car, including the big dog bed, the dog toys, dog gear, and of course, the chest-cooler full of two-weeks’ worth of venison and pork for Matea and Merrick.  but however we’re going to make it work, scruffy dog is headed out on assignment in the morning for a three-leg drive and two-week stay in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.

in between shooting and writing for Cottage Dog magazine across Nova Scotia, we may have time for a few select private Starter sessions (Standard sessions only for special cases).  if you’re in the Halifax or Lunenburg area and would like to book something, please drop us a line — [email protected] — we’d love to meet you.  and, of course, there are some amazing vistas to shoot out there.

once out there, we will be blogging our adventures, so stay tuned to the blog and the scruffy dog facebook page for regular updates!

happy weekend, everyone!

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  • CaraI enjoy your stuff!ReplyCancel

  • AnnaFANTASTIC shot.. wonderful light, tonal range (and comp of it) colors and expression of course.

archive dipping ~ {Ontario pet-exclusive photographer}

still feeling very much under the weather today (more like under a rock that is under a truckload of mucus and slime, truth be told), i thought i would do a quick dip into the archives this morning to give you a couple of scruffy, or not-so-scruffy, faces to brighten your day.  for today’s dip i actually went to one of the external hard drives to find some slobbery goodness … pre-Lightroom-catalogue in the case of this first handsome boy Dexter …

his shoot was from fall 2008, and i had a blast with this big young pup out in the woods.  as i’ve archived blog entries prior to January 2009, his original blog entry isn’t accessible but some of his photos are still some of my faves.

next up in our morning archive-dip is young Marley … one in a pack of three goldens …

the Thompson goldens were pure fun, at home and down by the river.  their full blog entry can be found here. ah, those dog days of summer  …  soon!

i hope your wednesday is more enjoyable than mine … i’ve got phlegm and taxes on the agenda.  but first, a poop-pick-up in the back yard … just because i’m a glutton for punishment.  wags, everyone.

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  • MichelleHello,

    I just happened upon your website and was immediately impressed! You are the type of photographer I hope to become some day. Your shots and compositions are amazing. I’m truly just a beginner but have a blast shooting pics of my dog and all his buddies at the local dog park. I luv your work. You’re an inspiration. I’ll be down to the east coast this summer for a visit as well and will be trying to get some good shots of my Dad’s new dog (a Nova Scotian duck toller) named, of all things…Sandra Bullock, lol. I can’t wait to hit those beaches. Cheers, and thanks for sharing your talent with all the rest of us!ReplyCancel

  • Mel HammondsGorgeous shot of Dexter! What a regal, poised boy….Hope you feel better soon!ReplyCancel

  • JackieI hope you’re feeling better soon Illona! Thanks for the pick me up this morning, i love your archive dips.ReplyCancel

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