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last post from Nova Scotia ~ {Canadian pet photographer}

this has to be brief.  from the sounds of it, the fan on my computer’s power supply is on its way out and i don’t want to risk burn out.  yup, if it’s not one thing it’s another on this trip.  i can’t be running my system for longer than it takes to download photos and back them up.

in spite of the forecasts for fair weather today, we still had gray skies and cold rain all day … but we continued scouting … and dared to take the cameras out a couple of times for those fleeting moments when there were breaks in the clouds (and yeah,  i boosted the blues in this shot) …

and the little goober had a blast, of course … always a bundle of fun when water’s involved.

and on the last beach we hit, a rainbow … (in fact, it was a double rainbow, but i was too cold to reposition myself to get both in frame).

perhaps a sign of things to come?  regardless, we’re here for a couple more days, hoping for fair weather so we can get some more great shots, and then we’re headed back.  i would love to share a few more shots, but seriously can’t risk the time on my system in case this is a power supply issue.  i need to download and backup; that’s the most vital.

hope you all have a great Easter weekend.  cheers from the salty scruffies.

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  • Susan HumphreysGreat to see some of your pack – I’ve missed you guys. Love the one with
    the rainbow. I just want to hug Matea, she looks so vulnerable in this shot. Don’t know anything about computers, but hope yours is okay.

    Susan Humphreys

  • SimonTry vacuuming the fan outlet, it could just be dust build-up.ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonGood luck with the sunshine the next few days! Hope your computer doesn’t crap out on you!
    Love the wind in Matea’s face! And the goober is the goober! what more can I say?
    Hope you find the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow!
    Wish you had time to come to Maine on your way back! I know….. I know…ReplyCancel

  • CherylAbsolutely beautiful!ReplyCancel

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