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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

a few more faces from this year’s Woofstock ~ {Toronto dog photographer}

well, yesterday was yet another incredible day at Woofstock.  i mean, could we have paid for better weather!?  although i woke at 3 a.m. with a migraine and had to medicate, i was feeling fine and ready to hit the road by shortly after 7 … flying into TO bright and early, with a surprising and new-found bounce in my weary feet.  of course, being true Canadians and none of us trusting a weather-forecast no matter in what form it’s delivered, my staff and i had stripped the booth walls of their artwork the night before in order to protect it all under tarps … just in case.  sigh … if only we’d been able to unzip that canopy to walls fully-loaded with all those big pieces and not had to rehang a thing.

still, everything went up quickly amid morning greetings and catching up with our awesome booth neighbors … and very soon the slobbery faces began trickling in.  ah, so many lovelies!

if i actually managed to tear myself out from behind the table on the weekend to snap a few quick shots of your dog, you will find at least something here on the blog of them … either in the Saturday entry, this entry, or the next one to come … so stay tuned.  please respect the copyrights of these photos and do not copy them from the blog.  instead, please email us and request them.  i’m happy to provide you with a copy for your facebook page!

so, without further ado … check out this handsome boy!  this young catahoula leopard dog was a handful.

yeah, that sit makes it look like he’s a poser, but don’t let it fool ya.  this boy is a mover and a shaker, and if you don’t give him the treat you’re bribing him with within 2.7 seconds, you’re going to hear about it.

… and then he’s going to launch himself onto the booth table and clean out the treat bowl himself.

others were a little less direct … calmer and quieter in their approach …

maybe even a little bashful.

and then these two scruffmuffins …

gauging by the drool on both of them, i think they’d been sampling a number of booths before hitting ours.

“did someone say: squirrel?” yup, that was me. i’m such a tease sometimes to get the shot.

next up were these two lovely labs owned by one of our facebook followers … i just loved this girl’s face …

… and her sweet, quiet brother was such a doll.

i would have loved to snap a few more shots of this gorgeous girl, but from the first release of the shutter i could instantly see that she was wary.  if a dog ever shows even the trace of nervousness with the cameras or their energy is just a little off, i always work with them first.  but in a situation like Woofstock, where there are crowds and noises, and the overstimulation can be overwhelming for a young dog, and i’m unable to work with them, the last thing i’m going to do is set a standard for her in regards to cameras.  so sadly, in spite of her stunning looks, this is all i allowed myself to snap …

perhaps one day i will meet her again, and have the time needed within a shoot to develop her confidence.  just look at that face!

but here’s a little nibblet who had no issues with the camera, even though it was bigger than she was.  this little gremlin was just the cutest!  i think i died a little inside when she took the bits of dehydrated liver from my fingertips … SUCH a little dollface.

and her wilder, scruffy buddy …

and if this guy isn’t begging for a scruffy dog shoot, i don’t know who is.  😉

and this hunk of sweetness? just look at those white whiskers … and those eyes!

i have to admit, it’s rather frustrating shooting in this kind of environment … extremely tight quarters, overwhelmed and overstimulated subjects … and frankly, when i see these gorgeous faces, feel their amazing spirits, and meet their loving owners, i just want to be out on a shoot with them, not in a booth in the middle of festivities, with concrete and crowds as a backdrop.  sometimes i think i’d do best to leave the camera at home.

still, i wouldn’t see this at a scruffy dog shoot, would i?

and this armful of sweetness.  (apologies as i’m struggling with a migraine today, but i can’t remember this darling’s name) this little rescue pup is definitely wary of the camera, so it was just a quick shot, but i had to.  apparently mom drove all the way from Windsor to see us at Woofstock!

and what’s Woofstock without a wolfhound?  of course, since this big guy had just had a drink, i had to quickly clear the table as he sauntered into the booth and i encouraged him to come on up to the table.  yeah, his highly respectful owner tried to pull him back, dribbly beard and all, but i asked for it … i just had to say hi!

although yesterday didn’t seem any busier than Saturday, it was steady, and i have to admit, i simply love meeting everyone who stops by the booth: past clients, current clients, people who follow the scruffy dog blog and facebook page, and others who simply had to stop when they saw the display photos … especially goofball Oxford (a client from last year’s Woofstock) standing on the fencepost.  he was quite the hit.  and meeting all the dogs!  my gosh, what a mish-mash of gorgeous faces and amazing characters.  it was difficult to tear myself away from the booth just to go to the washroom!  so yesterday, sadly, i did not make it out for any wandering around.

i’ll be posting another round of faces from the booth tomorrow, so stay tuned.  and again, if your gorgeous pup is posted here and you would like a copy of the photo for your facebook page, just drop me a line.  please do not copy the photo from the blog as this is a copyright infringement. thanks, everyone!

oh, and of course, we can’t forget wee Sasha … she was our booth dog this weekend, belonging to staff member Kim.  my how she’s changed since her first shoot a couple of years ago.

again, stay tuned for more!  and stay tuned for when we announce the winner of the draw for the free scruffy dog photo shoot!  (i haven’t even dug out the ballot box yet … but soon! i promise!)

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  • LindaYour photographs give me such great joy. I always have a favorite until the next on comes along. I love them all. Stunning everyone.ReplyCancel

  • Susan HumphreysLooks like you (and the dogs!) had a great time at Woofstock. Sorry to hear
    about the migraine. It certainly didn’t affect your snaps of all these
    gorgeous pooches. Love wolfhounds.

    Susan Humphreys

  • Liz UribeMore beautiful eyes…gorgeous photos!
    Did you take pics of your boot? I woul love to see them, hope it’s not that you published them already and I just missed them! XxxReplyCancel

  • Elke VogelsangWhat a beautiful series of gorgeous dogs. That Catahoula boy is a beauty. And the chocolate lab. Gorgeous. But all of them. Beautiful pictures. Would you tell me what lens you used for these?


  • Holly Garner-JacksonSuch a great variety of pooches! I love the gremlin best!
    I’m so glad the rain held off for you! Of course doing the “Non rain dance” helped!!!ReplyCancel

  • VaughnWonderful Woofstock portraits! Great set.ReplyCancel

  • sarahgood LORD they make cute dogs up in canada! the gremlin? yes please.ReplyCancel

  • SusanAs always, love your stuff! It always inspires me. I look at one of your blogs or web pages before every shoot. Keep up the amazing work of creating such original memories.!ReplyCancel

  • Donna LukerScruffy buffet…too much cute…about to bust…

    ps: How you do all this with your migraines is beyond me. Hope you’re better soon!ReplyCancel

here’s what you missed at Woofstock yesterday! ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photographer}

yesterday’s Woofstock was a blast … at least, at the scruffy dog booth it was!  aMAzing faces showed up, and the dragged along their equally wonderful people. sometimes i was too busy doling out treats and massaging weary old bodies or smooching scruffy baby faces to actually take photos, but i wanted to share a few of the gorgeous scruffies i managed to capture both at the scruffy dog booth, and during my one brief outing into the throngs of Woofstock visitors during the first day of festivities yesterday.

[added note: if i pointed my camera at your pooch any time during the Woofstock weekend, you will find them here on the blog in one of the three Woofstock entries.  please respect the copyrights of these photos and do not copy them from the blog.  instead, please email us and request them.  i’m happy to provide you with a copy for your facebook page!]

ol’ mr. blue eyes … (at least, i think it was a mister … my sincerest apologies if i’m wrong!!) … just look at those eyes!!

and come on, is this kid not begging for a scruffy dog session, or what?

last year it was bulldogs … this year the breed that seems to be in high-representation is the Bostons …

and to the owner of this sweet brindle pitty: see? she’s not a black blob!  how pretty is she?  maybe my girl matea will pick your name out of the ballot box this year and you’ll win the free scruffy dog photo session so we can get even more lovely photos of this sweet pup.

and check out these patient pooches all lined up while their owners had some lunch.  this little girl is Abby.  upon first click of the shutter, she promptly turned her back, so it took some cajoling and several of my signature sounds to get her turned around and interested again.

and this young pup stopped by the booth … Bailey, i believe … the most unique colour of a dog i’ve ever seen!  a cross between a boxer and a vizsla …

and what’s a Woofstock entry without a chihuahua!  this little 3-pounder was to die for!

now, you all know that Woofstock is known for its fashion shows, wild costumes and getups … dogs wearing all kinds of crazy clips and dye-jobs.  and while i watch all the other photographers and attendees snapping endless photos of the purple poodles and the mohawked, studded whatevers, well, my apologies, i still prefer my dogs on the “real” side.  so if you want to see all the crazy, zany getups, a quick Google of Woofstock will get you hundreds of photos of its wilder side.

but me, i like the real guys … like this bad boy …

and the dogs over at the rescue area.  unfortunately, my visit to the rescue booths yesterday was cut short by a slight sprinkle … not before a few shots at the Setter Rescue booth though …

… i’ll get back today though.

and of course, you all know the soft spot i have for seniors.  check out this sweet pup …

and these little princesses with their matching dos!

did i mention there were a lot of Boston puppies? sleepy ones too.

and then the unforgettable Buster …

“oh wait, do i have slobber on my ears? again?”

and okay, one photo of a dyed mohawk …

heading off shortly for round two.  looks like another awesome day as far as weather.  hope to see you there!!

NOTE: if you’re the owner of one of these dogs and are interested in any of the images, just drop us a line.

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  • JenMy dog is the sister to Bailey the boxer vizsla mix you have posted here. I get comments all the time about her colouring 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Andrew MoseleyHi there,

    The photos of Woofstock (Jun 12 2011) are fantastic! I am a UK based artist that specialises in canine portraiture. I am embarking on a project called “Sc-wuffs” and would dearly love to use the second and fifth photos of yours:

    1. “and come on, is this kid not begging for a scruffy dog session, or what?”

    2. “this little girl is Abby”

    Would you consider allowing me to use them please?

    With best regards,

    Andrew MoseleyReplyCancel

    • illonayou can email me privately if you like, Andrew. i’d need to know more details about the usage, since it’s not clear from your message what your purpose is for these images. thanks!ReplyCancel

  • illonathanks, Sandra. the 35mm is the perfect focal length for me and the shooting i like doing AND the right one to round out my other lenses as i was dumping the 50mm which never served me well.

    the lens works well for me and my needs — wouldn’t work for everyone — however, my only criticism is that it doesn’t have ED glass like it’s 24mm and 85mm siblings (yet still carries the “ED” price tag!). so you can get chromatic aberration, which — when blowing it large which i often do for clients, can be noticeable and causes extra work during post.

    here’s the blog entry on lenses:

  • SandraAs always Ilona, your work is amazing. Looks like you had a fun time photographing at Woofstock. Has that 35 mm lens become one of your favorites? I remember reading the blog somewhere when you were deciding what lens to go with.ReplyCancel

  • SydneyI walked up and down the booths in search for your booth on Sunday, didn’t find it. But after dinner I did run into your van and got buisness cards, my sister was rushing me and I was too shy to say hi. I was the weird person wanting to take a shot of the logo and side of the van to prove I saw you. One day I will get you to shoot Cody, and if not for Glee it would have been Cody and me up and walking around Woofstock. Maybe next year, it looked amazing! All these photographs are beautiful, stunning!ReplyCancel

    • illonathanks so much, everyone.

      how did you miss us, Sydney! we had banners both front and back on the booth! i even announced on the blog and facebook and newsletter which booth we were. bad, Sydney! 😉 … although i do know it gets kind of crazy down there.

      we were down in what we nicknamed photographer-alley … four of us all within 50-feet of each other. poor David Reyes of Fox Rain was way out in no-man’s land. i didn’t even get a chance to go out and check out his work in person. but we were all clutched together at the west end of Front Street.

      in spite of Woofstock management always saying they don’t put similar vendors together, it was cool having us together so we could visit … and people could visit us all and really find the photographer that really suited their own personal taste.

      Liz, i no longer shoot with a 50mm … was never completely satisfied with the results and quality. since i was packing light in re. to camera gear, all of my Woofstock photos were taken with the D3S and Nikon’s new 35mm 1.4G.

      thanks again, everyoneReplyCancel

  • Annie (Milikin)Wow! wow! wow! Every time you take such exceptionally beautiful shots of peoples dogs. These are awesome! I wanted to go to Woofstock so much again this year but just couldn’t swing it. Thanks for sharing the day with me;)ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonAWESOME!ReplyCancel

  • Liz KayeOnce again, these are gorgeous shots.

    Did you use the 50mm 1.4?ReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth UribeOMG those are all super great photos! Loved those enchanting blue eyes…. wish I was there…..ReplyCancel

  • BonitaSorry I’ll have to miss you this time. It seems the weather played nice for you yesterday. We had terrible thunderstorms in Caledon and I was worrying about you. I wanted to visit you on today, but Simon has a ton of homework, exams coming up, a cold and pink eye. Absolutely LOVE the shots, as usual. Hope you have another great day!ReplyCancel

  • TatyanaBeautiful – all of them 🙂 That first blue-eyed pup – wow, gorgeous! Sounds like everyone is having a good time!ReplyCancel

come see us at Woofstock and win a free session! ~ {Toronto pet photographer}

scruffy dog is going to be at Woofstock again this year and — come rain or shine — we’d certainly love to see you!

yeah, the forecast doesn’t look the greatest, but then it seems to change every other day, so — paws crossed — we’ll have some lovely sunny breaks and you can get Bowser and Fifi out for a stroll down at the St. Lawrence Market area to check out all the goings-0ns!

there’s always lots to see and do, lots of vendors from canine health to cool new dog products, treats, collars and leashes, clothes, beds and all kinds of dog services including a number of new dog photographers.  so lots to check out, lots to choose from to answer everyone’s tastes …  if you want to see a preview, here’s a list of this year’s vendors.

and if nothing else, it’s just awesome to check out all the amazing faces …

the super-awesome scruffy dog staff and i will be on Front Street at booth #339, between Scott and Church Streets … see the map below.

we’ve got lots for you to see … and, yeah, i know, you’re waiting for it … i mentioned winning a scruffy dog photo session, didn’t i?  well, you’ll have to show up and find out how!  so, leash-up and come on down!  we’d love to see you and meet your scruffies.  and yes, i’ll have at least one camera along, so maybe the scruffy dog lenses will have an opportunity to meet your 4-legger!

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  • Jonathan FlemingHey Illona! Just saw your recent interview in my latest copy of Popular Photography. Cool!ReplyCancel

  • Cindy maysIf only California wasn’t so far away you bet I’d be there
    Much success with the show and I’ll be sending sunshine your way
    Cindy,Harley and NahlaReplyCancel

  • Bethany GianniniIllona – I love the one of the dog before the map. Such a great and happy photo! Love all the fur! 😀 Good luck with your event – should be lots of fun!ReplyCancel

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