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here’s what you missed at Woofstock yesterday! ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photographer}

yesterday’s Woofstock was a blast … at least, at the scruffy dog booth it was!  aMAzing faces showed up, and the dragged along their equally wonderful people. sometimes i was too busy doling out treats and massaging weary old bodies or smooching scruffy baby faces to actually take photos, but i wanted to share a few of the gorgeous scruffies i managed to capture both at the scruffy dog booth, and during my one brief outing into the throngs of Woofstock visitors during the first day of festivities yesterday.

[added note: if i pointed my camera at your pooch any time during the Woofstock weekend, you will find them here on the blog in one of the three Woofstock entries.  please respect the copyrights of these photos and do not copy them from the blog.  instead, please email us and request them.  i’m happy to provide you with a copy for your facebook page!]

ol’ mr. blue eyes … (at least, i think it was a mister … my sincerest apologies if i’m wrong!!) … just look at those eyes!!

and come on, is this kid not begging for a scruffy dog session, or what?

last year it was bulldogs … this year the breed that seems to be in high-representation is the Bostons …

and to the owner of this sweet brindle pitty: see? she’s not a black blob!  how pretty is she?  maybe my girl matea will pick your name out of the ballot box this year and you’ll win the free scruffy dog photo session so we can get even more lovely photos of this sweet pup.

and check out these patient pooches all lined up while their owners had some lunch.  this little girl is Abby.  upon first click of the shutter, she promptly turned her back, so it took some cajoling and several of my signature sounds to get her turned around and interested again.

and this young pup stopped by the booth … Bailey, i believe … the most unique colour of a dog i’ve ever seen!  a cross between a boxer and a vizsla …

and what’s a Woofstock entry without a chihuahua!  this little 3-pounder was to die for!

now, you all know that Woofstock is known for its fashion shows, wild costumes and getups … dogs wearing all kinds of crazy clips and dye-jobs.  and while i watch all the other photographers and attendees snapping endless photos of the purple poodles and the mohawked, studded whatevers, well, my apologies, i still prefer my dogs on the “real” side.  so if you want to see all the crazy, zany getups, a quick Google of Woofstock will get you hundreds of photos of its wilder side.

but me, i like the real guys … like this bad boy …

and the dogs over at the rescue area.  unfortunately, my visit to the rescue booths yesterday was cut short by a slight sprinkle … not before a few shots at the Setter Rescue booth though …

… i’ll get back today though.

and of course, you all know the soft spot i have for seniors.  check out this sweet pup …

and these little princesses with their matching dos!

did i mention there were a lot of Boston puppies? sleepy ones too.

and then the unforgettable Buster …

“oh wait, do i have slobber on my ears? again?”

and okay, one photo of a dyed mohawk …

heading off shortly for round two.  looks like another awesome day as far as weather.  hope to see you there!!

NOTE: if you’re the owner of one of these dogs and are interested in any of the images, just drop us a line.

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  • JenMy dog is the sister to Bailey the boxer vizsla mix you have posted here. I get comments all the time about her colouring 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Andrew MoseleyHi there,

    The photos of Woofstock (Jun 12 2011) are fantastic! I am a UK based artist that specialises in canine portraiture. I am embarking on a project called “Sc-wuffs” and would dearly love to use the second and fifth photos of yours:

    1. “and come on, is this kid not begging for a scruffy dog session, or what?”

    2. “this little girl is Abby”

    Would you consider allowing me to use them please?

    With best regards,

    Andrew MoseleyReplyCancel

    • illonayou can email me privately if you like, Andrew. i’d need to know more details about the usage, since it’s not clear from your message what your purpose is for these images. thanks!ReplyCancel

  • illonathanks, Sandra. the 35mm is the perfect focal length for me and the shooting i like doing AND the right one to round out my other lenses as i was dumping the 50mm which never served me well.

    the lens works well for me and my needs — wouldn’t work for everyone — however, my only criticism is that it doesn’t have ED glass like it’s 24mm and 85mm siblings (yet still carries the “ED” price tag!). so you can get chromatic aberration, which — when blowing it large which i often do for clients, can be noticeable and causes extra work during post.

    here’s the blog entry on lenses:

  • SandraAs always Ilona, your work is amazing. Looks like you had a fun time photographing at Woofstock. Has that 35 mm lens become one of your favorites? I remember reading the blog somewhere when you were deciding what lens to go with.ReplyCancel

  • SydneyI walked up and down the booths in search for your booth on Sunday, didn’t find it. But after dinner I did run into your van and got buisness cards, my sister was rushing me and I was too shy to say hi. I was the weird person wanting to take a shot of the logo and side of the van to prove I saw you. One day I will get you to shoot Cody, and if not for Glee it would have been Cody and me up and walking around Woofstock. Maybe next year, it looked amazing! All these photographs are beautiful, stunning!ReplyCancel

    • illonathanks so much, everyone.

      how did you miss us, Sydney! we had banners both front and back on the booth! i even announced on the blog and facebook and newsletter which booth we were. bad, Sydney! 😉 … although i do know it gets kind of crazy down there.

      we were down in what we nicknamed photographer-alley … four of us all within 50-feet of each other. poor David Reyes of Fox Rain was way out in no-man’s land. i didn’t even get a chance to go out and check out his work in person. but we were all clutched together at the west end of Front Street.

      in spite of Woofstock management always saying they don’t put similar vendors together, it was cool having us together so we could visit … and people could visit us all and really find the photographer that really suited their own personal taste.

      Liz, i no longer shoot with a 50mm … was never completely satisfied with the results and quality. since i was packing light in re. to camera gear, all of my Woofstock photos were taken with the D3S and Nikon’s new 35mm 1.4G.

      thanks again, everyoneReplyCancel

  • Annie (Milikin)Wow! wow! wow! Every time you take such exceptionally beautiful shots of peoples dogs. These are awesome! I wanted to go to Woofstock so much again this year but just couldn’t swing it. Thanks for sharing the day with me;)ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonAWESOME!ReplyCancel

  • Liz KayeOnce again, these are gorgeous shots.

    Did you use the 50mm 1.4?ReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth UribeOMG those are all super great photos! Loved those enchanting blue eyes…. wish I was there…..ReplyCancel

  • BonitaSorry I’ll have to miss you this time. It seems the weather played nice for you yesterday. We had terrible thunderstorms in Caledon and I was worrying about you. I wanted to visit you on today, but Simon has a ton of homework, exams coming up, a cold and pink eye. Absolutely LOVE the shots, as usual. Hope you have another great day!ReplyCancel

  • TatyanaBeautiful – all of them 🙂 That first blue-eyed pup – wow, gorgeous! Sounds like everyone is having a good time!ReplyCancel

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