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orville love balls ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

this is Orville …

you may remember him from his short train tunnel/graffiti shoot earlier this year.  Orville is also one of the KW Humane Society calendar winners, and is featured in the 2012 calendar.  adopted from the KWHS, Orville is — without question — leading the good life.

you could call him Mr. Happy …

… or home jester, as he elicits a lot of laughter from his parents …

Orville’s proud parents wanted more than the mini-shoot for the KWHS 2012 calendar, so we took their scruffy session to the park …

normally a ball- or toy-driven dog is a pleasure to photograph since you can more easily direct their attention.  but the kind of over-the-top ball-intensity/obsession that Orville has can make a photosession difficult … that is, until you have a good handle on his particular energy — if you don’t want every photo to look unnatural due to the extreme intensity and focus on the ball, you need to determine how close is too close before he starts to look unnaturally intent, how much you can manipulate the ball to bring his head to a more natural angle.

most of all though, it was about having fun chasing the ball …

thanks, Orville, for a fun shoot!

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  • kateoh my word! love all the expressions as he goes for the ball.ReplyCancel

  • Grace VSuch a beauty – I love all of them but especially the last photo with the dignified underbite pose. And on a separate note I am blown away by your before and after photos in other postings. What amazing processing work!ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomI can see why Orville’s parents are proud of him! What a beautiful dog!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawAwesome shoot illona! Orville sure is a handsome boy. I can’t pick a favourite shot, they are all amazing. I love the look in his eyes when he is watching the ball…and those ears pointing straight up…amazing!! Beautiful shots in my fav place….the tunnel of trees.ReplyCancel

  • Kathryn SchauerGreat captures! I love the B&W as well!ReplyCancel

  • Lee AnneWow, so many great shots! What a happy dog. =)ReplyCancel

  • JustynaHe is awesome! Love the way you captured his expressions 🙂ReplyCancel

  • A Knox-DostaleNow that is personality plus !ReplyCancel

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