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Norbert, part deux ~ {Ontario dog photographer}

you met him yesterday in his blog debut, and here is part two of Norbert’s blog splash … literally.  but we’ll get to the splashing later.

first, running …

… and more running.

we had an awesome time on the grounds of the spectacular Langdon Hall … such variety and serenity.

of course, a young boy needs to rest up his big fat feet in between adventures …

next up, a dip the swimming hole!

although “a dip” would be a bit of an understatement when it comes to the style and flair that Norbert brings to any body of water, no matter how small.

of course, every wet dog needs a breather on dry land …

and then … zoomies!!!

but for this respectable doodle, the water is forever a lure …

but in the end, every wet dog needs a shake and roll … ahh …

a little over three hours of adventure, and finally … finally i believe Norbert was tiring …

but i still couldn’t resist a few more wet-dog shots in this section of woods …

thanks, Norbert, for being such a fun dood and showing me such a great time.  and thanks, Sarah, for taking us to some awesome locations.

i know i’ve given you a lot of images to choose from.  not my fault you have such a handsome boy!  see you soon for your studio consult, Sarah.

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  • jenniferOh my gosh, what a nut. I LOVE the very first water shot. The perfect glassy water with the ripples he is causing – green – stunning. And I love #687, because, well…you know I have a thing for crazy faces. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Sonja (and Montecristo Travels)When our turn comes to do a shoot with you …. there will be no water. Montecristo hates it I am afraid!ReplyCancel

  • Samthis fella looks like a fun guy to have around, gorgeous photos 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Mary AnnWhat a beautiful and inspiring shoot. He’s even cuter in person. Once my own doodle is clipped and grown in a bit, I’ll be getting in touch to see about a shoot for her.ReplyCancel

  • IdilI can tell Norbert had great fun at the photoshoot! Love the photos – what an adorable fella!ReplyCancel

  • JaniceLove all these shots and Norbert, too! What a cutie! Looks like a great location.ReplyCancel

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