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Miles is back ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

you may remember Miles …

his full blog entry from his previous shoot can be found here.  and we had a great shoot last summer, but when mom Ingrid saw Buster’s latest shoot in the train tunnel and the tunnel of trees (for which a lot of scruffy dog clients travel here in order to have their shoot incorporate), she just had to bring Miles here for some similar shots.  she especially wanted the train tunnel because of Miles’ past … picked up as a stray in Tennessee, Miles’ history is unknown, and Ingrid imagines him having toughed it out on the streets and in tunnels.

so, it was off to the train tunnel.  at first Miles was a little confused as to the odd location, and maybe just a little uneasy … a quick tongue flick of nerves …

then … “wait, did i hear a train comin’?”

“and hang on a second, is that Skeletor? seriously, are you sure he can’t get me?”

“okay, okay …i’ll sit for you …”

“… and i’ll give you my best faces.  howz this one?”

“and this one?”

but if you wait long enough for something to catch their attention, eventually even the craziest little terrier goofball becomes a stellar model.

even a bit of a runway … er … railway model?

this was the first shoot to which i brought Merrick along for the ride.  he’d met Miles last fall during Ingrid’s studio-consult and these two “chill” little boys hit it off, so i thought it would be fun to take him along and let him run around at the second location.  in the tunnel though, i set down my camera bag and asked my boy to wait by it; and the entire time i worked with Miles, my boy stayed by the cameras.  still, i thought it would be fun to get a few shots of the the two adorable rescued terriers in the tunnel …

and this is the image that Ingrid is deciding to go with big … a 54″ canvas.  i can’t wait to see it!

so after the train tunnel, it was a drive through Mennonite country to the tree tunnel.  i swear, Miles was like: “seriously? more posing what am i?”

“oh, all right…”

“wait, do i smell something from that farm over there?”

and then i dared to ask for a “stand” from sweet Miles.  “are you kidding me, lady?”

“now, where was that delicious smell i just had?”

“oh yeah, baby!  there it is.”

“that’s one terrific smell … i love the countryside.”

“hold up. got an itch!”

okay, now we’re posing …

and … that’s a wrap, Miles.  “seriously? we’re done?”

all done.  “and i’m outta here!”

thanks, Ingrid, for a fun shoot, and thanks, Miles, for always being such a fabulous and patient model.  you’ll be seeing another blog entry soon about Miles when i talk about dogs on posts … so stay tuned.

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  • maggieI had a dog like that once. The photos brought back memories that made me smile. Very good work.ReplyCancel

  • Kristine KubotaIngrid, I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very talented!ReplyCancel

  • LindaThis is the most beautiful dog ever! Makes me smile.ReplyCancel

  • DLuker#46 The quarter head turn & “smile” is absolutely PRICELESS!

    #298 Only you can make doggy butts look good. Well, it does help that those little scruffy curls are insanely cute 😉ReplyCancel

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