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memphis’s awesome sneak peek ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

what can i say about Memphis?  he’s just so handsome …

some of you may remember Memphis from his first shoot earlier this year … these sneak peek images are from his full-out scruffy session a couple of weeks ago …

but this is only a small taste of what’s to come.  trust me, as the fall schedule permits, you will see a fuller blog entry on Memphis’s big shoot.  so stay tuned to the blog for more, or follow the scruffy dog facebook page for daily photos and special announcements, including blog entries.  really, we’re having a lot of fun over there!

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  • Peggy JenningsSuch a gorgeous dog! I love your photos!ReplyCancel

  • Schaffer PhotographyGreat photos- bull terriers are so cute!! I love the stylish collar 🙂ReplyCancel

  • MariaLove to see how beautiful Memphis is. The photography is supurb and the subject is even more exquisite. I think Bull Terriers are the most amazing creatures. They give unconditional love…ReplyCancel

  • JustynaAwesome bum shot – love the colours. Handsome fella!ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomWow, what a handsome boy! I just love bull terriers!ReplyCancel

  • MarilynI absolutely adore the bull terriers, and that is coming from a hardcore German Shepherd person.ReplyCancel

  • Darlene DranfieldOh my, he is one handsome dude. He looks great with the rock formations. I love this breed.ReplyCancel

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