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marlie girl ~ {Ontario dog photographer}

wow, this girl’s full blog entry has been a long time coming.  meet Marlie …

shortly after Marlie’s session was booked, she had a reaction to her rabies vaccine.  after my own experience with vaccines — having lost the original scruffy dog Murph at the young age of 4 to the rabies vaccine — you can imagine how ill i felt to receive that phone call over a year ago.  Steve and i spoke for a long time that afternoon when he called with the news, and i did my best to advise him on vets in his area who would be a little more cautious regarding vaccines and more in tune with their potentially hazardous side-effects.

it was a long recovery, but a year later, Marlie girl was finally up for her photo shoot.  and boy, was she up for it!

typical of the breed, this girl’s got energy to burn.  and i’m so glad mom, Jo, loves Marlie’s butt as much as i do because a pointer butt is pretty irresistible.

we had a blast at our shoot, and keeping up with Marlie and anticipating her moves wasn’t too difficult.  i have some first-hand experience with these hunting breeds.

and a pointer shoot wouldn’t be a pointer shoot without a point …

we had hoped to catch some fall colours, but as much as we drove around it seemed that all the great reds had already gone … just a few in the distance.

and like any good pointer, you can put her in a stay, but her nose and eyes are always working …

and this girl’s got some eyes.  yes, that’s the colour.  i actually found myself desaturating the colour of Marlie’s eyes in a lot of photos … they’re just unbelievably orange.

just look at this face.

and to think that Jo wrote in the booking form that when she tries to take a photo of Marlie, “her ears go back and she won’t look at the camera. You may have your work cut out with this one but I’m sure you’ve had more difficult dogs to deal with!” oh, yeah, Jo … WAY more difficult dogs than this girl.

just a little warming up and a few exercises before we headed out initially, and i had this girl working like she’d done it all her life …

thanks, Marlie, for being such a doll.  and thanks, Steve and Jo, for introducing me to your wonderful girl.  i’m so thrilled to finally have your gallery ready for you and hope to see you at a studio consult.

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  • IdilWow! I bet Marlie’s parents were thrilled with these photos! You’ve really captured the personality and the beauty of this girl. The lighting is fabulous in every single picture. Can’t even choose a favourite because they are all so good!ReplyCancel

  • LindaThose photos just make me smile.ReplyCancel

  • JeanI’m so glad that she has recovered and you got these amazing images of her!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawBeautiful girl…beautiful work illona!!!ReplyCancel

  • AndaBrilliant series! I adore the last three indoor images, especially the B&W on the floor – that one belongs on a billboard!ReplyCancel

  • leesiaso gorgeous! those running shots are amazing. that first image is just stunning. glad she’s fully recovered!ReplyCancel

  • Jackiewow, what a beautiful girl. her eyes in that first shot melted meReplyCancel

  • Sandy & RykerAnother wonderful shoot.
    I am so glad to hear that she has made a recovery from her Rabies Shot reaction. Thanks to your website I will no longer be vaccinating my pets. And we are in the process of switching to a raw diet. Thank you for all the great information and links.

  • jennifer metzgerThird one down is (no surprise as I love maniac dogs best) is right up my alley, but love the pointing shot as well. This was meant to be, as who knows what would have happened if they didn’t get some advice from you for the future. Love the front door shot too.ReplyCancel

  • katelove them all, but the one of her laying on the wood floor is the best, in my opinion. love all the shine.ReplyCancel

  • Susan HumphreysThank goodness this gorgeous girl recovered. These photographs were well
    worth waiting for!Love the one with her owners.

    Susan HumphreysReplyCancel

  • KymberleeBeautiful photos! You’ve done an incredible job of capturing Marlie’s unique personality and zest for life 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Vicky (tv writer)She has such a wonderful intelligent look in her eyes… gorgeous series here (as always). You really captured her personality in such nice, and varied ways.
    It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I especially love the one with “her people” in the background!ReplyCancel

  • SlavicaI just love the last 3 ! Gorgeous Girl !ReplyCancel

  • SimonGreat set, even by your standards! Nice flash work, too, is that just from a bounced SB900?ReplyCancel

  • MarcWow. Just stunning, illona.ReplyCancel

  • karenYou perfectly captured the beautiful, energy filled Marlie Girl we love!ReplyCancel

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