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make your own yogurt treats ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

a couple of weeks ago the scruffies were given some free samples of a frozen yogurt made for dogs.  yeah, they liked ’em.  they’re not good teste subjects though, as they are quintessential food sluts.  they’ll eat just about anything.  but i gotta be honest: (a) we can’t afford those pre-made treats, and (b) as a raw-feeder for almost nine years, whether it’s their dinner or treats, i’ve never been one to dole out pre-made stuff since i’d rather be in control of what goes into my pets.

so i decided that we should make our own … and of course, utilizing the Kongs is the easiest method.  so here’s one recipe that was a total hit …

get some quality yogurt … good probiotics for the dogs, and my girl needs more probiotics.   if you don’t already have some Benny Bully’s freeze-dried liver kicking around the house, you should!   a half-dozen to a dozen pieces run through the coffee- … er … liver-grinder … yes, we have a coffee-grinder that is just for pet stuff, and one that is strictly for our coffee.

mix the powdered liver and yogurt in a bowl … mmm … now taste.  no!  just kidding.

i actually used a small “Tidbit” treat normally used in merrick’s puzzle ball to fill the bottom ‘nipple’ of the kong.  then stuff your Kongs…

seal up with plastic wrap and stick ’em in the freezer.

but before you do that, don’t forget to toss the scruffies a few tidbits or liver pieces.

and be sure to employ a good quality clean-up crew …

of course, frozen Kongs aren’t a new idea.  we dog-guardians have been doing it ever since Kongs hit the market in the late ’70s.  but sometimes we just need a reminder that it is simple.  yogurt is the best way to go — provided your dog doesn’t have any issues with it — as it’s got lots of benefits … and you can mix so many things in it!  mashed banana, peanut butter, mashed berries like blueberries or raspberries.  i went with the powdered liver first because it’s easy, and i know it’s something that my guys can’t resist and this was merrick’s first time working on a Kong.

and he sorta kinda loved it …

have fun with your Kong-sicles … and feel free to share your recipes in the comments below!

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  • JackieI usually just stuff with pb for Sonny, never thought about frozen yogurt! Good call, going to have to try this!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonI guess I better buy Ralph a Kong and get with the program! Great ideas!
    Do you ever mix up the grinders?ReplyCancel

  • KarenNice post, Illona. With summer not too far away here, my two would probably be very happy with a frozen yoghurt Kong treat, for sure. Just a matter or keeping them both of them satisfied with their own treat, without them thinking that the yoghurt is always creamier in the other one’s Kong.
    Love the shot of your two both at the bowl.ReplyCancel

  • SolteraWhat a beautiful blog entry. Those pics of Merrick catching the Tid Bit and with his eyes closed in ecstasy….just gorgeous! I’m definitely going to try it this weekend with my JRT x Catahoula Leopard cross!!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawI make pup-sicles for Macy, after buying her one a few years ago the Wiggle Walk I figured I could just make them myself and they would be a lot more reasonable in cost.
    I use plain yogurt then mash up fresh raspberries from our raspberry bush and mix. I put them into one of those popsicle makers and voila….pupsicles.ReplyCancel

  • Lori E.Will definitely be using this very soon when my parents (and their separation-anxiety prone chihuahua) come to visit later this month. Thank you! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • ShelbyMy pup, Asher really loves his kong. I seal the bottom with PB, add chopped apple and yogurt and seal the top with PB and freeze. He LOVES it! It’s easy and good for him!ReplyCancel

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