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lucy and max’s big blog entry ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

i’ve been dying to share these two darlings with you.   you saw their sneak peek here, but now it’s time to share a fuller sampling from their shoot a couple of weeks ago.

we started our shoot indoors since both Max and Lucy were willing …

… and still clean …

but say the word “walk” and all eyes go to the door!

once out at location, though, these two s-wheaties really let loose …

but both Max and Lucy were so awesome as models.   as excited as they were to run around, they stayed put when we asked them to …

and then into my favorite woods we went …

i love this location.  it is often requested by my clients just for the trees above, but i love it for the wide variety we’re able to shoot in a small area … the forest, some fields, awesome grasses …

and of course, the beach!

besides the wonderful colour i had to work with throughout this shoot, and Lucy’s poise and beauty …

i gotta admit, i don’t think any client has made me smile more than sweet, round-faced Max during the hours of post-production work.  just look at this little Ewok!

and check out Max’s eye-lashes …

again with the eye-lashes and that adorable round face …

thanks, Lucy and Max, for being two of the most adorable, photogenic, fun and willing scruffy models to date.  love you both.  Julie and Drew, i know you’re going to have a hard time choosing from your double-wide gallery.  i can’t wait to get going on your photobook and look forward to going over your selections at your studio consult.

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  • BrindleBerry - Custom Pet PhotographyAwesome-sauce!ReplyCancel

  • Liz ~ elizabeth&janeOooh these are fantastic! I love the wide angle ones the best I think – works well with these furry cuties.ReplyCancel

  • Jackie*LOVE* each and every one of these photos, the parents are going to be so happy!!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonTwo adorable scruffies!!! Love the one of the 2 of them facing you on the beach. And yes those eyelashes!!!
    Great shoot!ReplyCancel

  • Margaretthey really don’t come cuter than these 2! they look so soft, almost like they’re not real.ReplyCancel

  • Lori🙂 They’re both super-cute, and Max’s eyelashes ARE to die for! Wonderful work, as usual!ReplyCancel

  • milikinmy most favourite kinds of dogs in the whole wide world! These captures are amazing! I’m sure their Pawrents will be thrilled!ReplyCancel

  • PatI just l-o-v-e the pics! I could have looked at more! I just love your work…………………….ReplyCancel

  • Lisa B.It’s not fair that a male anything has those eyelashes. LOL!ReplyCancel

  • JillThey look like Muppets!! Absolutely, 100% adorable. Love this blog entry!ReplyCancel

  • kim kailaoh my gosh! your killing me with the eyelashes!! how adorable these 2 are! thanks for sharing..their parents will be thrilled!ReplyCancel

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