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little lolli grows up ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photographer}

with a heavy fall shooting schedule and now the post work on those dozens of sessions, we’re woefully behind in blogging.  in fact, the guardians of the next few scruffy faces you’re going to be seeing on the SDP blog have already received their full galleries and are in the midst of ordering …  yeah, that far behind!

i’m sure a lot of you will remember little Lolli from her puppy shoot last winter …

well, she’s grown up … just a little.

and although this little girl still goes like stink …

… she’s more able to multi-task … running, carrying a stick, and — what is not so readily visible — working on her complex math equations, all at the same time!

we started with some shooting indoors …

then, off to the great outdoors!

when Lolli’s parents mentioned the location they were considering, i was psyched … i knew Lolli’s colour would look fab with the red bricks!

and like any well-respecting retriever, Lolli has grown to love balls.

and b-i-g sticks …

i’m hoping Maria doesn’t mind me sharing a photo of her on the blog.  i don’t often post “owner” photos, and actually don’t often take this kind of “posed” shot, but i liked this …

and i loved Maria’s red boots.

as always, variety is big with a scruffy dog session, and this blue wall was a nice splash …

thanks for a fun afternoon, Maria and Andy.  i can’t wait to get working on Lolli’s Best in Show album!

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  • Holly Garner-JacksonMy goodness, she sure has grown up! She still has those big beautiful I can get lost in them , brown eyes!
    Great series, fun to see the difference a year makes!ReplyCancel

  • KathrynBeautiful work, and gorgeous dog!ReplyCancel

  • Morag ReidYou find the best locations. I love the one with the big flower on the wall behind her.ReplyCancel

  • A Knox-DostaleAll I can say is “Oh my gosh” ! Beautiful photos & what a happy dog .ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawI loved the little Lolli pics, then the somewhat grown up Lolli pics at the beginning of the blog. If was fun to see how she has grown!!!
    Wow, such beautiful shots illona. Lolli is adorable!!!!ReplyCancel

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