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kira and du ~ {Kitchener, Ontario pet photographer}

meet Kira …

and Xanadu … or “Sexy Du” as his tag reads …

Kira is struggling with a recent diagnosis of Cushings, so i’ve set aside several other commitments to get their images processed and mounted for their mom.

these two were not my easiest models, as i mentioned in their sneak peek earlier.

Du was actually a little standoffish …

… in spite of Kira supposedly being the one who normally runs from all cameras …

and treats were out of the question with these two … they were too motivated by food, tearing at my pockets and the treat bag, and barking at me if the treats didn’t come in a steady stream …

so the treats had to be put away … making for a not-so-happy Du …

… and even more standoffish.

we had better luck once out on a location, with each dog on a long-line (which have been removed in post).  and surprisingly, it was Kira who ran the most …

don’t get me wrong though … these two dollfaces — as tough as they were as models — are two of the most absolute sweetest little monkeys i’ve met …

just look at these faces!

and those ears!

the puppy face …

… and the attitude.

thanks, Colleen, for introducing me to your two wonderful monkeys.  i hope Kira’s doing better, and that these images bring a smile to your face and heart.

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  • Holly Garner-JacksonYou do such good work! What else can I say!ReplyCancel

  • Susan HumphreysWonderful photographs of these two little scamps. I particularly love Kira.
    I don’t really know much about cushings in dogs I’m afraid. Is is a
    manageable condition.I hope it is as she’s gorgeous. Her colouring reminds
    me of Matea.

    Susan Humphreys

  • SusanAwesome as always!
    What lens do you use most often?ReplyCancel

  • SabrinaSuch FABULOUS pictures! My heart is lighter and the world is a better place just having such art in the world.ReplyCancel

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