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group hike ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

just had to squeeze another few shots of my boy merrick onto the blog after today’s group hike with Waterloo Dog and a couple other CETs (certified educator trainers)

with over two dozen  dogs and even more people from all over, there wasn’t much opportunity for shooting.  we moved at a pretty good clip over the two hours, and often the trail was only wide enough for two-abreast, so when it did open up a bit, i literally grabbed a few quick shots.

i wanted to get some shots of merrick’s new Cascade Bodysuit by K9 Topcoat in Oregon.  i’ve used K9 Topcoat products for years now, and seriously, nothing else out there comes close.  the Cascade is waterproof, windproof, and breathable … best of all it’s a stretch material which allows full range of motion.  although merrick inherited all of morley’s awesome winter gear, he needs this kind of coverage since his fine hair balls up with snow very quickly.  no doubt he’ll be modeling morley’s neoprene boots which i made two years ago as well; he did fine today without.

i had the legs of the Cascade taken up at a local tailor last week, but they didn’t take them up high enough … so a few more alterations.  sure wish i had a sewing machine.

merrick had a great time.  he didn’t do the kind of hunting he does when out with big sister matea, but it was a great experience for him to be in that sea of dogs and shuffling legs.  to watch him carry himself with so much more confidence now, that tail almost always straight up, shows me just how far this boy has come.

thanks, Tami and everyone, for an awesome hike.  see you at the group walk in a couple of weeks!

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  • Susan HumphreysIllona, These are just wonderful photographs. Merrick is so lucky to have a home with you and Matea. I love his little coat! I’d like to wish you
    a Happy Christmas, and all the best for 2011. I can’t wait to see what
    delights you will bring us then.

    Susan HumphreysReplyCancel

  • LaurenGreat pictures and that last one really emphasizes just how far he has come indeed!ReplyCancel

  • Liz ~ elizabeth&janeSo great! His suit reminds me of the ones I have for my guys from CanisWear.ReplyCancel

  • Ryker/SandyI just love this boy. You really got him out of his shell!ReplyCancel

  • PatTell me he is not the cuttest thing!!!!!!!!!! I just love Merrick in his suit!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonFun with friends and dogs!! Great shots. Love that second one of Merrick running past the Border collie.ReplyCancel

  • Miss KodeeAfter spending a half hour lying in the snow with 2 moving targets I REALLY appreciate you gifted talent! So nice and crisp!ReplyCancel

  • Sherry in MTRockin new coat Merrick and I love the last shot – my favorite. Doesn’t it just make your heart burst with joy!?ReplyCancel

  • emilyseriously amazing to see him in these shots! you’d never know it was the same dog. he looks GREAT! awesome. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Tami PackhamYour pictures are awesome as usual. It was fun to watch Merrick look for you in the crowd of people.ReplyCancel

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