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camilla and sarah ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

strap yourselves in and make sure you’ve got the safety belts on tight because you’re about to take a ride in ultimate cuteness, the likes of which you will not have experienced before!

now, some of you who follow the scruffy dog facebook page will already have seen a couple of sneak peeks of these two darlings, but now you’re going to get to see a whole lot more!

we had so much fun at their shoot … well, perhaps not Vince so much, as he was designated as the chair-sherpa …

so this is Sarah …

and this is Camilla … a.k.a. Cammy.

and anyone who thinks that these two look alike couldn’t be more wrong.

Camilla is a foxy little girl …

… and Sarah is rounder

… with your typical corgi poof-rump … “does my butt look big on this boardwalk?”

you’ll see a lot of these looking-up shots since these two girls were pretty determined to stick near me.

still, we were able to get them out exploring …

Sarah is actually afraid of cameras …

… she’s skittish of a lot of things, even the sound of Velcro, and that fear was immediately noticeable as i took the gear out of the car.  in fact, she tried to hide in the scruffy dog mobile.  but with a few tricks and working with her energy, i was able to bring her around pretty quickly and she ended up being a bit of a poser.

these girls definitely love balls …

and that Camilla has a lot of giddy-up …

and check out that ski-slope tongue!

but Sarah’s no slouch either …

thanks for a fun afternoon, Jennifer and Vince, and for sharing not just your two little darlings but also your grandfather’s gorgeous property.  i’m looking forward to working on your big canvas and album!

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  • A Knox-DostaleLove ’em ! I love the bridge photo- they are both smiling ! How do you do that ?!!! I don’t care, I love it . Love the dogs at play. How many times can I say love ? Beautiful work …ReplyCancel

  • Joniultimate cuteness – boy are you right about that! These two are so dang CUTE!!! Amazing photos!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawWow, gorgeous shots illona!!ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomWhat beautiful girls! Great shots! My favorite is the one where they’re both running at the camera and you can see the humans in the background.ReplyCancel

  • DianaWow!! I just love the one on the bridge and the one on the stump. Just awesome!ReplyCancel

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