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another round of salty scruffies ~ {Canadian pet photographer}

i still have some straggling photos from our trip out east that i can’t resist sharing with you all.  i hope you’re not sick of these beach photos …

and this entry will be more photos than text.

my little goober has become such a poser, even downtown Lunenburg, me belly-in-the-gutter, people passing by, he just sat there watching the people …

i almost chose this image as our new large, studio canvas, but i was voted out by my partner …

no worries, you’ll be seeing photos of the new canvas soon.

in the meantime, more fun at the beach …

and the iron rocks we discovered along a back road … there was a lot of coyote scat in this location, so we kept a close eye out and played it safe.  matea’s already picked a fight with a coyote to save her brother, so she’s got a taste for ’em.

it’s not matea i worry about though, it’s merrick.  since being rescued, he has learned a lot about navigating the world from his big sister, and although the drive is already in him, hunting and going after ‘game’ is something that has been accentuated by hanging with his sister.  merrick seems to think he can take on coyotes too … and since he doesn’t yet have the level of training that matea does, i have to be extra vigilant.

of course, all that time in the freezing water and cold wind, wears a little goober out …

even matea, at the end of our one long day of shooting, was pretty much done …

sometimes the boy can sit peacefully …

… for a few moments at least …

merrick’s first experience with waves … i’ve got some other shots of him in the waves that i’ll share later.

and what can i say, i love beach grasses …

enjoy your weekend, everyone … even if it might be a little wet.

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  • Susan HumphreysGreat to see these two! Stunning as usual Happy New Year Illona, and all
    the best for 2012.

    Susan Humphreys

  • JenniferI totally missed this post. So many great images I can’t even comments on which I like best. I know it was cold there, but I am, as I type, watching snow fall….so I would do almost ANYTHING to be at the beach right now and these images kill me. Can’t wait til July…..beach here I come. ok just a few: 1267, 961, 797….and 139…she is obviously having the time of her life.ReplyCancel

  • KarenGreat location Illona, even if it was freezing. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure my two would be off, never to be seen again, with the first rabbit they spotted. Together they just reinforce each others instinct for chasing. I do love Matea’s whiskers.ReplyCancel

  • Meghan GraceI just love your work and aspire to take animal photos as beautiful as yours someday! Thank you so much for sharing your work and your personality-filled pets with all of us!ReplyCancel

  • Joni SolisSo many of these great photos would look lovely blown up large and hung on a wall — I wouldn’t have any wall space left!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonSuch a great series!
    And here I thought it was just your mind in the gutter! ;-P
    Imagine what kind of shots you would have gotten if the weather had been halfway decent while you were in Nova Scotia!ReplyCancel

  • Sherry in MTGreat shots and I have to ask about Merrick’s vest – at least it looks like a life vest. I like how it fits. Can you share what brand it is?ReplyCancel

  • JaniceLove the one of Matea looking out at sea – beautiful!

    Your work, all of it, is simply the best. One day, we’ll have to book a session for our Millie ….ReplyCancel

  • wendyThey are all gorgeous but I love, love, love that last one!ReplyCancel

  • emilyAmazing photos…Matea is more beautiful than ever. I love that girl! I miss our chats, so much going on lately, I’ve been so busy. Lets catch up soon! xoReplyCancel

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