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and big brother brody ~ {Burlington, Ontario pet photographer}

as promised, here is Brody, big brother to Simon and Rocky who you met over the past couple of days.

Brody is a nine-year-old boxer-lab cross

and although this boy was eager to join Rocky in chasing the salmon in the river …

… Brody was on limited duty due to a mild paw injury the day prior.

so he had to wait patiently and watch from the bank for a good portion of the fish-frenzy.

still, we did give him a little freedom …

and further down river by the red banks, i just love the expressions this boy pulls …

then back home through the woods …

how sweet is this face?

and like his brothers — and almost every scruffy dog client — Brody was pretty pooped after the adventure of our photo shoot.

thanks, Brody, for being such a sweetheart.  and thank you again, Carrie, for sharing your boys with me.  i hope you enjoy their double-wide gallery, and hope to see you soon at your studio consult.

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  • Holly Garner-JacksonWonderful as usual! Alwats love the bounding water shots and this boy is a winner!ReplyCancel

  • Sandy & RykerLoved this tri-pack… what a bunch of characters. Bet no one in that house gets bored!ReplyCancel

  • Susan HumphreysStunning images as usual Illona!. Love the fourth one down with all the
    beautiful colours of the leaves. Do you ever take a bad photograph!!(just

    Susan Humphreys
    Northampton EnglandReplyCancel

  • AnitaGorgeous set of photos! Those against the light on the lake are stunning. Of course Brody is stunning as well.ReplyCancel

  • vickiBrody looks like a real sweetheart, I love his ears and the photo of him on the sofa – love those paws.ReplyCancel

  • DeanneI think I’m in love again. What a beautiful boy!ReplyCancel

  • kim kailawonderful gallery of all 3 dogs. enjoyed viewing them and love the olden colors of the water. I have to say…does everybody in Canada have brown leather couches! LOL!ReplyCancel

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