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a real sneak peek ~ {Ontario pet-exclusive photographer}

unfortunately, you’re getting only snippets of this client …

this shoot and the finished gallery — like a number of scruffy dog shoots lately — is a Christmas gift … so no names.

it’s frustrating for me because this particular shoot garnered an amazing number of fabulous images, but i have to restrain myself …

… and you’ll have to wait to see the rest of this fabulous pup at Christmas.

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  • Kelly (Neptune)A Toller! Such beautiful shots so far! I can’t wait to see more!! =DReplyCancel

  • JenniferA toller! So excited to see more!ReplyCancel

  • Lori @ According to GusBeautiful photos! I LOVE photos of paws…warms my heart 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonDog parts!!! A part of the whole! Can’t wait for the rest!!!ReplyCancel

  • ChristinaFreakishly adorable!ReplyCancel

  • Sandy & RykerCan’t wait till Christmas. You are such a tease!ReplyCancel

  • emilyawesome shots! i love how much they say without even revealing the whole dog! you’re awesome!ReplyCancel

  • SydneyNova Scotia Duck Toller!!! Oh I love this breed. The first photo just got me, it is perfect and I wish I had a simmilar shot of Cody on my wall. You are amazing Ilona, I can’t wait till christmas pass’s and we shall see the full blog (if there is one and I hope there is).ReplyCancel

  • TatyanaA Nova Scotia! I LOVE these guys – can’t wait to see the rest! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Jackiewow, now THAT is one Christmas gift i would be thrilled to get! Someone is very lucky!ReplyCancel

  • LoriI can tell she’s a gorgeous girl, even seen in parts! Lovely photo quality as always…ReplyCancel

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