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a few facebook faces ~ {Ontario pet-exclusive photographer}

if you’re not following scruffy dog on facebook, well, you’re simply not running with the pack … and here are just a few of the scruffy client faces you will have missed this past week …

first, there was the utterly handsome Memphis.  his sneak peek has already appeared on the blog, and you’ll for sure be seeing more from his big shoot.

then there was young Maggie, the Portugese Water Dog pup, whose seemingly boundless energy and airborne skills had many on facebook mesmerized …

here she is fetching me a weed … such a clever girl!

and in a rare moment of standing still …

but mostly, Maggie flew.

then there was Toby … he stopped by briefly for his Karma Collar mini-session.  don’t worry, we have photos of the totally rad collar Toby’s dad had custom made for him!

and then there was Indy … model-extraordinaire, belonging to Tami Packham of Waterloo Dog.  i had a lot of fun with Indy whose boundless Boston energy resulted in a number of hysterical, action-packed shots …

and Kaiser … this regal gentleman looked absolutely stunning in the tunnel of trees …

and in the long, fall grasses.

and lovely, long-legged Cheeky, limbering up with a few stretches before her forest run …

of course, not to be outdone by her sister, Cocoanut danced into frame …

and to close out the week on facebook, we had repeat client Thor, whom I haven’t seen in several years, and his new little sister, Indy (as well) …

Indy may be little, but she carries as much air about her as her gargantuan brother Thor …

and Thor, well, he carries a gargantuan amount of slobber wherever he goes …

this is just a taste of what you’re missing if you’re not following the scruffy dog facebook page.  and stay tuned for more blog entries on these latest SDP clients and more!

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  • leesiayour action shots never cease to amaze…and then there’s that one of the doxie looking up at her big brother…that is to die for!!ReplyCancel

  • Joanna ReichertWonderful! Do you know who Cheeky reminds me of? If you ever read ‘Calvin & Hobbes’, Cheeky looks remarkably like Calvin dancing. : )ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonYou are the best of the best!ReplyCancel

  • W's MomI love your work! You capture the soul of these pets…ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomLove all the new photos!ReplyCancel

  • The Green DogsI have to say that I really love your style of photography. It’s amazing! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • A Knox-DostaleThese are some of my favorites !ReplyCancel

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