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the scruffies of SDP ~ {Ontario pet-exclusive photographer}

especially when it comes to the fall season, when we have quadruple the bookings on the schedule just to fit everyone in, when i’m working the cameras almost every day, and sorting and processing thousands of photos, sometimes the last thing i’m compelled to do is pick up a camera and add more to that seemingly endless backlog.   as a result, the scruffies tend to become the shoemaker’s kids who have to run around barefoot.

but yesterday, after five shooting days in a row, we decided to drag the equipment out on a walk to capture a few photos of the scruffies in action.  a few have been posted up on the scruffy dog photography facebook page already … but here are some more.

just heading out …

the look i get when i ask her to ‘wait’ at the top of a hill … first i get some awesome, alert stances, and then it’s like: “seriously, take a picture!  it’ll last longer, lady.  i got places to be!”

merrick always stops when he sees me stop …

and if i’m squatting too long with the camera, he comes flying back …

while matea is all about the hunt … always searching to scare up something … although this hike didn’t turn up anything to chase.

and merrick has become quite an adventurer himself, in spite of his very miserable beginnings … in spite of being at least 7 years old, merrick still acts like a puppy (i have no doubts he was removed from his mother too early) … and as a result, he turns to matea to direct and guide him through this new world of his.

and with matea as has guide, it’s no doubt that his hunt drive has gone from zero to ten … always on the lookout for voles (a much wiser quarry than the coyote he tried to chase down last winter!)

still with his eyes on matea …

a year and a half since his rescue, i think you’d be hardpressed to find a happier dog …

and at ten years of age, matea sill has the moves …

in all the years of photographing my girl, countless running shots, i don’t have a single shot like this one … with he ear fringes flying …

and, as always,  matea’s tongue was definitely along for the hike …

and this is why i love shooting in November … all the dried grasses are absolutely beautiful.


and near the end of the hike, we had some awesome light to work with …

and no dog … but a spider …

i hope you enjoyed this little break from scruffy clients.  i know matea and merrick certainly did!  have a great Monday, everyone.

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  • Susan HumphreysWow, it’s great to see the two scruffies again. These are just awe-inspiring. The lighting and colours are wonderful. Merrick makes you
    happy just looking at him. He looks like he’s ‘taking off’ in one of these photographs. Hope Matea is okay, she looks great!

    Susan Humphreys

  • MarlaAwesome shots, girl. Will you put the ear fringe shot up on Flickr? I want to favourite it 🙂ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawWell, I can’t find the words….and beautiful just doesn’t cut it. Stunning images illona!
    I love the ear fringe shot of Matea, she’s so beautiful. And Merrick….he’s just fun. I love his “wee” running shot. The magic in the lighting at the end of your hike is just gorgeous. Give Matea and Merrick a hug for me…I miss them!ReplyCancel

  • MathildaYour photos are absolutley stunning!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonHoorah for getting out with your kids and your camera. A little balance for your whole pack!
    Love the ear fringe shot the most!ReplyCancel

  • Meghan GraceAll of your photos are beautiful but these are exceptionally gorgeous. What beautiful babies you have. Thanks for sharing!ReplyCancel

  • LindaThe one of Matea’s ear fringes is superb. And Merrick is just such a happy guy. We have a rescue malamute/rough collie from Taiwan and he is so much like Merrick in the way he exudes happiness. Woo hoo I’m loved, raw fed and I’ve got a cool girl dog to hang with.ReplyCancel

  • DLukerYou’ve got to be thrilled that you got out with THE scruffies, let alone come back with so many wonderful images. But, ohmyDOG! #189, the way she’s outlined in that fabulous light! Magic! Tears here, for real!ReplyCancel

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