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the latest FB scruffy dog poll ~ {Ontario pet exclusive photographer}

if you follow the scruffy dog Facebook page , then you’re already aware of the polls we have over there, asking pet-related questions.  some are purely for fun, others are a little educational as we learn more about you and your pet.

this week’s poll is about how you came to be the guardian of your current 4-leggers.  we want to know how our followers met their Rovers and Fifis and Fluffys too!

the poll is fun and easy … a few clicks … and if you follow the scruffy dog Facebook page (and why wouldn’t you?) you’ll see the results posted in a week or so!

you can get to the poll through this link.

of course, i can’t possibly do a blog entry without a few photos, so here’s a little before-and-after of our most recent scruffy rescue boy, merrick … rescued at 6 years of age …

his “before photo”, taken by the not-so-nice puppymill/breeder people who wanted rid of him …

and merrick today … with a little love, guidance, training, and no more breeding and abuse.

so go on over to the scruffy dog Facebook page and click the Polls tab on the left, or follow this link.  we’d love to hear from you.  and if the way by which you became guardian of your 4-legger(s) is not on the list, please drop us a line on the Facebook page, and we’ll rectify it pronto!

ALSO if you have an incredible rescue story, you know we’d love to hear it!  you can share it in the comments below and/or share your rescue pup/cat’s photo on the scruffy dog Facebook page! (please keep photo submissions to one-per-pet).

looking forward to seeing the results from the latest poll!  have fun!

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  • Linda BlackI really enjoy your blog and the wonderful pets you photograph.
    Not being on facebook and having no desire too, even if it means I can’t be part of your poll, I did want to let you know about my furry doofuses. One is Rune, our 2 1/2 year old female Alaskan Malamute, adopted from her breeder as a pup and one of the nicest Mals I’ve ever had. Our other character, Lodden, is a 4 or 5? year old rescue Malamute?/Siberian?/Rough Collie who came to us from Taiwan. I’ll keep it short and if you’re interested in his story you can read it below.
    To give you an idea why I chose a dog from out of country I’ll mention this. The pounds in Taiwan were coming under fire for their high euthenasia numbers so (and I find this really heartbreaking and disgusting) they just don’t feed the dogs and they die “naturally” of starvation or prolong their lives by eating the already dead dogs.
    TUAPA, the no kill shelter, has over a thousand dogs in their care and while the dogs are cared for they only get out into the yard once a week. I couldn’t say no when I saw this furry formerly starved and still skinny dog who was living in a climate that was so ill suited to his breed. So he came to live with us and has become such a sweet member of our family who is still putting on weight slowly with a raw food diet. And Rune thinks he’s the best toy ever.

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