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the eight pack: part III ~ {Elora, Ontario pet photographer}

you already met the first five dogs of this fabulous pack of rescue dogs whom i had the distinct pleasure of shooting earlier this fall.  now, bringing up the tail of the pack, we have Luna the greyhound …

due to a back injury, Luna is bound to a wheelchair.  but like most dogs with disabilities, she gets around just fine …

and then there’s old man Keno …

Keno was a ham … couldn’t get enough of me and the cameras … well, and the treats, of course.   in fact, we finally had to put him away when his turn was up or else i might not have been able to capture shots of any of the other dogs.

and last but not least, not just camera-shy, but camera-terrified Cricket …

i just kept my distance from the poor boy, and when all else failed, i used my duck sounds.

thanks so much, Geoff, for introducing me to your amazing pack.  i hope this is a fabulous Christmas for you and Joanne and your entire pack.  i’m sure she’ll love the gallery of photos you arranged for her.

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  • Ryker/SandyWhat a diverse pack of dogs, I love it! I bet this family was a joy to work with.ReplyCancel

  • Jackieoh my, that first shot of Cricket, with all the warm glowing bokeh and wiskers, is absolutely stunningReplyCancel

  • Michael HowieLove ’em! In your shots of Keno (when he was following/walking toward you) were you using autofocus or manual?ReplyCancel

    • illonaMichael, i almost never use manual focus. dogs are too fast. i always use some variation of Autofocus.ReplyCancel

  • marjoWe have been anxiously awaiting the shots of the wheelchair-bound greyhound and were not disappointed … you captured her beauty and dignity with aplomb.

    Although partial to the plight of greys we are ever-so delighted in ALL the rescues at this shoot.

    All the best of the season to your and your family!

    Melanie/Marjo/Roman (the greyhound – August 2009)ReplyCancel

  • emilyAMAZING. seriously, you take the best shots. i wish you could come here and shoot my dogs. LOVE this shoot!ReplyCancel

    • illonaemily, just a short flight away. 😉 you’re doing pretty good on your own. keep shooting.ReplyCancel

  • Lisa B.Yay! More greys! Their names sound vaguely familiar. Wonder if they’re in the neighborhood? Lovely pics and we wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas and an even better New Year!
    Lisa, Ed and Summer (“OwnedBySummer”)ReplyCancel

  • andreathe light in these ones is just gorgeous! hope you and the scruffies have a wonderful holiday, illona! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Liz ~ elizabeth&janeStunning – great work as usual 🙂ReplyCancel

  • SarahI agree with Lauren…love that one. So sad this is the end! I want to see more! LOL! So gorgeous!ReplyCancel

  • LaurenI like in the 10th photo how you can see the light through the ears!ReplyCancel

  • AndaStunning set! The warm afternoon light is wonderful on these seniors’ faces, amazing pack, and evidently so much loved.ReplyCancel

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