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the eight pack: part II ~ {Elora, Ontario pet photographer}

to continue with the incredible eight-pack of rescue dogs you met yesterday, here are the next three.

meet sweet Oboe …

this boy was so soft and subtle in his nature, it was hard not to fall in love.

i enjoyed lying around in the grass with him, and could have stayed there all day in the warm light if not for seven other dogs to shoot!

and Oboe had no problem handing over the limelight when it was Hannah’s turn …

and what can i say about sweet Hannah?  her darling face has made an appearance already earlier on the blog.  it was hard to not steal this little doll and bring her home for Merrick.

just LOOK at that face!

and then there’s Peaches …

you know i love the scruffies, so these two were hard to resist.

stay tuned for the last three of this incredible pack tomorrow.

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  • Holly Garner-JacksonMore excellence and cuteness all around!ReplyCancel

  • S. DSo sweet 🙂ReplyCancel

  • JackieAHHH-mazing, I am in love with those sunset shots!!!! So beautifulReplyCancel

  • Joni SolisWonderful photos of rescued dogs — the adoption option is the best!ReplyCancel

  • Ryker/SandyWhat a wonderful and diverse pack. These people must be special!
    I think Hannah and Merrick would be darling together. Two little ragamuffins.ReplyCancel

  • emilyPeaches! I love love love her! She’s absolutely PERFECT. What a great pack! I haven’t been counting, there are more to come, right?ReplyCancel

  • Liz ~ elizabeth&janeSo sweet – again with the dreamy light!!!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawoh, too cute for words!!ReplyCancel

  • Annie KinmondOh so sweet… all of them!ReplyCancel

  • LoriI love the scruffly-tummied dancers shot 🙂
    What a love-filled –and filled-to-the-brim, period!– household theirs must be ~ rescuers extraordinaire <3ReplyCancel

  • eloiseLove that second to last one of Peaches especially. What a scruff-bag!!!!ReplyCancel

  • SarahAgain…more awesomeness! I love the scruffies too!ReplyCancel

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