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the eight-pack: part I ~ {Elora, Ontario pet photographer}

it was a gorgeous fall day when i met the eight-pack that owns Geoff and Joanne in Elora. when Geoff first called me, his intent was to have Luna — their wheelchair-bound greyhound — and possibly Mary the golden as the subjects for our shoot.  but when i discovered that all eight dogs were rescues, i promised him we’d include all the dogs in our shoot.

so, although it was a long afternoon, it was an absolute pleasure to meet and work with all these guys.  and although we were restricted to their backyard, it’s a big backyard.

because i feel each dog deserves their own blog entry, i’m going to spread these guys out across three entries.  first up, we have Sparks …

he was such a joy to work with … a real poser.

and of course, no border collie shoot would be complete without a ball …

thanks, Sparks, for being such a cool model.

and then there’s Mary … your typical easy-going golden …

Mary’s got an infectious smile …

i just loved Mary’s colour with the tones of the front porch …

and, well, it worked quite well in the stables as well.

you can’t really go wrong with a golden, can you?

stay tuned for the rest of this interesting pack tomorrow.

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  • Ryker/SandyAn Eight Pack…oh my!
    Sparks is Wonderful and Miss Mary relaxin’ on her back in the sun…precious!
    Can’t wait to see the rest of the pack.ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonThose action shots of Sparks with those intense Border Collie eyes are just magnificent! They certainly made me laugh!
    And the sweetness portrayed in your photos of Mary just melts your heart!!
    Can’t wait to see the rest of the 8 pack.
    With 6 you get eggroll!ReplyCancel

  • lizIlona – these pups have a great personality that you’ve highlighted! They look like the happiest pups in the world!ReplyCancel

  • marlesghillieEvery single shot is a stunnerReplyCancel

  • KarenLOL about the eyes of Sparks when he’s going after the ball.
    And Mary is just cute and gorgeous, like you said, you can’t get wrong with a golden.ReplyCancel

  • SarahWow! Wow! Wow! I can’t wait to see the rest! Sparks is gorgeous and that first shot cracks me up! And then Mary! Another wow! Those shots in the grass are so yummy!ReplyCancel

  • Liz ~ elizabeth&janeSo awesome – such beautiful light in some of themReplyCancel

  • SydneyBeautiful photographs as always!! Both dogs are gorgeous, and a huge back of all rescues!! Fantastic; can’t wait to see the rest of this pack!ReplyCancel

  • Ian JHehe, i literally laughed out loud at that first shot of Sparks! 🙂 What an awesome set 🙂ReplyCancel

  • MarlaJust lovely, Illona. looking forward to the rest of the gang, too.ReplyCancel

  • AndaIllona, Sparks made me smile so big – as big as Mary’s entries 🙂 Wonderful colors, expressions, action and bokeh. Such gorgoeus images.ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawBeautiful shots illona. I love, love, love Mary’s smile!!!!!ReplyCancel

  • andreai love sparks!!! those intense eyes going after the ball are very familiar. 🙂 and mary is such a beautiful girl!!ReplyCancel

  • emilymore of that border collie, please! i’m in LOOOOOVE.ReplyCancel

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