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some more scruffy clients you may have missed on the SDP facebook page ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

if you don’t follow scruffy dog on facebook you will have missed some of these scruffy client faces from last week … (and if you are following SDP on facebook, well, good dog!)

first up, how about a look at Lolli … winking!

you might remember her from her Winter shoot when she was just teeny tiny.  today Lolli is a lot bigger, but still a big goofy puppy …

she was fond of showing off her sticks …

no matter how oversized they were.

and this is Henry.   yes, he looks a  lot like Lolli … in fact, I’m betting they could be litter mates.  you’ll be seeing more of the young, dashing Henry soon.

and Cocoanut really getting into the spirit of fall …

then there was this surprise when i was editing a photo of Memphis (Cocoanut’s grandmother) … it seems she has a habit of picking up hitchhikers … crazy spoo!

and sweet, darling Baxter.   we had such a blast … definitely a Merrick-soul in a slightly different suit.  i so wanted to steal him … but i’m assured that i have been deigned his Dogmother, and he’s got a home here if he ever finds himself needing one.

he dances too!

and then there was our very own Aslan … you’ll find an entire mini-gallery of images captured of him with his first kill (while under our guardianship).  these photos raised a little bit of dust on the scruffy dog facebook page from mouse-lovers near and far, and i understand.  i love all animals too!  however, as explained in comments on the facebook page, the mouse in these photos is already very dead.  we had no idea we even had a mouse in the house until Aslan pounced and came out of the corner with this guy already quite dead.

the photos taken were a documentation of the ritual which all cats (wild and domestic) partake in after a kill.  to have deprived our mighty hunter from that ritual would have — in my opinion — been a disgrace to cat guardianship, or any “pet” for that matter.  for me, it’s important to answer your dog and cat’s needs, to recognize them as dogs or cats, and respect that, including allowing Aslan the ritual documented in the photos posted on the scruffy dog facebook page.

thank you to all on facebook who supported these photos and the intent behind them.

then we have lovely, sweet girl Basil …

and her irresistible brother, Sprocket …

and last, but not least, lovely gentleman Dante …

he had lots to say …

and rounding out the week was an appearance of the two resident scruffies on a Sunday evening hike.  you can see more of our hike in their previous blog entry.

and that’s just a little of what you missed if you’re not following scruffy dog on facebook.  have a great week, everyone!

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  • Linda B.Aslan is a strikingly handsome cat. Great shots with the deceased mouse.ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawBeautiful!!
    Love, love, love Lolli winking!!ReplyCancel

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