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shy girl ginny ~ {Kitchener dog photographer}

meet Ginny.


… probably one of my top three shiest clients to date.   with these types of high-fear cases i tend to start out from a distance.


… and work my way in slowly.


to the point where i’m eventually getting some attention from them.  Ginny was no exception to that handling technique … even giving me a little flourish with those brilliant papillion ears of hers.


thanks, Ginny, for being such a little trooper.  and thanks Janet and Mark and Julianna and James!  i hope you enjoy the rest of Ginny’s images.


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  • TatyanaWhat a sweet little phalene 🙂 Beautiful girl.ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonYou are the dog whisperer of Canada are you not?
    Great job, she’s a beauty!ReplyCancel

  • MarlaSooooooo pretty!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah McGrawWow! That last image would look gorgeous on Canvas! I have got to find a beautiful field like that!ReplyCancel

  • MargaretGinny’s just beautiful! You’ve worked your magic again, Illona!ReplyCancel

  • Loriawww, poor thing! my pup doesn’t like the camera, but he’s annoyed, not afraid 🙂ReplyCancel

  • bublynskiOh, what a little beauty she is! These photos really show off her amazing eyes. Your patience was well-rewarded – these shots get past her fears and show her inner character.ReplyCancel

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