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ruga and reese’s summer session ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

you might remember Reese and Ruga from their winter session earlier this year …

well, it was time for their summer session, and let me tell you, these two monkies aren’t the easiest models!  nor could they be enticed to go for a walk …

Reese wouldn’t leave the woods at the edge of the driveway …

and Ruga, wouldn’t even come up the lane with us.

if left to their own desires, i think the entire shoot would have been of the two of them lying on the gravel drive by the back wheel of their SUV.  not the most flattering of backdrops … so we had to pull out a lot of tricks to entice them into other areas of the property.

Ruga, of course, isn’t keen on cameras …

… she prefers to have her distance.

Reese, on the other hand, is much more motivated by treats …

… and as such, is an easier target.

mom Jamie wanted lots of action shots of her two gorgeous pups since the deep, crusted snow from their winter shoot prevented them from running too much … however, i think Ruga and Reese didn’t get that memo … we worked extremely hard to get the few action shots we managed to capture, including taking out the golf cart to entice them away from the driveway.

and at one point, in the back yard, i managed to corner Ruga by the back gate … by corralling her in a little, i was able to get a few shots of her there.

and if you’ve never seen or heard a sharpei shake, it’s all lip-flapping, slobber-flying goodness!

again, Reese was easier to work with, in or out of the containment of the backyard …

but with Ruga it was like playing National Geographic photographer, stalking the elusive snow leopard …

i had to grab shots when i could.

and sometimes i could almost convince her that the cameras weren’t bad …

unlike her brother, of course …

and what’s a scruffy dog shoot without a booty shot?

… and a smile.

thanks for being such a ham, Reese.

i hope you’re enjoying your double gallery, Jamie.  and hope to see you soon at your consult.

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  • jenniferSome are easy, some are harder…but you got some great stuff here, some great expressions. But I don’t like booty shots! LOLReplyCancel

  • RogerGreat series!ReplyCancel

  • Rachel LaurenWonderful shots, I love how you compared it to a National Geographic shoot…I sometimes feel that way with the less than cooperative dogs! But then, the images tend to come out more natural looking. I love every image here. Those dogs are too cute!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonWell I must say that you seem to have gotten some great shots of these two, despite their lack of cooperation! Such interesting looking dogs. They are quite the pair. Well done!ReplyCancel

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