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rosie, ebony & champ ~ sneak peek ~{Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

meet Rosie, Ebony and Champ …

these three are all shelter pups.  little, twelve-year-old Rosie was adopted from the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society at six years of age …

for a twelve-year-old, this little girl can still go like stink …

then there’s Ebony … or Ebby …

nine-year-old Ebby was also adopted from the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society, at the age of one.

and finally, Champ … the tripod rescue boy from Kentucky …

you’ll be seeing more of this trio later in the season as the heavy shooting schedule allows for post work.  so stay tuned!

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  • V.SchweissBeautiful shots.ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonThree beauties! Nice that they are all rescues and well loved! Can’t wait to see more of these three!ReplyCancel

  • Debi MinterThis post made my heart burst with joy. Not only is the Photography gorgeous, but so are these three beautiful dogs! Thanks for making my day… weekend…month.. okay, I’ll stop there! HuGGs!ReplyCancel

  • SweetpeaI honestly don’t know how you do it…your pix ROCK, nothing could do these pups more justice than being at the end of your lens! Beauteous, one and all…ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawThe shot with the three of them in the tunnel of trees is magnificent!!!ReplyCancel

  • JoseyBeautiful dogs! Fun and regal :)))ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomBeautiful dogs! Can’t wait for more of them!ReplyCancel

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