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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

PoochPalooza! this weekend!

are you the guardian of an ultimate dog?

would you like to learn a bit more about topics like canine nutrition and canine rescue?  watch and participate in demos like agility and scent work?  and take a leisurely walk along the trails across 25 acres of gorgeous grounds?  well, then, if you don’t already have PoochPalooza marked down on your calendar this weekend, you need to make some fast adjustments.

you can find more information about this new and fabulous event on the PoochPalooza website, directions, schedule of seminars and demos.  here are just a few highlights …

first, there’s the vendors … dog-related booths to visit and with dog-products and experienced vendors to connect and chat with.

then there are the stunning grounds of the Caledon Inn with its groomed trails on which to take Rover for walk …

then there are rescue groups to visit, and i’ve heard that there are going to be adoptables in attendance!  so if you’ve been toying with the idea of adding a new member to the family, you might just find them here!

of course, like any fine, upstanding dog festival, there are contests … the Ultimate Talking Dog and Ultimate Dog Trick.

there’s food and drink!   the entire grounds of the Caledon Inn is licensced, so while you’re enjoying the vendor areas or watching a demo, and while Rover is enjoying all the treats and handouts, you can indulge a little yourself with some beer or wine … and there will be lots of fresh food made daily.  Rover shouldn’t be the only one bringing his appetite when coming to PoochPalooza!

and if that isn’t enough … there are swag bags for you … AND two door prizes to be won — one for each day, with the draw being held at 5 p.m.   these are h-u-g-e door prizes, worth $750 each!  and you and your ultimate dog could win one of these just for attending!  these door prizes consist of:

scruffy dog photography gift certificate

a dog bed

brooming gift certificate to Bryson’s

Benny Bully’s super bulk pack

Northern Biscuit treat pack (we’re talking a LOT of biscuits!)

Creemore Springs beer pack

Cuz Dog toyz (who can resist a Cuz?),

and much more!!!

all of that, and attendance is FREE with a $2 donation to Newf Friends and Project Jessie.

so … is PoochPalooza on your calendar yet?

hope we’ll see you there.  scruffy dog will be in the big main tent.  we’d love to see you!

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flash sneak peek ~ {Burlington, Ontario pet photographer}

this is Flash’s sneak peek … also known as: fun with lips …

i’ll say it again, if you’re not following the scruffy dog facebook page then you’re missing half the fun, because we’ve already shared a lot laughs over this boy during the past week since his session.

our session was cut short by incoming storm clouds choking out what should have been some glorious evening sun.  yeah, i know my sunset times, and plan accordingly … i time each scruffy dog session, the pre-session meeting, the get-to-know-ya, the warm-up, and even accounting for all the travel times to locations.  alas, the weather gods didn’t play fair this time around and called curtains a whole hour early!

and i say: “phooey, weather-gods!”, we still rocked this boy’s shoot …

… with the same big variety and loads of scruffy fun … just an hour shorter.  and yes, with the scruffy dog chair.

i’m sure you’ll be seeing more of Flash’s ears and lips on the blog soon …

can you wait that long?

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  • leesiaokay. those wrinkles are just ridiculous!!ReplyCancel

  • CarolUnbelievable! You are amazing!
    The pictures on the stairs are priceless and the expression on his face in the chair photo is hilarious….ReplyCancel

  • Photographers AustraliaVery nice photos. If you are ever in Australia look us up 🙂ReplyCancel

  • AnoukThat photo on the chair is simply divine. I adore it. One of the best pictures I have ever seen.ReplyCancel

  • Pierre LachanceI LOVE! une petite phrase je les aimes toutes!! Great picsReplyCancel

  • PsiefotyAmazing…simply, amazing 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Dawn CLUV Flash….absolutely adorable pictures. We have two Bassets at home, Julien and Sebastian and I completely get the picture of Flash coming down the stairs, ALL their skin comes forward and they look soooo cute!! Beautiful!!ReplyCancel

  • becky g. (from AZ)Nothing better than Basset Hound skin! Great shots!ReplyCancel

  • Lisa CampbellFlash is adorable…I love the photos of him coming down the stairs…great photos!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawI am so in love with Flash!! Love, love. love the close up…those eyes will melt your heart!! Beautiful illona!ReplyCancel

orville ~ sneak peek ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

if you follow the scruffy dog blog, you already met Orville during  his train tunnel shoot.  and if you follow scruffy dog‘s facebook page, you’ve already seen a few sneak peeks of this tall, dark and handsome boy … yes, the facebook page is where you see a lot of fun sneak peeks, so do check it out.  but for those of you without facebook, well, here’s a sneak peek of this most handsome and highly active rescue boy from his shoot last week …

definitely no denying there’s some pointer in him …

i love the dramatic shots we got of this ball-obsessed beast, so you’ll definitely be seeing more of Orville on the blog …

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  • Lynda and DuncanOhhhhhh, we are so happy to find your blog. We write the White Dog Blog and occasionally put pup pictures in our posts. Thanks for the inspiration!!!!!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawWow…I’m a fan of the “on point” shot as well….beautifulReplyCancel

  • Rachel LaurenLOL…that last one…classic! I love the image of him at point…that’s what I’d get big on canvas 😉ReplyCancel

  • JudyOMG! I love all of these photos but, that last one is a Hoot!ReplyCancel

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