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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

more puppies ~ {Ontario puppy photographer}

the fall schedule at scruffy dog is crazy packed right now … more than quadrupled booked, and working to make the most of the great weather and the season, memory cards are flying as the cameras seem to be snapping non-stop.

as a result of the heavy shooting schedule, there’s not much time for blogging.  if you want to keep up with sneak peeks of the amazing scruffies i’ve been meeting this season, you really need to join the scruffy dog facebook page and get your daily doses of happy.

but in the meantime, i figured i’d throw some adorable puppies at you …

i could intersperse all kinds of text and wonderful verbal descriptions of this little golden team, but honestly, who’s reading this anyway?  when confronted with the overwhelming cuteness of puppy butt …

… isn’t all of this text just gobbledygook anyway when framed within such cuteness overload?

little monsters …

and sweet mama, Severn.

hope you enjoyed this litter of furballs as much as i did!

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puppies!! ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

i can’t believe i haven’t put these darlings up on the blog yet!  you’ve seen sneak peeks of them on the scruffy dog facebook page, but the mountain of super cute images from this seven-puppy litter made it almost impossible to narrow down the selection for the blog.

so i figured, why not make it two super cute, irresistible blog entries?  yup, two.  so, don’t adjust your cute-meters and buckle in for the ultimate carnival ride of “awww!” you’ve ever been on!

and there’s almost no point in me writing anything for these entries since you’re all here just for the piles of cuteness anyway, right?

by the time of the shoot, mama Severn had had just about enough of this ravenous, razor-toothed brood …

ah yes, so sweet and innocent …

… not!  just look at these beasts at work!

can you believe that a couple of the new puppy owners actually took on two puppies?  i think their photos are the latest entries in the Wikipedia definition of: “glutton for punishment”.

and who doesn’t like a little puppy butt?


stay tuned for another dose of puppy coming soon.  and today i’m off to meet a couple more adorable puppies!

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  • jenniferI have no words, LOL! 855 is one of my favs and the b/w one, but geez, can puppies get any cuter? Although I agree with you — TWO? Ack!! What chaos this session must have been, It would have been fun to watch!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah Henson AlfordAdorable! The one with the pup drinking from the bowl is so cute (well they all are) – how on earth did you get close enough not to freak him out? You must be a dog whisperer.ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawummm….my cuteness meter has exploded!!!ReplyCancel

  • AnoukWhen I got my puppy, I was advised not to get two at the same time because what one doesn’t think of, the other will. Given how much trouble my singular puppy managed to get into, I’m glad I listened.
    Such cutie pies though!ReplyCancel

  • V.SchweissAwww, they’re cute lil’ boogers. Hard to pick a favorite out of these shots.ReplyCancel

  • Nicole MlakarAbsolutely too cute and amazing for words. Fantastic shoot!ReplyCancel

  • SlavicaOMG, PRICELESS !!!! So adorable .ReplyCancel

  • Morag ReidOMG – puppies! They are adorable and as always the photo’s are gorgeous! Hard to say which I like the best.ReplyCancel

harley & nahla, all the way from sunny CA ~ {Canadian pet photographer}

meet pretty little Nahla …

… and dashing brother Harley.

these two little nibblets hail from sunny California and traveled a long long way for their scruffy shoot!

these two little divas did well with the scruffy dog chair to help keep them in one place as all they wanted to do was sniff the great Canadian outdoors.

and while Harley caught up on a little beauty rest …

Nahla was still eager to explore …

all rested up, we had some fun racing through the grass …

but not Nahla.  Nahla is a little huntress…

we had fun down at the beach …

and i think this was the first time these two dollfaces had ever gone into water.

Harley wasn’t quite sure he’d made a wise decision having ventured in so far after his mom … so much for the grooming/spa treatment that morning!

Nahla seemed a lot braver on the beach …

anything to be with mommy …

but Harley had to be convinced to get wet …

go on, Harley, take a dip …


from the beach, we headed out a wheat field to catch the last rays of day …

Harley had already faded from his long afternoon of modeling, and even Nahla was pretty pooped …

thanks, Cindy, for introducing me to your two little darlings.   i’m looking forward to working on their big Best in Show album and seeing their glorious mantelpiece canvas!

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  • jennifer677 is an instant fave for me. HOpe the owner orders it. What cuties and I am so jealous of that line of forest you have to shoot it, fabulous.ReplyCancel

  • AnnaGreat shots of these two, and I’m sure no easy feat. I can’t imagine what you look like after a shoot. Who says photography is easy, and I thought training these little dogs was hard. Great work

  • Sarah Henson AlfordThe colour of the sky is gorgeous – wish we had that colour in the UK – mostly shades of grey!ReplyCancel

  • Grace VEspecially love the last chair shot, like they’re having their own very private conversation. Outstanding.ReplyCancel

  • SlavicaSoo precious !!ReplyCancel

  • Sherry in MTI’m with Soltera – cute overload has occured!ReplyCancel

  • SolteraThat’s it. I’m never coming here again. Going to unsubscribe. The cute is just too powerful here, Luke. My “AAaawww” circuits are officially fried. (falls over, back of hand dramatically draped across forehead)ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawalas…Macy’s cousins…..beautiful work illona!!Love, love, love the chair shots and the ones in the tunnel of trees, and the beach, and….well, all of them!
    Those little preciouses are precious…….ReplyCancel

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